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Index:Pratt portraits - sketched in a New England suburb (IA prattportraitssk00full).pdf

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Title Pratt Portraits
Author Anna Fuller
Year 1892
Publisher G.P. Putnam's Sons
Location New York City
Source pdf
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded


Chapter Page
I.— Aunt Betsy's Photographs 1
II.— Harriet 28
III.— A Domestic Crisis 56
IV.— Ben's Wife 84
V.— A Yankee Quixote 106
VI.— A New England Quack 131
VII.— A New England Conscience 157
VIII.— The Schoolmarm 175
IX.— A Valentine 205
X.— Old Lady Pratt 233
XI.— Mary Anne 255
XII.— Well Matched 274
XIII.— Uncle Bobby 301


It is owing to the courtesy of Messrs. Harper and Brothers that I am permitted to include in this volume seven sketches which have previously appeared in Harper's Bazar; namely, "Aunt Betsy's Photographs," "Harriet," "Ben's Wife," "The Schoolmarm," "Old Lady Pratt," "Well Matched," and "Uncle Bobby."

A. F.