English Folk-Carols/The Sinner's Redemption

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This version of "All you that are to mirth inclined" was sung by Mrs. Gentie Phillips, of Tysoe, at Birmingham. For more information, see Notes on the Songs at the end of this volume.

772917English Folk-Carols — The Sinner's Redemption1911Anonymous



1All you that are unto mirth inclined,
Consider well and do bear in mind
What our great God for us hath done
In sending His beloved Son.

2Let all your songs and your praises be
Unto His heavenly Majesty;
And evermore, amongst your mirth.
Remember Christ our Saviour's birth.

3The five-and-twentieth of December
Great cause we have to remember;
In Bethlehem, upon that morn,
There was our bless'd Messiah born.

4Near Bethlehem shepherds they did keep
Their herds and flocks, a-feeding sheep,
To whom God's Angel did soon appear.
Which put the shepherds in great fear.