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Index:Better-World Philosophy A Sociological Synthesis.djvu

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Title Better-World Philosophy: A Sociological Synthesis
Author John Howard Moore
Source djvu
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed


1. Man, like every other animal in the known universe,

is a creature of desires.

2. In order to satisfy his desires he must manage and

foreknow the inanimate universe.

3. The management of the universe is the task of industry.

4. Industry is labor.

5. Human beings escape labor by shirking, by ma-

chinery, and by cooperation.

II. BLUNDERS, - - - - 49

1. There have been, among others, two great blunders

made by human beings in their efforts to manage and interpret the inanimate universe.

2. The conception of the universe as destitute of law.

3. The conception of the inanimate as animate and vol-



1. The problem of life is the problem of the relation of

each individual to the rest of the universe.

2. The social problem arises out of the plurality and gre-

gariousness of life in the universe.

3. The problem of life socialized is still the problem of

the relation of each individual of the universe to the rest of the universe, but the problem is peculiarized by the fact that conscious individuals sustain to each other relations different from those sustained to the impersonal universe.

4. The social desires are the desires which have been

evolved by associated life, and are satisfied, not by the inanimate, but by beings themselves.

5. The supposed infallibility of "nature." Page:Better-World Philosophy A Sociological Synthesis.djvu/12 Page:Better-World Philosophy A Sociological Synthesis.djvu/13