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Index:China Under the Empress Dowager - ed. Backhouse and Bland - 1914.pdf

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Title China Under the Empress Dowager
Author Edmund Trelawny Backhouse; John Otway Percy Bland
Year 1914
Publisher Houghton Mifflin and Company
Location New York, Boston
Source pdf
Progress To be proofread
Transclusion Index not transcluded or unreviewed
OCLC 1041787832


  1. Front material
    1. Front cover (p. - [1])
    2. Library collection (p. - [2])
    3. Title 1 (p. - [7])
    4. Some London press opinions (p. - [8])
    5. Title 2 (p. - [11])
    6. Printing (p. - [12])
    7. Prefatory Note (p. v)
    8. Table of contents (p. ix)
    9. List of illustrations (p. xi)
    10. Map of Peking (p. xiii)
    11. Descriptive list of high officials (p. xix)
  2. Chapter
    1. The parentage and youth of Yehonala (p. 1)
    2. The flight to Jehol (p. 13)
    3. The Tsai Yüan conspiracy (p. 26)
    4. The first regency (p. 40)
    5. Tzǔ Hsi and the eunuchs (p. 51)
    6. Majority and death of the emperor T'ung-Chih (p. 74)
    7. The protest and suicide of Wu K'o-Tu (p. 88)
    8. Tzǔ Hsi becomes sole regent (p. 100)
    9. Tzǔ Hsi "en retraite" (p. 109)
    10. The reform movement of 1898 (p. 119)
    11. The hundred days of reform (p. 128)
    12. The coup d'état of 1898 (p. 136)
    13. Tzǔ Hsi resumes the regency (1898) (p. 145)
    14. The diary of His Excellency Ching Shan (p. 166)
    15. The flight from Peking and the court in exile (p. 217)
    16. The Old Buddha pertinent (p. 235)
    17. The return of the court to Peking (p. 242)
    18. His Majesty's new policy (p. 258)
    19. His Majesty's last days (p. 270)
    20. Tzǔ Hsi's death and burial (p. 290)
    21. Conclusion (p. 297)
  3. Index (p. 317)