Domestic Encyclopædia (1802)/Assembly

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Edition of 1802.

2429421Domestic Encyclopædia (1802), Volume 1 — Assembly1802

ASSEMBLY, in general, signifies a meeting of several persons in the same place, and for a common purpose. Without entering into a history of the assemblies that were customary among the ancients, or those held by the moderns, for deliberating upon political, ecclesiastical, or civil affairs, we shall, in this place, only observe, that all public meetings, when conducted with a spirit of order and decorum, are highly conducive to polish the manners of a people. This good effect is obvious from assemblies instituted in provincial towns, for the purpose of either amusement or instruction, by which the manners of young persons, in particular, acquire a certain grace and dignity, seldom to be met with among those who spend their lives in small country towns, or solitary mansions.

But, on the other hand, it cannot be denied, that the frequent visiting of assemblies, theatres, &c. where a great number of persons, perhaps, afflicted with various chronic diseases, breathe and vitiate a common atmosphere, must be attended with pernicious effects, even to the most healthy.—See Balls and Masquerades.