Elementary Lessons In The Swatow Dialect/Lesson 11

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LESSON XI.—Medical.
  1. This man is a doctor.
  2. How many doctors are there here?
  3. Are there any Chinese doctors?
  4. I am not very well today.
  5. What is the matter with you?
  6. My head aches.
  7. Have you been sick?
  8. I have not.
  9. Have you anything else the matter?
  10. I have also the stomach-ache.
  11. This is not serious.
  12. Take a little medicine.
  13. What medicine ought I to take.
  14. Wait till I get back to the hospital,
  15. and I will send a man with some for you.
  16. This man has fever.
  17. I have fever and ague.
  18. Is your throat dry?
  19. It is, constantly so.
  20. Don’t drink too much water.
  21. Take a little chicken broth.
  22. When the fever has gone it won’t be dry.
  23. Does he cough?
  24. At times he does, at times he doesn’t,
  25. Does he drink?
  26. I fancy he smokes opium.
  27. He may do so, (I can’t say).
  28. He is a strong man.
  29. Has he taken the “stop-opium” pills?
  30. He says they are no use.
  31. How does he know if they are of use or not?
  32. His disease can’t be cured.

  1. Chí-kâi nâng sĩ ui-seng.
  2. Chí-kâi tī-hng ũ kúi-kâi ui-seng?
  3. Ũ Tn̂g-nâng ui-seng a-bô?
  4. Kim-ji̍t uá bô-mih sóng-khùai.
  5. Lṳ́ ũ sĩ-mih-pēⁿ?
  6. Thâu-khak thiàⁿ.
  7. Ũ thòu a-bô?
  8. Bô thòu.
  9. Hûan ũ pa̍t-kâi-pēⁿ a-bô?
  10. Tóu iā-thiàⁿ.
  11. Chí--kâi bô iàu-kín.
  12. Chia̍h lân-ló-ie̍h.
  13. Uá tie̍h-chia̍h sĩ-mih-ie̍h?
  14. Tán uá tńg--khṳ̀ ui-kúan.
  15. Chiũ hàm--nâng khie̍h--lâi pun--lṳ́.
  16. Chí-kâi-nâng huat-jie̍t.
  17. Uá ũ kûaⁿ-jie̍t-pēⁿ.
  18. Aû õi ta a-bõi?
  19. Oĩ; kú-kú ta.
  20. Tsúi màiⁿ-chia̍h khah-tsōi.
  21. Chia̍h lân-ló koi-thng.
  22. Jie̍t thò, âu chiũ bõi-ta.
  23. I õi ka-sàu a-bõi?
  24. Ũ sî ũ, ũ sî bô.
  25. I ũ chia̍h-chiú--bô?
  26. Uá phah-sǹg i ũ-chia̍h a-phièn.
  27. Iak-liãng ũ.
  28. Chí-kâi-nâng tsàng.
  29. I ũ-chia̍h kói-hun-îⁿ a-bô?
  30. I tàⁿ chí-kâi bô mih-ēng.
  31. I tsò-nî tsai ũ-ēng bô-ēng?
  32. I kâi-pēⁿ m̄-hó-ui.