Index talk:MySecretLifeVol1(1888).djvu

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Style deviations and other procedures for this work

  • This work contains many unusual spellings of words, some may be intentional. Unless it is an obvious error by the printer, use {{SIC}} for spellings not documented on wiktionary. Later these spellings can be documented there. Unusual or archaic spellings and words that make the text difficult to understand for the modern reader may be liberally linked to their wiktionary entries.
  • Blatant typographical errors, such as letters reversed or an "e" where a "c" should clearly be, may be replaced with a {{tooltip|correctletters|incorrectletters}} around the incorrect letters only to make it less obtrusive. Use caution with missing letters as the author seems to habitually spell some words differently, e.g. 'forgoten', in such cases prefer the rule above.
  • This work contains some ligatures, particularly "fl". These make searching difficult and their preservation in transcription is of no value to the modern reader. They should be replaced with their un-ligated letters.
  • For chapter heads, use {{hanging indent}}
  • change smart quotes to straight-quotes, they are easier for searching. The OCR picked up smart quotes thoughout, they look better and rather than create a script to change them all, we'll just keep them - this also goes for apostrophes, which would otherwise all have to be changed to straigt-single-quotes. Pages prior to 30 need to be rechecked.(done).

--Doug.(talk contribs) 16:45, 6 March 2015 (UTC)Reply