Edwards's Botanical Register/Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes/A sketch of the vegetation of the Swan River Colony/Rutaceae

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The plants of this order are very different here from what they are upon the East and South-east coasts. There are no Correas, or Phebaliums; Crowea, Philotheca, and Zieria seem unknown; and of the other eastern genera, Boronia and Eriostemon, there are only a few species of little moment; the most remarkable among which are B. spathulata,73 an upright simple shrub, with distant glaucous obovate leaves, and terminal pretty pink flowers; B. viminea,74 a near little branched shrub with very narrow leaves, and red axillary flowers; and Eriostemum ? nodiflorum,77 whose blue flowers are collected in compact heads, beyond which extend the young branches, covered with heath-like leaves. There are however three genera peculiar to the Colony, one of which is Diplopeltis Dampieri, introduced to our gardens by Baron Hugel, a grey shrub, with long pink stamens and the flowers arranged in nodding heads; the second is Chorilæna quercifolia, a singular plant, with a broad sinuated foliage clothed with stellate hairs, and greenish white flowers of no beauty, but also capitate; the third is a genus allied to Boronia, but having blue flowers, and differing from that genus in the filaments being destitue of a glandular thickening at their junction with the anther. To this genus the

(73) Boronia spathulata; glauca, ramis strictis simplicibus, foliis simplicibus distantibus obovatis integerrimis apiculatis, cymis terminalibus 3-floris pedunculatis, filamentis basi pilosis.

(74) Boronia viminea; ramis dichotomis tenuibus flexuosis,foliis linearibus obtusis planis basi angustatis internodiis paulo longioribus, floribus solitariis axillaribus breviter pedunculatis, filamentis villosissimis.

(75) Boronia teretifolia; glabra, foliis simplicibus teretibus obtusis basi dilatatis hinc sulcatis, cymis multifloris longè pedunculatis, filamentis hispidis.—Folia revera plana convoluta.

(76) Boronia scabra; foliis simplicibus lineari-oblongis obtusis margine revolutis ramisque hispido-pilosis, floribus solitariis terminalibus, sepalis subulatis hispidis, filamentis glabris.—Flowers very small, red.

(77) Eriostemum ? nodiflorum; ramulis pubescentibus, foliis linearibus obtusiusculis glandulosis glabris erectis, floribus lateralibus capitatis, bracteis linearibus margine villosis, calycibus pilosis, filamentis villosis, ovarii lobis inæqualibus cornutis.

name of Cyanothamnus may be given;78 one of the species is a branching shrub, the other a simple stemmed, apparently annual, plant.

(78) Cyanothamnis. Sepala 4. Petala 4. Stamina 8, filamentis membranaceis subulatis; antheræ appendice ipsis æquali auctæ. Ovarium simplex. Capsula 4-partita: loculis 2-valvibus monospermis.—Folia simplicia et pinnata. Flores cœrulei.

Cyanothamnus ramosus; caule fruticoso ramoso, foliis filiformibus biternatis, floribus axillaribus solitariis, petalis demum involutis recurvis persistentibus, filamentis ciliatis apice pubescentibus, antheræ appendice erectâ planâ.

Cyanothamnus tenuis; annua?, foliis simplicibus filiformibus internodiis sæpe brevioribus, floribus solitariis axillaribus, petalis demum erectis imbricatis, filamentis ciliatis apice glanduloso-punctatis, antheræ appendice ventricosa oblonga reflexâ.