Fugitive Poetry. 1600–1878/Omnipresence of God

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Omnipresence of God.

Above—below—where'er I gaze,
Thy guiding finger, Lord, I view,
Traced in the midnight planets' blaze,
Or glistening in the morning dew;
Whate'er is beautiful or fair,
Is but Thine own reflection there.

I hear Thee in the stormy wind,
That turns the ocean wave to foam;
Nor less Thy wondrous power I find,
When summer airs around me roam;
The tempest and the calm declare
Thyself, for Thou art everywhere.

I find Thee in the depth of night,
And read Thy Name in every star

That drinks its splendour from the light
That flows from mercy's beaming car;
Thy footstool, Lord, each starry gem
Composes—not Thy diadem.

And when the radiant orb of light
Hath tipped the mountain-tops with gold;
Smote with the blaze, my weary sight
Shrinks from the wonders I behold;
That ray of glory, bright and fair,
Is but Thy living shadow there.

Thine is the silent gloom of night,
The twilight eve—the dewy mom;
Whate'er is beautiful and bright,
Thine hands have fashioned to adorn.
Thy glory walks in every sphere,
And all things whisper, "God is here!"