Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Campbell, Colin (1776-1847)

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1904 Errata appended.

1323592Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 08 — Campbell, Colin (1776-1847)1886Henry Morse Stephens ‎

CAMPBELL, Sir COLIN (1776–1847), general, fifth son of John Campbell of Melfort, by Colina, daughter of John Campbell of Auchalader, was born in 1776. From his boyhood he gave evidence of a daring disposition, and in 1792, at the age of sixteen, he ran away from the Perth Academy, and entered himself on a ship bound for the West Indies. He was met in the fruit market at Kingston in Jamaica by his brother (afterwards Admiral Sir) Patrick Campbell, then serving on H.M.S. Blonde, who brought him home. His parents yielded to his wishes, and in 1793 he became a midshipman on board an East Indiaman and made one or two voyages. In February 1795 he became a lieutenant in the 3rd battalion of the Breadalbane Fencibles, then commanded by his uncle; on 3 Oct. 1799 entered a West India regiment as ensign, and in 1800 acted as brigade-major in the island of St. Vincent. On 21 Aug. 1801 he was gazetted a lieutenant in the 35th regiment, and at once exchanged into the 78th or Ross-shire Buffs, which was then stationed in India. He joined his new regiment at Poona, accompanied Wellesley's advance against the Maharajah Scindia and the Rajah of Nagpore, and so greatly distinguished himself by leading the flank companies at the storming of the ‘pettah’ or inner fortress of Ahmednuggur on 8 Aug. 1803 that Wellesley at once appointed him brigade-major. In this capacity he served at the battles of Assaye, where he was severely wounded and had two horses killed under him, at Argaum, and at the storming of Guzzulgaum. On leaving India Wellesley strongly recommended Campbell to Lord Wellesley, who made him his aide-de-camp, and to Lake, who, on 9 Jan. 1805, gave him a company in the 75th Highlanders. He returned to England with Lord Wellesley in 1806, and Sir Arthur Wellesley at once asked that he should be appointed brigade-major to his brigade, then stationed at Hastings. As brigade-major he accompanied Wellesley to Hanover and to Denmark, when his services at the battle of Kioge were conspicuous. In 1808 Sir Arthur Wellesley appointed him his senior aide-de-camp, when he took command of the expeditionary force destined for Portugal, and sent him home with the despatches announcing the victory at Roliça on 17 Aug. Campbell, however, windbound and hearing the guns, disembarked, and was present at Vimeiro. Sir Harry Burrard then gave him the Vimeiro despatch, and Campbell was promoted a major in the army by brevet on 2 Sept. 1808, and major of the 70th regiment on 15 Dec. 1808. On the same day he was appointed an assistant adjutant-general to a division of the reinforcements intended for the Peninsula. He was present at the passage of the Douro, at Talavera, and at Busaco, and was promoted lieutenant-colonel by brevet on 3 May 1810. He was frequently engaged during the pursuit of Masséna and was present at Fuentes de Onoro. He obtained the post of assistant quartermaster-general at the headquarters of the army in the Peninsula, at Wellington's special request, in the spring of 1812, and acted in that capacity till the end of the Peninsular war, doing much, it is said, to smooth Wellington's relations with the quartermaster-general, George Murray. He was present at the storming of Badajoz and in nine general actions, for which he received a cross and six clasps. On 4 June 1814 he was promoted colonel in the army by brevet, and on 25 July made a captain and lieutenant-colonel in the Coldstream guards. He was also appointed assistant quartermaster-general at the Horse Guards, and made a K.C.B., and a knight of the Tower and Sword of Portugal. In 1815 he was attached to the staff of the Duke of Wellington, as commandant at headquarters, and was present at the battle of Waterloo; he held the post throughout Wellington's residence at Paris, from 1815–18. He then exchanged his company in the guards for the lieutenant-colonelcy of the 65th regiment, which he held until he was promoted major-general in 1825. He held the command of the southern district for some years and in 1833 was appointed lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia. In 1839 he was promoted to the governorship of Ceylon, where he remained from September 1839 to June 1847. It was during his tenure of the latter office that the Duke of Wellington, to whose faithful friendship he owed so much, wrote to him: ‘We are both growing old; God knows if we shall ever meet again. Happen what may, I shall never forget our first meeting under the walls of Ahmednuggur.’ He was colonel 99th foot 1834–6, and of 72nd foot 1836 till death. In June 1847 he returned to England, and on 13 June he died, being buried in the church of St. James's, Piccadilly.

[The only full memoir of Sir Colin Campbell is to be found in A Memorial History of the Campbells of Melfort (pp. 21–6), by M. O. C. (Margaret Olympia Campbell), London, 1882; private information.]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.50
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
351 i 29 Campbell, Sir Colin (1776-1847): after some years insert He was lieutenant-governor of Tobago in 1828 and of Portsmouth 1828-35
31 for In 1839 read In November 1840
17 f.e. after Piccadilly insert He had been colonel of 99th foot 1834-6 and of 72nd foot from 1836 till his death