Federal Reports Elimination and Sunset Act of 1995/Title I

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Subtitle A — Department of Agriculture
Sec. 1011. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1012. Reports Modified.
Subtitle B — Department of Commerce
Sec. 1021. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1022. Reports Modified.
Subtitle C — Department of Defense
Sec. 1031. Reports Eliminated.
Subtitle D — Department of Education
Sec. 1041. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1042. Reports Modified.
Subtitle E — Department of Energy
Sec. 1051. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1052. Reports Modified.
Subtitle F — Department of Health and Human Services
Sec. 1061. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1062. Reports Modified.
Subtitle G — Department of Housing and Urban Development
Sec. 1071. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1072. Reports Modified.
Subtitle H — Department of the Interior
Sec. 1081. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1082. Reports Modified.
Subtitle I — Department of Justice
Sec. 1091. Reports Eliminated.
Subtitle J — Department of Labor
Sec. 1101. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1102. Reports Modified.
Subtitle K — Department of State
Sec. 1111. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1112. International Narcotics Control.
Subtitle L — Department of Transportation
Sec. 1121. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1122. Reports Modified.
Subtitle M — Department of the Treasury
Sec. 1131. Reports Eliminated.
Sec. 1132. Reports Modified.
Subtitle N — Department of Veterans Affairs
Sec. 1141. Reports Eliminated.