Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008/Title II

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Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008
Title II − Consumer Product Safety Commission Reform
508054Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008Title II − Consumer Product Safety Commission Reform


Subtitle A — Administrative Improvements
Sec. 201. Reauthorization of the Commission.
Sec. 202. Full Commission requirement; interim quorum; personnel.
Sec. 203. Submission of copy of certain documents to Congress.
Sec. 204. Expedited rulemaking.
Sec. 205. Inspector general audits and reports.
Sec. 206. Industry-sponsored travel ban.
Sec. 207. Sharing of information with Federal, State, local, and foreign government agencies.
Sec. 208. Employee training exchanges.
Sec. 209. Annual reporting requirement.
Subtitle B — Enhanced Enforcement Authority
Sec. 211. Public disclosure of information.
Sec. 212. Establishment of a public consumer product safety database.
Sec. 213. Prohibition on stockpiling under other Commission-enforced statutes.
Sec. 214. Enhanced recall authority and corrective action plans.
Sec. 215. Inspection of firewalled conformity assessment bodies; identification of supply chain.
Sec. 216. Prohibited acts.
Sec. 217. Penalties.
Sec. 218. Enforcement by State attorneys general.
Sec. 219. Whistleblower protections.
Subtitle C — Specific Import-Export Provisions
Sec. 221. Export of recalled and non-conforming products.
Sec. 222. Import safety management and interagency cooperation.
Sec. 223. Substantial product hazard list and destruction of noncompliant imported products.
Sec. 224. Financial responsibility.
Sec. 225. Study and report on effectiveness of authorities relating to safety of imported consumer products.
Subtitle D — Miscellaneous Provisions and Conforming Amendments
Sec. 231. Preemption.
Sec. 232. All-terrain vehicle standard.
Sec. 233. Cost-benefit analysis under the Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970.
Sec. 234. Study on use of formaldehyde in manufacturing of textile and apparel articles.
Sec. 235. Technical and conforming changes.
Sec. 236. Expedited judicial review.
Sec. 237. Repeal.
Sec. 238. Pool and Spa Safety Act technical amendments.
Sec. 239. Effective dates and Severability.