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Index:The Muse in Arms, Osborn (ed), 1917.djvu

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Title The Muse in Arms
Editor Edward Bolland Osborn
Year 1917
Publisher John Murray
Location London
Source djvu
Progress Proofread—All pages of the work proper are proofread, but not all are validated
Transclusion Advertising not transcluded
The Mother Land
I. If I should Die Rupert Brooke 3
II. At the Wars Robert Nichols 4
III. Reverie William Noel Hodgson 6
IV. Farewell Robert Nichols 7
V. Home Thoughts in Laventie E. Wyndham Tennant 9
VI. Marching at Home: Pictures Edward Shanks 12
VII. Strange Service Ivor Gurney 14
Before Action
VIII. Into Battle Julian Grenfell 19
IX. Before Action William Noel Hodgson 22
X. Love of Life John W. Streets 24
XI. Big Words Robert Graves 25
XII. The Approach (Robert Nichols):
1. In the Grass: Halt by the Wayside 26
2. On the Way Up 27
3. Nearer 28
XIII. To the Poet before Battle Ivor Gurney 30
XIV. Absolution Siegfried Sassoon 31
XV. Better Far to Pass Away Richard Molesworth Dennys 32
Battle Pieces
XVI. Dies Irae Willoughby Weaving 37
XVII. Babel Osbert Sitwell 38
XVIII. In the Morning Patrick MacGill 40
XIX. Release William Noel Hodgson 42
XX. The New Æneid Alexander Robertson 44
XXI. The Road Gordon Alchin 45
XXII. Between the Trenches Willoughby Weaving 47
XXIII. Comrades Robert Nichols 49
XXIV. The Star-Shell Patrick MacGill 53
XXV. Battle (Robert Nichols):
1. Noon 54
2. Night Bombardment 55
XXVI. The Assault Robert Nichols 58
XXVII. Light after Darkness E. Wyndham Tennant 63
XXVIII. Birds in the Trenches Willoughby Weaving 64
XXIX. To a Baby found paddling near the Lines Herbert Asquith 65
XXX. The Rear-guard Siegfried Sassoon 68
The Sea Affair
XXXI. The Old Way Ronald Hopwood 73
XXXII. Song of the White Ensign William M. James 78
XXXIII. Undying Days William M. James 82
XXXIV. To a Naval Cadet Noel F. M. Corbett 86
XXXV. Lines written somewhere in the North Sea Noel F. M. Corbett 88
XXXVI. Battle of the Falkland Isles I. C. 90
XXXVII. Guns at Sea Imtarfa 94
XXXVIII. News of Jutland Roma White 97
War in the Air
XXXIX. Eyes in the Air Gilbert Frankau 105
XL. Command of the Air O. 108
XLI. A Song of the Plane Gordon Alchin 109
XLII. Two Pictures Gordon Alchin 111
XLIII. Per Ardua ad Astra Gordon Alchin 113
XLIV. Reconnaissance Gordon Alchin 114
XLV. The Flight to Flanders Lessel Hutcheon 115
XLVI. The Death of the Zeppelin O. 117
In Memoriam
XLVII. The Last Salute Robert Nichols 123
XLVIII. A Dirge Victor Perowne 126
XLIX. R. B. Aubrey Herbert 128
L. To Certain Comrades Ivor Gurney 130
LI. Ode to a Young Man Dyneley Hussey 132
LII. Goliath and David Robert Graves 134
LIII. To R—— at Anzac Aubrey Herbert 136
LIV. To John William Grenfell 139
LV. To Charles Lister C. A. A. 140
The Future Hope
LVI. Gifts of the Dead Rupert Brooke 143
LVII. War's Cataract Herbert Asquith 144
LVIII. Reincarnation E. Wyndham Tennant 145
LIX. The Dead, 1915 Willoughby Weaving 146
LX. Two Sonnets Charles Hamilton Sorley 147
LXI. To Germany Charles Hamilton Sorley 149
LXII. If we return F. W. Harvey 150
LXIII. A People Renewed F. W. Harvey 151
LXIV. Afterwards Ivor Gurney 152
LXV. When it's Over Max Plowman 153
LXVI. Optimism A. V. Ratcliffe 156
The Christian Soldier
LXVII. The Cross of Wood Cyril Winterbotham 159
LXVIII. What is War? J. M. Rose-Troup 161
LXIX. How Long, O Lord? Robert Palmer 162
LXX. Release Colwyn Philipps 163
LXXI. In the Lower Garden H. S. Graham 164
LXXII. A Christmas Prayer Cyril Winterbotham 169
LXXIII. Holy Communion Service, Suvla Bay W. H. Littlejohn 171
School and College
LXXIV. The Field of Honour Charles Scott-Moncrieff 175
LXXV. Harrow's Honour J. M. Rose-Troup 176
LXXVI. A Letter from the Trenches Charles Hamilton Sorley 178
LXXVII. Domum Charles Scott-Moncrieff 182
LXXVIII. Ave, Mater—Atque Vale William Noel Hodgson 184
LXXIX. Historic Oxford R. W. Sterling 186
LXXX. An Oxford Retrospect Dyneley Hussey 188
LXXXI. A Dream of New College Alexander Robertson 190
Chivalry of Sport
LXXXII. The Soldier's Game George V. Robins 195
LXXXIII. Racing Rhymes Colwyn Philipps 198
LXXXIV. The River Bathe R. W. Sterling 199
LXXXV. To a Black Greyhound Julian Grenfell 201
LXXXVI. Hymn to the Wild Boar Julian Grenfell 203
LXXXVII. Ivinghoe Hill George V. Robins 205
LXXXVIII. Cricket: the Catch F. W. Harvey 207
LXXXIX. Rugby Football Eric Wilkinson 208
The Ghostly Company
XC. The Home-coming Joseph Lee 215
XCI. The Army of Death Charles Hamilton Sorley 217
XCII. Cha Till Maccruimein E. A. Mackintosh 218
XCIII. Ghosts (Flanders 1915) Willoughby Weaving 220
XCIV. Easter Even Dyneley Hussey 221
XCV. The Half-hour's Furlough Joseph Lee 224
XCVI. The Sleep of Death Harley Matthews 227
XCVII. The Soldier speaks F. W. Harvey 233
XCVIII. The Drum Joseph Lee 234
XCIX. Home-coming Dyneley Hussey 236
C. In Flanders F. W. Harvey 238
CI. The Broken Heart Joseph Lee 239
CII. The Willow-tree Bough Charles Scott-Moncrieff 240
CIII. Low Germany Edward Shanks 242
Loving and Living
CIV. To Mother Colwyn Philipps 245
CV. Mother's Birthday H. S. Graham 246
CVI. The Bonny, Bonny Braes R. W. Sterling 249
CVII. Suvla Bay W. H. Littlejohn 251
CVIII. I Love Colwyn Philipps 253
CIX. To His Maid F. W. Harvey 254
CX. The Barrier Colwyn Philipps 255
CXI. Rainbow Dyneley Hussey 256
CXII. Fulfilment Robert Nichols 257
CXIII. The Spirit of Womanhood (A. L. Jenkins):
1. Sending 259
2. Rebellion 259
3. Peace 260
CXIV. Any Soldier's Wife Dorothy Plowman 261
Moods and Memories
CXV. The Listeners J. M. Rose-Troup 267
CXVI. Outposts A. L. Jenkins 269
CXVII. Tears Osbert Sitwell 271
CXVIII. The Tryst A. J. 272
CXIX. The Warrior Month Willoughby Weaving 274
CXX. Back in Billets Charles Scott-Moncrieff 275
CXXI. Progress Willoughby Weaving 277
CXXII. The Hills Julian Grenfell 278
CXXIII. On Account of Ill Health Edward Shanks 281
CXXIV. Last Lines R. W. Sterling 283
CXXV. A Prayer W. H. Littlejohn 284
CXXVI. The God who waits Leslie Coulson 285
CXXVII. Judgment Leslie Coulson 288
CXXVIII. The Hospital Ship W. H. Littlejohn 289
CXXIX. The Rainbow Leslie Coulson 291
CXXX. Escape Robert Graves 293
CXXXI. Good Wishes Edward Shanks 295