Dictionary of National Biography, 1904 errata/Volume 19

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Dictionary of National Biography



N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line  
1 i 3-2 f.e. Finch, Daniel, 2nd Earl of Nottingham: for lord at the admiralty 14 May read lord of the admiralty 22 April
6 i 27 Finch, Edward (1756-1843): for 1824 read 1823
9 f.e. for 1804 read 1802
10 i 14-16 Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Nottingham: omit In the same year . . . . Somersetshire.
ii 2 f.e. for daughter read sister
11 ii 36 Finch, Heneage, 2nd Earl of Winchilsea: for but was read and was lord-lieutenant of Somerset from 1675 to 1683. He was
37-38 for the former post read Kent
12 ii 4-5 Finch, Heneage, 1st Earl of Aylesford: omit In 1711 . . . . jewel house.
6 for raised to the peerage read advanced in the peerage
16 after nine children, insert His son Heneage, M.P. for Surrey, was made in 1711 master of the jewel house.
26 Finch, Sir Henry: for (d. 1625) read (1558-1625)
38 for degree, and was admitted read degree. Wood is apparently in error. There seems good ground for identifying Finch with a pensioner of the name, of Christ's College, Cambridge, who matriculated in May 1572 and graduated B.A. 1575-6 (cf. Andrew Willet, Harmony of I. Samuel, pref.) Finch was admitted
13 i 11 for the Inns of Court read inns and alehouses
17 before In 1621 insert In 1614 he was elected M.P. for St. Albans.
14 ii 9 f.e. Finch, Sir John, Baron Finch: for 1614 read 1620
18 i 26 Finch, Sir John (1626-1682): after Oxford, insert was admitted pensioner of Christ's College, Cambridge, 11 April 1645. Subsequently he
29 after in 1649; insert (he was in 1647 incorporated at Cambridge B.A. from Oxford)
20 ii 13 Finch-Hatton, Edward: after in 1718, insert was fellow of Christ's College on the Finch and Baines foundation, 1728-1746,
15 for 1764 read 1768
28 i 12 f.e. Finlaison, John: omit Sir
30 i 31 Finlay, Francis D.: for Mitchell read Mitchel
32 ii 9 Finlay, Kirkman (1773-1842): after advanced type, insert He was M.P. for Malmesbury 1818-20.
10-11 after university insert of Glasgow and contested the city unsuccessfully in 1830
16 for in 1842 read 4 March 1842
46 ii 1 Firmin, Giles: omit Historical
58 ii 4 Fisher, John (1459?-1535): for 1459? read 1459
7 after Yorkshire insert in 1459 (Sloane MS. 1898, f. 9)
61 i 14 f.e. for 1554 read 1534
63 i 28
22 f.e.
for Channey read Chauncy
66 i l.l. Fisher, John A.: for Miss Powell read Mrs. Powell
ii 1 for daughter of a proprietor read [see under Powell, William]
67 ii 3 f.e. Fisher, Joseph: for i. 539 read iv. 539
70 ii 16 f.e. Fisher, Samuel (1605-1665): for Coton read Caton
72 ii 34 Fisher, Thomas (d. 1577) for lodge read badge
27 f.e.
Fitton sir Alexander: for 1698 read 1699
82 ii 32 Fitton, Sir Edward: before He was insert He was M.P. for Boroughbridge in 1588
84 i 27 Fitton, Michael: for was condemned, read was condemned; they are now in the Institute of Jamaica.
30-31 for The papers are still preserved read Other papers, taken from the Nancy, are preserved
102 i 10-11 Fitzalan, Thomas, Earl of Arundel and Surrey: for half-sister read sister
106 i 17 Fitzcharles, Charles, Earl of Plymouth: after iii. 487). read He was colonel of the 2nd Tangier regiment.
13 f.e. Fitzclarence, Lord Adolphus: after 17 Sept. 1853. insert He was groom of the robes 1830-3 and naval A.D.C. to Queen Victoria 1846-53.
107 i 10 Fitzclarence, George A. F., 1st Earl of Munster: for Eglinton read Egremont
20 for May 1830 read June 1831
30 after the Tower insert (1831-3)
108 i 14 f.e. Fitzcount, Brian: for five read two
113 i 29 Fitzgerald Lady Elizabeth: for was executed read died
ii 8 for 1578 read 1597
319 i 14 f.e. Fitzgerald, Gerald, 9th Earl of Kildare: for son-in-law read cousin
122 ii 3-2 f.e. Fitzgerald, Gerald, 15th Earl of Desmond: for 'Church of the Name.' read 'Church of no Name.'
130 ii 16 f.e. Fitzgerald, James (1742-1835) for 1772 read 1776
14 f.e. for Ennis; in 1776 read Fore, co. Westmeath, and sat for it till 1783; in that year
14-18 f.e. for Killibegs read Killybegs
12 f.e. omit in 1784
11 f.e. for and 1790 read in 1790
10 f.e. for 1798 read 1797 and for county read borough
133 i 28 Fitzgerald, Sir John Fitzedmund: omit bishop of Kerry
ii 17 f.e. Fitzgerald, Sir John F.: after 1841. insert He was colonel of the 85th foot, 1840-3.
135 i 22 f.e. Fitzgerald, Maurice (d. 1176): for and Meiler read uncle of Meiler
141 ii 14-11 f.e. Fitzgerald, Maurice (1774-1849): omit He outlived all his colleagues . . . . parliament.'
11 f.e. for four years, 1799-1802, read one and a half years, July 1799 to Jan. 1801,
10 f.e. omit excise
9 f.e. omit and
2 f.e. for 1806 read 1807
151 i 21 f.e. Fitzgerald, William K., 2nd Duke of Leinster: for Earl of Offaly read Baron Offaly
152 i 16 Fitzgerald, Sir William K. S. V.: for January 1867 read Nov. 1866
20 omit honorary
23 for third read fifth
153 i 10-11 Fitzgerald, William V., Lord Fitzgerald and Vesey: for and in the same year he read A year earlier he had
27-29 for When the Duke of Wellington . . . . he selected read After the retirement of Huskisson and others from the Duke of Wellington's administration in June 1828, the Duke selected
39-40 for In December 1830 . . . . the Duke of Wellington, read In Feb. 1830 he resigned office, being succeeded by J. C. Herries,
155 ii 17 f.e. Fitzgibbon, Gerald: for 1880 read 1878
167 i 17 Fitzherbert, Alleyne, Baron St. Helens: after year, insert He was M.P. for Carysfort in the Irish House of Commons 1788-90.
34 for (May 1791) read (May 1790, gazetted Nov. 1789)
168 i 20 f.e. Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony: after Gray's Inn, p. 46). insert On 20 March 1508-9 he was appointed recorder of Coventry, and he held the office in 1510 and 1511 (Extracts from Leet Book, ff. 304 b, 309, 311).
170 i 5 f.e. Fitzherbert, Maria A.: for Fulworth read Lulworth
178 i 20 f.e. Fitzjames, James, Duke of Berwick: after England; insert He was made colonel of the 8th foot in 1686, was lord-lieutenant of Hampshire 1686-8,
9 f.e. after Oxford, insert He was made K.G. 28 Sept. 1688 and on 20 Nov. colonel of the 3rd troop of horse guards.
180 i 14 f.e. Fitzjames, Kichard: after 1481. insert He was treasurer of St. Paul's 1483-97, and prebendary 1485-97.
181 i 36 for 1522 read 15 Jan. 1521-2
188 i 30-31 Fitzneale, Richard: for Bishop Stubbs has also recently . . . . evidence read Bishop Stubbs advanced but afterwards withdrew a theory
16 f.e. after Abbas, i. Ivii-lx insert and to Diceto, ii. xxxi
191 ii 15 Fitzpatrick, Richard, Lord Gowran: for Queen's County, and on read He was M.P. for Harristown in the Irish House of Commons 1703-13, and for Queen's County 1713-5. On
192 i 12-13 Fitzpatrick, Richard: for and in 1774 Fitzpatrick read Fitzpatrick was M.P. for Okehampton 1770 to 1774, and in the latter year
37 after secretary insert He was A.D.C. to the king 1782-93
38 after 1782, insert was M.P. for Maryborough in the Irish House of Commons 1782-3,
ii 3-5 omit and in 1804 . . . the ordnance
8 after war insert and he was concurrently lieutenant-general of the ordnance
201 ii 37 Fitzroy, Charles, 1st Baron Southampton: before In 1760 insert He was M.P. for Orford 1759-61, for Bury St. Edmunds 1761-74, and for Thetford 1774-80.
202 i 19 f.e. Fitzroy, Lord Charles: for 1784 read 1787
12 f.e. after charity, insert He was colonel commandant of a battalion of the 60th foot 1804-5, and colonel of the 48th foot from 1805 till death.
203 i 7 Fitzroy, Sir Charles A.: after 1853. insert He was made K.C.B. in June 1854.
11 f.e. Fitzroy, George, Duke of Northumberland: before He commanded insert He was made colonel of the 2nd troop of horse guards in 1686.
5 f.e. after 1702-3 insert from which he was transferred to the 2nd troop of horse guards in Jan. 1711-12
3 f.e. before was sworn insert became lord-lieutenant of Berkshire in 1712,
ii 2 after seats, insert He was deprived of his lord-lieutenancies and his colonelcy after George I's accession.
35-36 Fitzroy, George H., 4th Duke of Grafton: for Euston entered parliament . . . conservatives read He was M.P. for Thetford 1782-4. In 1784 the tories
52-53 for For some years read From 1784 to 1807
205 ii 19 Fitzroy, Henry, 1st Duke of Grafton: for 1682 he became an elder brother read 1682-3 he was master
20 after House insert was (1681-8 and 1688-9)
206 ii 19 Fitzroy, Henry (1807-1859): for and 1832 read as a conservative
24 after government, insert He joined the Peelites and ultimately became a liberal.
214 ii 2 Fitzthedmar, Arnold: for Hastings read hustings
224 ii 4 Fitzwilliam, Charles W. W., 3rd Earl Fitzwilliam: for 1807 read 1806
6 for the county of York read Malton, and in 1807 for Yorkshire
8 for the same constituency, read the latter constituency. In 1830 he was elected for Peterborough.
227 i 11 Fitzwilliam, Fanny E.: for 11 Nov. read 11 Sept.
ii 16 Fitzwilliam, John: for also read in 1688
228 i 37 for in 1699 read 26 March 1699
229 ii 9 Fitzwilliam, Richard, 7th Viscount Fitzwilliam: before On 4 Feb. insert He was M.P. for Wilton from 1790 till death.
230 i 11 f.e. Fitzwilliam, Sir William (1400?-1534): for Bread Street read Broad Street
231 i 15 f.e. Fitzwilliam, William, Earl of Southampton: for he was read he was elected M.P. for Surrey and was
232 ii 37 Fitzwilliam, Sir William (1526-1599): before In 1560 insert In 1559 he was elected M.P. for co. Carlow in the Irish House of Commons.
236 ii 6 Fitzwilliam, William W., 2nd Earl Fitzwilliam: for secretary at war read secretary in the military department
241 i 13 Flambard, Rannulf: for 2031 read 203
253 ii 2 Flavel, John (1630?-1691): for presbytery read classis
18 for the first indulgence (1671) read the indulgence of 1671
10 f.e. for 1673 read 1671
6 f.e. after 1814 insert 1822
254 i 2 for 1682 read 1681
18 f.e. for 1754 read 1716, 1754, 1770 (Paisley)
255 ii 28 Flaxman, John: for Ann Denman, read Ann (1760?-1820), daughter of William Deuman, a gunstock maker of Mansell Street, Whitechapel,
258 ii 4 for sister read half-sister
5 after Denman insert (b. 1779)
15 f.e. for 6 Feb. read 7 Feb.
259 i 12 for church read burial ground
ii 26 after private hands, insert The Flaxman Gallery at University College, London, was founded by Maria Denman.
261 i 14-15 Fleet, Sir John: for soon afterwards . . . been knighted, read of Langbourn ward two days earlier, being knighted soon afterwards.
25 for 1695 read 1694
27 after pany insert serving for two years and being re-elected 1698-1700, 1702-4, and 1706-8
ii 20 f.e. Fleetwood, Charles: for Stow-in-the-Wold read Stow-on-the-Wold
266 i 6 f.e. Fleetwood, George (ft. 1650?): for Tangiers read Tangier
l.l. after 246). insert A miniature by S. Cooper dated 1647 belongs to G. Milner Gibson Cullum, Esq., F.S.A. By his wife Katherine, daughter of John Oldfield of London, Fleetwood had two sons, John and Robert, and a daughter, Ann. The descendants of the son Robert were living in London in 1717.
267 i 20 f.e. Fleetwood, James: after shire, insert He was vice-chancellor of Cambridge University in 1663 and 1667.
268 i 9 Fleetwood, Thomas: for Thomas read Peter
ii 7 Fleetwood, William (1535?-1594): after London insert in 1584
271 i 27 Fleetwood, William (1656-1723): after 1705 insert and 1736
276 i 25 Fleming, Sir George: for 1700 read 1700-1
281 ii 5 f.e. Fleming, Patrick: for the elector of Saxony read the elector Palatine
287 i 28-31 Fleming, Sir Thomas: for No new writ, however . . . . Index, i. 1028). read A new writ was issued for Southampton in his place 9 Nov. 1605.
300 i 19 Fletcher, Giles (1549?-1611): after Winchelsea. insert He was remembrancer of the city of London Jan. 1586-7 to 1605.
303 i 29 Fletcher, Sir Henry: after eighteen years insert (1769-87)
31 before Fletcher insert He was chairman 1782-3.
42 after Fletcher insert then chairman of the company
313 i 34 Fletcher, John W.: for Mr. Ireland, who now read Charles Greenwood, who
315 i 37 Fletcher, Joseph (1784-1843): after D.D. insert He was chairman of the Congregational Union in 1837.
316 ii 31 Fletcher, Phineas: for Ezekiel Clarke read Ezekiel Charke
318 i 21-20 f.e. Fletcher, Bichard (d. 1596): for her father's . . . . which read the see of Bristol, which her father founded in 1542 and
321 ii 16 Fletcher, Thomas: for (1664-1718) read (1666-1713)
17-19 for Thomas Fletcher . . . . 1664 read John Fletcher of Winchester was born at Avington, Hampshire, on 21 March 1666
20 for Winchester School and read Winchester School. He matriculated at Balliol College on 9 April 1685, but on 12 Sept. following entered
23-30 for He was a fellow . . . . do not establish the fact, read He became fellow of New College, but resigned on his marriage in 1702. He held the living of Fairfield, Somerset, in 1694, was prebendary of Barton David in the Cathedral of Wells from 1696 till death, and became an under-master of Winchester School in 1701. He was fellow of Winchester from 12 Sept. 1711 till his resignation next year.
321 ii 23-18 f.e. Fletcher, Thomas: for Fletcher died . . . . Staffordshire, read Fletcher died in 1718 and was buried in Winchester Cathedral. By his wife, a daughter of William Master, a fellow of New College, he had three sons, Thomas, Philip, and William.
330 ii 21 Flood, Sir Frederick: for county Wexford read Enniscorthy, and sat for that constituency till 1783. From that year till 1790 he was M.P. for Ardfert and in 1796-7 for Carlow borough
34 for all the great read many
10 f.e. for 1800 read 1812
9-7 f.e. omit but was appointed . . . . Wexford in 1814
337 i 2 Florio, John: after Londra.' insert 'Apologia . . . . scritta contro un heretico, 1557, is also attributed to him.
342 i 20 Flowerdew, Edward: after Gresham. insert He was M.P. for Castle Rising 1572-84.
343 ii 37 Floyd, Edward: for Charles I read James I
346 i 3 f.e. Floyd, Sir John: for 1817 read 1813
350 i 12 f.e. Fludyer, Sir Samuel: omit at the election of 1759
353 i 14 f.e. Foldsone, John: for [see MEE, SARAH] raid [see MEE, ANNE]
356 ii 32 Foley, Thomas: for in William Ill's read in 1694
33 omit first parliament
34 omit and afterwards for Worcester
358 i 4 f.e. Foliot, Gilbert: for (d. 1187) read (d. 1188)
ii 23 for 1147 read 1148
360 ii 26 for 1187 read 1187-8, according to Le Neve
4-1 f.e. Foliot, Robert: for was a man of considerable learning . . . . was celebrated read has been confusedly credited by Bale and others with early experiences which really belong to his predecessor in the see of Hereford, Robert of Melun (see Robert of Melun)
361 i 1-7 omit for his achievements . . . . either Melun or Meaux.
18 for William of Maledon read Robert of Melun
ii 17 Folkes, Martin: for 1753 read 1752
362 i 9 for (about 1714?) read on 18 Oct. 1714 at St. Andrew's, Holborn
ii 38 Follett, Sir William W.: for four read five
15 f.e. for 1435 read 1425
363 ii 4-3 f.e. Fonblanque, Albany: for John Samuel Martin de Grenier de Fonblanque [q. v.]. read John de Grenier Fonblanque, 1760-1837 [q. v.].
366 ii 2 f.e. Fontibus, John de: after Ely insert erroneously called Pherd by Burton,
369 ii 30 Foote, Maria, Countess of Harrington: for descendant read kinsman
370 ii 31 Foote, Samuel: omit member for Tiverton and
381 ii 36 Forbes, Sir Charles: after one member only, insert He unsuccessfully contested Middlesex against Joseph Hume at the general election of 1832.
382 i 17 Forbes, Sir Charles F.: for 1842 read 1837
18 after Hanover insert receiving an English knighthood in March 1844
384 i 7 f.e. Forbes, Duncan (1685-1747): for 1744 read 1704
385 i 11 before In 1722 insert In 1721-2 Forbes was M.P. for Ayr boroughs.
386 ii 32 for 1747 read 1847
389 ii 4-5 Forbes, Edward: for Spratt and the Rev. Mr. Daniell . . . . Asia Minor, read Thomas Abel Brimage Spratt [q. v.] and the Rev. Edward Thomas Daniell, M.A., of Balliol College, Oxford (who died on 24 Sept. 1843 at Adalia, in Syria),
7 after interesting sites, insert Some sketches by Daniell are in the British Museum.
395 ii 35 Forbes, George, 6th Earl of Granard: for lieutenant-general read general
396 i 37-9 for In 1819 he resigned . . . . Forbes, M.P., and afterwards read He afterwards
16 f.e. for He died read He was made full general in July 1830 and
401 i 19 Forbes, James Ochoncar, 17th Lord Forbes: before He was made insert He was colonel of 3rd garrison battalion 1807-9.
35 for was constituted in 1826 read was from 1825 to 1830
404 ii 10 Forbes, John (1714-1796): for 1764 read 1761
407 ii 17 Forbes, John H., Lord Medwyn: for 1847 read 1849
410 ii 15 f.e. Forbes, Walter, 18th Lord Forbes: for Gomme read Gomm
418 1 17
Ford Emanuel: for Parsimenos read Parismenos
421 ii 27-8 Ford, Richard: omit and for some time an under-secretary of state
429 i 22 Forde, Thomas: for 'Arcadia' read 'Menaphon'
431 ii 13 f.e. Fordyce, Alexander: for Halifax read Hallifax
435 i 18 f.e. Fordyce, Sir William: for in 1787 read 20 Dec. 1782