Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Ass

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Edition of 1802.

ASS, by naturalists, is classed as a species of horse, or Equus.

The tame, or domestic Ass, is an animal remarkable for his meekness, patience, and tranquillity. He submits with firmness to chastisement, is temperate in his food, and contents himself with the disagreeable herbage which other animals disdain to eat; but is more delicate with regard to his drink, never using water, unless it be perfectly pure. This animal is esteemed for his attachment, and, though generally used with severity and harshness, nay, often with cruelty, he is fond of his master, has a scent of him at a distance, and easily distinguishes him from other persons. Of all animals, the ass, perhaps, is capable of supporting the heaviest burthen, in proportion to his size: and, on account of his slow and regular pace, is particularly useful in journeying over uneven grounds, and mountainous countries.

The finest breed of asses was formerly met with in Egypt, but, at present, those reared in Spain are preferable. In the latter country, as well as in Italy, the inhabitants eat the flesh or asses with avidity. Their milk is of so thin a consistence, that it neither affords butter nor cheese, but is extremely agreeable to the tender stomachs of consumptive persons, and very wholesome for young children, when drank while warm from the animal; but it should be taken at least three or four times a day, half a pint at each time, and continued for several weeks or months, if any real benefit be expected from this simple diet.

The manner of preparing artificial asses milk, not inferior in its properties to the natural, is as follows: Take of eryngo-root, or sea-holly, and pearl barley, each half an ounce, liquorice-root three ounces, water two pounds, or one quart; boil it down over a gentle fire to one pint, then strain it, and add an equal quantity of new cow's milk.