Index to Short Stories/Index to Short Stories/G

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1383131Index to Short Stories — Index to Short Stories, G1923Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
G. A. C. (Girl's aviation corps). Rinehart, M. R.
Gaboriau, Emile, 1835-1875
Interview with M. Locoq
In McSpadden, J. W. ed. Famous detective stories
Little old man of Batignolles
In Little old man of Batignolles
Love or wealth?
In Little old man of Batignolles
Marriage at a venture. See Gaboriau, E. Matrimonial ambassador
Matrimonial ambassador [Marriage at a venture]
In Little old man of Batignolles
In Little old man of Batignolles
Promise of marriage
In Promise of marriage
In Little old man of Batignolles
That unfortunate house
In Little old man of Batignolles
Gabrielle de Bergerac. James, H.
Gadsbys, The story of. See Kipling, R. Story of the Gadsbys
Gaffer. Phillpotts, E.
Gage, C. S.
Mr. Bixby's Christmas visitor
In Stories by American authors v 9
Gala dress. Freeman, M. E. W.
Gale, Zona, 1874-
In Friendship village love stories
In Friendship village love stories
Ancient dawn
In Delin 78:213 '11
Cur Lit 51:578
Gale, ZonaContinued
In Everybody's 42:68 Mr '20
Arpeggio and patriotism
In Harper 136:633
Arpeggio courts
In Harper 136:62
Arpeggio helps
In Everybody's 42:44 Ap '20
Art and loan dress exhibit
In Peace in Friendship village
Delin 85:6 Ag '14
At Peter's house
In Friendship village love stories
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Delin 68:84 Jl '06
Back-door cupid
In Ladies' H J 35:22 S '18
Barbara's Aunt Beatrix
In Good H 69:53 O '19
Beauty pays, said Frank Miller and proved it
In Am M 85:52 Ap '18
Being good to Letty
In Peace in Friendship village
Big wind
In Everybody's 19:512
Biggest business
In Neighborhood stories
Black hollow
In Woman's H C 38:15 N '11
Boy preferred
In Ladies' H J 31:23 My '14
In Am M 74:718
In Peace in Friendship village
Delin 76:165 S '10
Business is business
In Ladies' H J 30:7 Ja '13
In Peace in Friendship village
Charity ball
In Delin 76:11 Jl '10
In Pict R 17:20 My '16
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Christmas dinner mother didn't cook
In Woman's H C 41:23 Ja '14
Christmas for Tony
In Woman's H C 42:9 D '15
Christmas roses
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Cinderella of the links
In Everybody's 12:365
Club that studied America
In Am City 8:624
In Atlan 103:640
Cold shoulder
In Friendship village love stories
Delin 73:407
Coming back to Christmas
In Harp B 46:595
Cottage cheese
In Pict R 17:20 Je '16
In Friendship village love stories
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Daughter of the morning
In Woman's H C 43:5 O; 15 N '16
In Friendship village love stories
Everybody's 18:83 '08
Dombledon [Mysterious Mr. Dombledon]
In Neighborhood stories
Woman's H C 41:7 N '14
Donald second
In Woman's H C 46:29 D '19
In Peace in Friendship village
In Good H 49:392
In Everybody's 14:599
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Sat Eve Post 177:4 Ap 1 '05
Evening dress
In Friendship village and other stories
Everybody's 21:675
Exit charity
In Neighborhood stories
Everybody's 28:603
Extra paper
In Everybody's 25:341
Face of Friendship Village
In Neighborhood stories
Everybody's 27:462
In Everybody's 24:373
Feast of nations
In Peace in Friendship village
In Woman's H C 40:13 My '13
First dinner ever set on time
In Ladies' H J 28:20 Jl '11
Flood; a story of Friendship Village
In Neighborhood stories
Woman's H C 41:11 Mr '14
In Peace in Friendship village
Woman's H C 39:11 Ja '12
Fond forenoon
In Friendship village love stories
For show
In Delin 100:5 Jl '22
Fountain of gardens
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Outlook 83:991
Fourth of July
In Delin 78:5 Jl '11
In Cent 88:521
Garlands and loveknots
In Munsey 41:183
Girl who gave her eyes
In Ladies' H J 36:11 F '19
Goddess of reason
In Delin 88:9 Je '16
Golden wedding
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Outlook 81:780
Great tree
In Neighborhood stories
Everybody's 29:725
Hearts of love
In Metropol 21:71 O '04
In Neighborhood stories
Everybody's 31:501
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Cosmopol 39:299
In Friendship village love stories
In Neighborhood stories
In that new world
In Woman's H C 37:16 F '10
In the wilderness a cedar
In Everybody's 19:372
Inside June
In Friendship village love stories
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Java entertainment
In Friendship village love stories
In Woman's H C 44:8 My '17
Kitten in the house
In Outing 44:55
In Lippinc 87:1 Ja '11
Little tree
In Delin 78:429 D '11
In Canad M 41:625
Love in the valley
In Good H 70:30 F '20
In Everybody's 16:525
Lovingest lady
In Woman's H C 47:16 Je '20
Magic of orchards
In Outing 48:657
Mamie's father
In Good H 70:30 F '20
Man at Red Barns
In Delin 99:7 S; 19 O; 13 N '21
Marriage of Katinka
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Outlook 80:536
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Outlook 80:1038
In Friendship village love stories
Mr. Dombledon
In Neighborhood stories
Mrs. Alward's point of view
In Delin 67:255 F '06
Mothers to men
In Everybody's 25:186
Mysterious Mr. Dombledon. See Gale, Z.
Mr. Dombledon
In Atlan 111:744
Never-lighted fire
In Delin 66:66 Jl '05
New day
In Ladies' H J 35:15 Ap '18
New village
In Friendship village love stories
Nobody sick, nobody poor
In Delin 70:724
Not as the world giveth
In Delin 70:938
In Everybody's 15:485
Odor of the ointment
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Outlook 82:707
Open arms
In Friendship village love stories
Other two
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Everybody's 12:592
Over there
In Collier's 57:7 Jl 22 '16
In Neighborhood stories
In Woman's H C 48:9 Mr '21
Path of In-the-Spring
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Peace in Friendship village
In Peace in Friendship village
Good H 68:63 Je '19
In Friendship village love stories
Philistines in Arcady
In Outing 43:641
Pie-crust for Adam
In Woman's H C 39:13 O '12
In Friendship village love stories
Outlook 92:243
Prodigal guest
In Neighborhood stories
In Pict R 18:25 D '16
Return of Endymion
In Loves of Pelleas and Etarre
Everybody's 16:642
Rose pink
In Peace in Friendship village
Delin 75:314 Ap '10
Shadow of good things to come
In Outlook 86:817
Simon and the thief
In Cent 103:337
Something plus
In Peace in Friendship village
Pict R 17:22 D '15
Splendour town
In Friendship village love stories
Story of Jeffo
In Peace in Friendship village
Everybody's 32:385
Study in fear
In Outing 45:197
Success and Artie Cherry
In Harper 138:791
Things that are real
In Delin 65:414 Mr '05
This is a world of spells
In Everybody's 15:311
Time has come
In Neighborhood stories
Everybody's 31:794
Top floor back
In Harper 117:779
Two carpenters
In Am M 73:714
Gale, ZonaContinued
In Friendship village love stories
Way the world is
In Friendship village love stories
Am M 68:572
What is that in thine hand?
In Outlook 87:343
When dreams begin
In Woman's H C 38:5 My; 17 Je; 18 Jl; 19 Ag '11
When Nick Nordman came back home
In Peace in Friendship village
Ladies' H J 35:18 Je '18
When the hero came home
In Peace in Friendship village
When they know the real each other
In Ladies' H J 34:16 My '17
White bread
In Harper 133:173
Woman in the room
In Am M 74:582
Wooing of Betty
In Woman's H C 33:12 Ja '06
You and me
In Ladies' H J 31:21 Mr '14
Gale, Zona, and Menkey, Jill
Peyson's paint lady
In Everybody's 15:796
Gallery-god. Hughes, R.
Galleazzo carries off a damsel from Padua. Bandello, M.
Gallegher: a newspaper story, Davis, Richard H.
Gallery of antiquities. Balzac, H. de
Galley slave. Dumas, A.
Gallic victory. Maartens, M.
Galloper. (Farce). Davis, Richard H.
Galsworthy, John, 1867-
In Little man and other satires
In Motley
Apple tree
In Five tales
In Little man and other satires
In Scrib M 68:515
Black godmother
In Inn of tranquillity
Eng Rev 1 1:442
Bright side
In Tatterdemalion
Buttercup night
In Tatterdemalion
Atlan 113:13
In Tatterdemalion
Scrib M 63:18
Cur Opinion 65:331
Careful man
In Commentary
In Commentary
In Motley
In Atlan 109:180
In Motley
In Commentary
In Motley
In Little man and other satires
In Motley
In Motley
In Little man and other satires
Dead man
In Little man and other satires
In Tatterdemalion
Scrib M 62:129
In Motley
In Commentary
"Dog it was that died"
In Tatterdemalion
In Inn of tranquillity
In Tatterdemalion
Scrib M 66:643
In Commentary
In Tatterdemalion
In Commentary
In Delin 100:7 F; 13 Mr '22
First and the last
In Five tales
Cosmopol 59:3, 188
Flotsom and jetspm
In Tatterdemalion
Scrib M 62:658
In Motley
In Inn of tranquillity
Grand jury in two panels and a frame
In Inn of tranquillity
"Green hill far away"
In Tatterdemalion
Atlan 123:525
Gray angel
In Tatterdemalion
Scrib M 63:301
Hathor: a memory
In Scrib M 57:252
In Cent 102:321
In Tatterdemalion
In Little man and other satires
In Commentary
In Little man and other satires
In heaven and earth
In Tatterdemalion
Indian summer of a Forsyte
In Five tales
Japanese quince
In Motley
In Five tales
Good H 65:31 S '17
In Atlan 105:721
Latest thing
In Little man and other satires
Lime tree
In Motley
Lost dog
In Commentary
Magpie over the hill
In Inn of tranquillity
Cent 84:521
Man who kept his form
In Delin 99:8 O '21
In Tatterdemalion
Atlan 117:745
In Motley
In Inn of tranquillity
Miller of Dee
In Motley
In Commentary
In Commentary
Mother Stone
In Tatterdemalion
Muffled ship
In Tatterdemalion
New Repub 18:409
My distant relative
In Inn of tranquillity
In Motley
Bellman 21:88
Eng R 3:569
Nightmare child
In Tatterdemalion
Novelists allegory
In Inn of tranquillity
Atlan 103:790
Old age
In Commentary
Once more
In Motley
In Commentary
In Motley
In Motley
Peace meeting
In Tatterdemalion
Perfect one
In Little man and other satires
In Motley
Plain man
In Little man and other satires
Poirot and Bidan
In Tatterdemalion
In Little man and other satires
In Motley
In Commentary
In Inn of tranquillity
Scrib M 51:292
In Tatterdemalion
In Tatterdemalion
Everybody's 34:99 Ja '16
Reversion to type
In Motley
In Motley
Sekhet: a dream (drama)
In Little man and other satires
Scrib M 57:445
In Inn of tranquillity
In Atlan 106:311
Simple tale
In Little man and other satires
Scrib M 56:735
In Tatterdemalion
Scrib M 64:688
In Five tales
Hearst's 32:181 Ag '17
Strange thing
In Tatterdemalion
Everybody's 34:722
Sun (play)
In Scrib M 65:513
In Little man and other satires
That old-time place
In Scrib M 52:191
In Everybody's 43:19 D '20
Two looks
In Tatterdemalion
Atlan 108:112
Ultima Thule
In Little man and other stories
Delin 86:12 Ap '15
Strand M 49:506
Voice of —!
In Little man and other satires
Metropol 35:14 F '12
Why not?
In Little man and other satires
In Motley
In Motley
In Little man and other satires
Gait, John, 1779-1839
In Johnson, R. Little classics v 9
Gambara. Balzac, H. de
Gambler. Bourget, P.
Gambler. Dostoievskĭĭ, F. M.
Gambler's death. Thackeray, W. M.
Gambler's luck. Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Game. London, J.
Game. Raisin, A.
Game. Rinehart, M. R.
Game and the nation. Wister, O.
Game of backgammon. Mérimée, P.
Game of billiards. Daudet, A.
Game of desperation. French, A. W.
Game of life, Phillpotts, E.
Game of poker. Burke, T.
Game of solitaire. Wynne, M. Y.
Game of tag. Jordan, E. G.
Gamekeeper. Maupassant, G. de
Games in gardens. Kelly, M.
Gamester of the Mississippi. See Simms, W. G. Last wager, or The gamester of the Mississippi
Gammire. Tarkington, B.
Ganconagh (pseud.) See Yeats, W. B.
Gap in the trail. See Futrelle. J. Phantom motor
Garden behind the moon. Pyle, H.
Garden gate. Benson, E. F.
Garden lodge. Gather, W. S.
Garden of Eden—dialogue. Kipling, R.
Garden of survival. Blackwood, A.
Garden of the Holy Virgin. Kuprin, A. I.
Garden of the king. Troubetzkoy, A. C.
Garden party. Mansfield, K.
Garden plot. Jacobs, W. W.
Garden tea. Jewett, S. O.
Gardener Jim. Brown, A.
Gardener's wife. Hallström, P.
Gargoyle. See Catherwood, M. H. Old Gargoyle
Garland, Hamlin, 1860-
In Other main-travelled roads
Alien in the pines
In Other main-travelled roads
Wayside courtships
Among the corn rows
In Main-travelled roads
Carpenter, G. R., and Brewster, W. T. Modern English prose
At the begjnning
In Wayside courtships
At the brewery
In Cosmopol 13:34
Bad medicine man
In Ind 52:2899
Before the low green door
In Other main-travelled roads
Wayside courtships
Branch road
In Main-travelled roads
In They of the high trails
Drifting crane
In Prairie folks
Creamery man of Molasses Gap
In Main-travelled roads
Outlook 56:538
Daddy Deering. See Garland, H. Old Daddy Deering
Day of grace
In Other main-travelled roads
Day's pleasure
In Main-travelled roads
Delmar of Pima
In McClure 18:340
Division in the coolly
In Other main-travelled roads
Doctor's visit
In Pall Mall M 35:588
Drummer-boy's alarm
In Sat Eve Post 173:7 Mr 9 '01
Elder Pill, preacher
In Other main-travelled roads
Electric lady
In Cosmopol 29:73
Emily's horse-wrangler
In Collier's 57:5 Ag 5 '16
End of love is love
In Wayside courtships
Fair exile. [Pt. 3 Of those who seek]
In Other main-travelled roads
Wayside courtships
Faith of his fathers
In Harp W 47:892
In Delin 66:1050
Forest rangers
In They of the high trails
Good fellow's wife
In Cent 55:937
In They of the high trails
Hippy, the dare-devil
In McClure 19:474
Iron Khiva
In Harp W 47:1416
In They of the high trails
Light of the star
In Ladies' H J 21:11 Ja; 13 F; 7 Mr; 11 Ap; 14 My '04
Little Norsk or, Ol' pap's Flaxen
In Little Norsk
Cent 43:743, 912; 44:39
Lone Wolf's old guard
In Harp W 47:716
Lonesome man
In They of the high trails
Lucretia Burns
In Other main-travelled roads
Marshall's capture
In Harp W 48:1894
Mart Haney's mate
In Sat Eve Post 178:1 N 18 '05
Meeting in the foot-hills
In Wayside courtships
Mrs. Ripley's trip
In Main-travelled roads
Moccasin ranch; a story of Dakota
In Moccasin ranch
My first Christmas tree
In Ladies' H J 28:13 D '11
New medicine-house
In Harp W 46:36 D 6 '02
Night raid at Eagle river
In Cent 76:725
In Harp W 47:544
In Sat Eve Post 178:3 Je 9 '06
Of those who seek: 1. Prisoned soul. 2. Sheltered one. 3. Fair exile. 4. Passing stranger
In Wayside courtships
Ol' pap's Flaxen. See Garland, H. Little Norsk
Old Daddy Deering
In Other main-travelled roads
Prairie folk
In They of the high trails
Harp W 47:972, 1036
Outlaw and the girl
In Ladies' H J 25:7 My; 17 Je; 8 Jl '08
Owner of the mill farm
In Wayside courtships
Partners for a day
In Collier's 52:5 Mr 14 '14
Passing stranger. [Pt. 4 of Of those who seek]
In Wayside courtships
People of the buffalo
In McClure 16:153
Preacher's love-story
In Other main-travelled roads
Wayside courtships
Prisoned souL [Pt. 1 of Of those who seek]
In Wayside courtships
In They of the high trails
Remittance man
In They of the high trails
Return of a private
In Main-travelled roads
Howells, W. D. ed. Great modern American stories
Arena 3:97
Rising wolf ghost dancer
In Idler 20:471
River's warning
In Leslie's M 53:297
Saturday night on the farm
In Prairie folks
Sheltered one. [Pt. 2 of Of those who seek]
In Wayside courtships
Sim Burn's wife
In Prairie folks
Sitting Bull's defiance
In McClure 20:35
Sociable at Dudley's
In Prairie folks
Spartan mother
In Ladies' H J 22:10 F '05
Spirit of Sweetwater
In Spirit of Sweetwater
Steadfast Widow Delaney
In Sat Eve Post 174:4 Je 14; 8 Je 21; 10 Je 28 '04
Stop-over at Tyre
In Other main-travelled roads
Wayside courtships
Tale of a tenderfoot
In Sat Eve Post 174:8 Ag 24 '01
Test of Elder Pill
In Prairie folks
Arena 3:480
Trail tramp
In They of the high trails
Two stories of Oklahoma
In Cent 68:328
Uncle Ethan Ripley
In Main-travelled roads
Prairie folks
Arena 5:125
Uncle Ethan Ripley's speculation. See Uncle Ethan Ripley
Under the lion's paw
In Main-travelled roads
Up the coolly
In Main-travelled roads
Upon impulse
In Wayside courtships
Bookm 4:428
Villiage cronies
In Prairie folks
William Bacon's hired man
In Other main-travelled roads
Prairie folks
William Bacon's man. See Garland, H. William Bacon's hired man
Witch's gold. A new and enlarged version of The spirit of Sweetwater
In Witch's gold
Zaléa: a psychological episode and tale of love
In Zaléa
Garland of wild olive. Harraden, B.
Garlands and love-knots. Gale, Z.
Garm—a hostage. Kipling, R.
Garnett, Richard 1835-1896
Demon pope
In Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Madam Lucifer
In Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Garrison the brute. Jordan, E. G.
Garroters; farce. Howells, W. D.
Garshin, Vsevolod Mikhailovich, 1855-1888
Action at Aislar
In Signal
Attalea princeps
In Signal
In Signal
In Signal
Four days
In Signal
Esenwein, J. B. ed. Short story masterpieces v 2
Frog who travelled
In Signal
From the reminiscences of Private Ivanoff
In Signal
In Signal
"Make believe"
In Signal
In Signal
Nadejda Nicolaievna
In Signal
In Signal
Officer and soldier-servant
In Signal
Garshin, Vsevolod MikhallovichContinued
Red flower (Scarlet blossom)
In Red flower
Scarlet blossom. See Garshin, V. M. Red flower
In Signal
Toad and a rose
In Signal
Very short romance
In Signal
Gas machine. Herrick, R.
Gaskell, Mrs. Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson) [Mills, C. M. pseud.] 1810-1865
Bessy's troubles at home
In Novels and tales v 5
Mary Barton
Cage at Cranford
In All the Year Round 10:332
Liv Age 80:17
Christmas storms and sunshine
In Novels and tales v 5
Mary Barton
Howitt 3:4
Cousin Phillis
In Novels and tales v 5
Cousin Phillis
Mary Barton
Cornhill 8:619, 688; 9:51, 187
Liv Age 80:3, 100, 204, 494
In Novels and tales v 4
Household Words vol 4, 5, 6, 7
Crooked branch
In Novels and tales v 4
Right at last
Curious if true
In Novels and tales v 4
Cornhill 1:208
Dark night's work
In Novels and tales v 7
All the Year Round 8:475; 9:1
Doom of the Griffiths
In Novels and tales v 7
Round the sofa
Harper 16:220
Grey woman
In Novels and tales v 6
All the Year Round 4:300, 321, 347
Half a life-time ago
In Novels and tales v 7
Cousin Phillis
Round the sofa
Household Words 12:229, 276
In Novels and tales v 7
Round the sofa
Dublin Univ M 52:586
Liv Age 60:12
Hand and heart
In Novels and tales v 6
Heart of John Middleton
In Novels and tales v 4
Lizzie Leigh
Household Words 2:325
Libbie Marsh's three eras
In Novels and tales v 4
Howitt 1:310, 334, 345
Lizzie Leigh
In Novels and tales v 7
Lizzie Leigh
Household Words 1:2-60
Harper 1:38
Lois the witch
In Novels and tales v 4
Right at last
All the Year Round 1:564, 587, 609
Manchester marriage
In Novels and tales v 4
Liv Age 60:339
Mr. Harrison's confessions
In Novels and tales v 6
Cousin Phillis
Moorland cottage
In Novels and tales v 4
Morton hall
In Novels and tales v 6
Lizzie Leigh
Household Words 8:265, 293
Liv Age 40:31
My French master
In Novels and tales v 5
Lizzie Leigh
Mary Barton
Household Words 8:361, 388
My Lady Ludlow
In Novels and tales v 7
Cousin Phillis
Round the sofa
Household Words 18:1
Liv Age 58:223; 59:208
Old nurse's story
In Novels and tales v 5
Lizzie Leigh
Mary Barton
Household Words 6:583
Poor Clare
In Novels and tales v 7
Round the sofa
Household Words 14:510
Right at last
In Novels and tales v 4
Cousin Phillis
Right at last
Sexton's hero
In Novels and tales v 4
Cousin Phillis
Howitt 2:149
Six weeks at Heppenheim
In Novels and tales v 4
Cornhill 5:560
Squire's story
In Novels and tales v 4
Lizzie Leigh
Well of Pen-Morfa
In Novels and tales v 4
Lizzie Leigh
Household Words 2:182, 205
Gaspard and his wax lady, French, A. W.
Gasper Ruiz. Conrad, J.
Gastronomic scenes. Daudet, A.
Gate of the hundred sorrows. Kipling, R.
Gatherer of simples. Freeman, M. E. W.
Gaudissart II. Balzac, H. de
Gautier, Theophile, 1811-1872
Arria Marcella
In Complete works (Gascon) v 6
Works (Pocket) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 11
Little French masterpieces v 3
In Works (Sumichrast) v 15
Bowl of punch
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11
Works (Pocket) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 22
Conversion of a classicist. See Gautier, T. Daniel Jovard
Daniel Jovard; or, The conversion of a classicist
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11
Works (Pocket) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 22
Dead leman [Qarimonde]
In Little French masterpieces v 3
Elias Wildmanstadius; or, The mediaeval man
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11
Works (Pocket) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 22
Fleece of gold
In Little French masterpieces v 3
In Works (Sumichrast) v 15
King Candaules
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 4
Works (Pocket) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 8
Marchioness's lap-dog
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 1 1
Works (Pocket) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 15
Mediaeval man. See Gautier, T. Elias Wildmanstadius
Mummy's foot
In Complete works (Gascon) v 6
Works (Pocket) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 12
Esenwein, J. B. Short-story masterpieces v 2
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 1
Stories from foreign authors. French, v 3
Wright, W. H. ed. Great modern French stories
Lippinc 89:874
Nest of nightingales. See Gautier, T. Nightingales
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11
Works (Pocket) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 21
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11
Works (Pocket) v 6
Works (Sumichrast) v 21
One of Cleopatra's nights
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 4
Works (Pocket) v 4
Works (Sumichrast) v 8
In Works (Sumichrast) v 12
In Works (Sumichrast) v 1
Thousand and second night
In Complete Works (Gascon) v 11
Works (Pocket) v 10
Works (Sumichrast) v 22
In Complete works (Gascon) v 6
Works (Pocket) v 5
Works (Sumichrast) v 11
Water pavilion
In Works (Sumichrast) v 15
Gavon's eve. Benson, E. F.
Gawk. Auerbach, B.
Gay deceiver. Norris, K.
Gay old dog. Ferber, E.
Gayley the troubadour. Norris, K.
Ged. Peattie, E. W.
Gemini. Kipling, R.
General Glover's true story. Hale, E. E.
General jail delivery. More, H.
GeGneral manager. Herrick, R.
General revokes. Marshall, A.
General service. Curie, R.
General Washington's negro body-servant. Clemens, S. L.
Generals and Number Seven. Pratt, L.
General's bluff. Wister, O.
General's match-making. Ouida
General's well. Jelihovsky, V.
Generosity of the Russian usurper, Pugatscheff. See Pushkin, A. S. Captain's daughter; or, The generosity of the Russian usurper, Pugatscheff
Generous gambler. Baudelaire, C. P.
Genevieve Maud and the new thought. Jordan, E. G.
Genevieve Maude's mission. Jordan, E. G.
Genevieve Maude's perishin' soul. Jordan, E. G.
Genevieve's uncle Horace. Jordan, E. G.
Genius. Peattie, E. W.
Gentian. Freeman, M. E. W.
Gentle and something else. MacManus, S.
Gentle art of dining. See Smith, F. H. Wherein the gentle art of dining, etc.
Gentle boy. Hawthorne, N.
Gentle ghost. Freeman, M. E. W.
Gentle life. Van Dyke, H.
Gentle breathing. Bunin, I. A.
Gentle people. MacManus, S.
Gentle robber. Sherwood, M. F.
Gentle sinner. Donneli, A. H.
Gentle spirit. Dostoevskĭĭ, F. M.
Gentle traveler. Donnell, A. H.
Gentleman and players, Hornung, E. W.
Gentleman friend. Chekhov, A. P.
Gentleman from Huron. Hibbard, G. A.
Gentleman from San Francisco. Bunin, I. A.
Gentleman-m-plush. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Gentleman in the barrel. Fernald, C. B.
"Gentleman Jim." Marshall, A.
Gentleman of Japan and a lady. Long, J. L.
Gentleman of the plush rocker. See Stuart, R. M. Napoleon Jackson, gentleman of the plush rocker
Gentleman ranker. Scawell, M. E.
Gentleman vagabond. Smith, F. H.
Gentleman with the green tie. Pratt, L.
Gentleman's gentleman. Smith, F. H.
Genuine logic. Averchenko, A.
Geoffrey and Garcinde. Heyse, P. J. L.
George Dobson's expedition to Hell. Hogg, George Silverman's explanation. Dickens, C.
George Thurston. Bierce, A.
George Walker at Suez. Trollope, A.
George Washington Jones; a Christmas gift that went a-begging. Stuart, R. M.
"George Washington's" last duel. Page, T. N.
George's birthday. Field, E.
George's mother. Crane, S.
George's wife. Parker, G.
Georgia watermelon. Harris, J. C.
Georgiana's reasons. James, H.
Georgia's ruling. Henry, O.
Georgie Porgie. Kipling, R.
Gerald. Weyman, S. J.
Geranium leaves. See Page, T. N. She had on her geranium leaves
Gerardo secretly weds his mistress and sets out for Baruti. Bandello, M.
Germ-destroyer. Kipling, R.
Germ of madness. Chambers, R. W.
German Easter and the Easter rabbit. French, A. W.
German lieutenant. Strindberg, J. A.
German policeman. Ralph, J.
Gerould, Gordon Hall, 1877-
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories for 1918
Scrib M 64:144
Gerould, Mrs. Katharine Fullerton, 1879-
Belshazzar's letter
In Valiant dust
Bird in the bush
In Great tradition
Scrib M 54:247
Blue bonnet
In Valiant dust
Cent 89:580
Blue star
In Harper 138:678
Case of Paramore
In Vain oblations
Scrib M 54:419
Change of air
In Scrib M 62:10
Cup and the lip
In Harper 130:686
Divided kingdom
In Vain oblations
Cent 84:255
Dominant strain
In Great tradition
Scrib M 55:293
East of Eden
In Valiant dust
Harper 136:43
In Harper 132:428
Emma Blair
In Harper 133:814
End and the means
In Harper 126:878
French Eva
In Scrib M 68:549
In McClures 51:25 Jl '19
Great tradition
In Great tradition
Century 88:428
In Valiant dust
O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1920
Scrib M 66:547
Hand of Jim Fane
In Harper 135:315
Honest man
In Valiant dust
Harper 139:777
In Harper 127:521
Keeper of the gate
In Everybody's 44:74 My '21
Knight's move
In Valiant dust
O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1917
Atlan 119:162
Leda and the swan
In Great tradition
Scrib M 54:224
Louquier's third act
In Valiant dust
Harper 133:671
In Vain oblations
Cent 83:422
In Harper 136:781
Martin's hollow
In Valiant dust
Scrib M 57:681
In Great tradition
Harper 129:194
Miss Marriott and the faun
In Valiant dust
Scrib M 58:69
Moth of peace
In Atlan 115:14
Nature of an oath
In Scrib M 72:208
On the staircase
In Vain oblations
Scrib M 54:731
In Harper 129:194
Penalties of Artemis
In Valiant dust
Harper 132:3
Poppies in the wheat
In Cent 63:383
In Valiant dust
Harper 131:327
Straight tip
In Scrib M 56:224
Toad and the jewel
In Valiant dust
Harper 128:749
In Vain oblations
Scrib M 55:46
Triple mirror
In Cent 87:876
Vain oblations
In Vain oblations
Scrib M 49:367
Wax doll
In Scrib M 61:599
Weaker vessel
In Great tradition
Cent 87:270
In Great tradition
Harper 126:740
Wine of violence
In Vain oblations
Scrib M 50:75
What they seem
In Harper 135:505
Gertha's lovers. Morris, W.
Gervais of Blois. Pemberton, M.
Gestas (Paul Verlaine). France, A.
Get-away. Vorse, M. H.
Get ready the wreaths. Hurst, F.
Ghamba. Scully, W. C.
Ghetto violet. Kompert, L.
Ghetto wedding. Cahan, A.
Ghitza. Bercovici, K.
Ghoollah. Bunner, H. C.
Ghost. Hearn, L.
Ghost. O'Connor, W. D.
Ghost, Canterville. Wilde, O.
[Ghost] Ape. Benson, E. F.
[Ghost] Case of Frank Hampden. Benson, E. F.
Ghost club. Bangs, J. K.
Ghost, Double-barrelled. Zangwill, I.
Ghost flower. Pangborn, G. W.
Ghost, Gentle. Freeman, M. E. W.
[Ghost] Haunted and the haunters. Lytton, E. B.
Ghost, Her great-grandmother's. Page, T. N.
Ghost in the Cap'n Brown house. Stowe, H. B.
Ghost in the cross-trees. Norris, F.
Ghost in the mill. Stowe, H. B.
Ghost in the sedan-chair. Corelli, M.
[Ghost] Latfy Ludlow. Gaskell, E. C.
Ghost, Laying the hose-pipe. Connolly, J. B.
Ghost, Lost. Freeman, M. E. W.
[Ghost] Mrs. Andrew's control. Benson, E. F.
Ghost of a chance. Henry, O.
Ghost of Captain Brand. Pyle, H.
Ghost of chance. Chambers, R. W.
Ghost of Dr. Harris. Hawthorne, N.
Ghost of glory. Mitchell, S. W.
Ghost of Matthias Baum. Singmaster, E.
Ghost of Miser Brimpson. Phillpotts, E.
Ghost of my husband (Marie de Berniere). Simms, W. G.
Ghost of Rosy Taylor. Bacon, J. D.
Ghost of Sandy Carr. Lewis, A. H.
Ghost of the bar B-8. Lewis, A. H.
Ghost of the Black Inn. Loomis, C. B.
Ghost of the blue chamber. Jerome, J. K.
Ghost of the gun deck. Robertson, M.
Ghost of the Sierras. Harte, B.
[Ghost] Old nurse's story. Gaskell, E. C.
[Ghost] Poor Clare. Gaskell, E. C.
Ghost, Seventoes. Freeman, M. E. W.
[Ghost] Shadows on the wall. Freeman, M. E. W.
Ghost ship. Middleton, R.
Ghost, Speakin'. Slosson, A. T.
Ghost story. Clemens, S. L.
Ghost story. Harris, J. C.
Ghost story, My own true. Kipling, R.
Ghost, Story of the inexperienced. Wells, H. G.
Ghost story, Woman's. Blackwood, A.
[Ghost] "Through." Benson, E. F.
Ghost train illusion. Warman, C.
Ghostly counsellors. Hughes, R.
Ghosts. Dunsany, E.
Ghosts. Masefield, J.
Ghosts. Maupassant, G. de
Ghosts go west. Osbourne, L.
Ghosts, John and the. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Ghosts in my tower. Stockton, F. R.
Ghosts in solid form. Bolton, G.
Ghosts of Stukeley castle. Harte, B.
Ghosts, Rival. Matthews, J. B.
Ghosts that have haunted me. Bangs, J. K.
Ghost's touch. Collins, W.
Giaconda smile. Huxley, A. L.
Giant's coffin, or The feud of Holt and Houston. Simms, W. G.
Giant Maximin. Doyle, A. C.
Giant's heart. Macdonald, G.
Gibbet hill. Phillpotts, E.
Gibbon, Percival, 1879-
In Cosmopol 69:89 Jl '20
In Harper 125:823
Avenger of blood
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:154
Bad companion
In Sat Eve Post 193:14 N 27 '20
Bailey's experiment
In Collier's 42:18 N 7 '08
Between the lights
In McClure 33:418
In Collier's 43:15 Ap 24 '09
Buried anchor
In McClure 31:590
Pall Mall M 43:569
Charmed life
In Collier's 56:12 O 9 '15
In Canad M 56:453
Citizen of the roads
In Harp W 57:18 Je 21 '13
In Cosmopol 67:73 O '19
Counting the colors
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:517
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Liv Age 247:331
Dark moment
In Sat Eve Post 192:8 Ap 3 '20
Dark ride
In Cent 104:819
Gibbon, PercivalContinued
Darkened path
In Harp W 58:6 Ja 3 '14
Day of omens
In McClure 43:63 My '14
Deal in exchange
In Sat Eve Post 195:23 Jl 1 '22
In McClure 39:27
In McClure 28:603
Did they marry?
In Hearst's M 24:10
Dona Victoria
In Harper 116:343
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:149
Eleventh hour
In Harper 114:471
In Strand M 50:77
In McClure 44:89
In McClure 42:96 Ap '14
Good end
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:666
Good uncles
In Sat Eve Post 194:18 Ap 1 '22
Great Jew
In McClure 42:121
Grim irony of luck
In Canad M 28:230
Hands of the pitiful woman
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:303
In Cosmopol 59:53 Ag '20
In Strand M 50:409
Her man of fate
In Hearst's M 24:698
Her own story
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Liv Age 247:681, 726
His lady of silence
In Hearst's M 24:521
His wife
In Ladies' H J 25:7 Jl '08
Home kraal
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Hostage to misfortune
In McClure 52:23 Ag '20
In McClure 30:229
In the dark hour
In McClure 31:82
Iron star
In Harper 127:354
In Sat Eve Post 193:12 Ja 15 '21
King of the baboons
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:521
McClure 31:467
Last of the duellists
In McClure 51:18 D '19
In Pict R 21:10 Mr '20
Like unto like
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:310
In Harper 118:248
Madame Robin
In Scrib M 53:334
Man before the mast
In McClure 42:46 N '13
Man in the shadow
In Ladies' H J 27:7 Jl '10
Man of principle
In Sat Eve Post 194:20 Ap 8 '22
Man who knew
In Blackw 174:467
Liv Age 239:541
McClure 28:243
Man who saw
In Sat Eve Post 185:8 Jl 20 '12
In Harper 117:541
Martyrdom lottery
In McClure 33:482
Pall Mall M 45:239
In Harper 126:48
Mate of the Gatwick
In Collier's 43:16 Ag 28 '09
Pall Mall M 49:422
Meagre life
In McClure 29:673
Miss Pilgrim's progress
In Cosmopol 64:53 My '18
Money's worth
In Sat Eye Post 193:18 D 4, '20
Morder drift
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:660
In Harper 125:443
Next vacancy
In Sat Eve Post 183:10 Ag 13 '10
"Page, A. B."
In Harper 121:179
In Harper 122:176
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Piet Naude's trek
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:306
Plain German
In Sat Eve Post 190:3 S 29 '17
Strand M 54:515
Poor in heart
In Strand M 43:522
In McClure 44:41 Mr '15
In Sat Eve Post 195:10 N 18 '22
Rewards and furies
In Sat Eve Post 193:20 O 23 '20
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Saint Flossie
In Sat Eve Post 194:10 D 3 '21
Second-class passenger
In Blackw 175:646
Liv Age 242:336
McClure 27:641
Second mate
In McClure 25:23 My '05
Sense of climax
In Delin 75:31 Ja '10
Shanghai passage
In Strand M 46:759
Ship in distress
In McClure 44:112 Ja '15
Soldan's navigator
In Pall Mall M 40:170
Sat Eve Post 180:10 Jl 20 '07
In Sat Eve Post 192:15 My 8 '20
In Sat Eve Post 193:16 D 18 '20
Strange patient
In Collier's 44:16 N 27 '09
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Task appointed
In McClure 34:558
Touching pitch
In Red Book 37:61 S '21
Town of his dream
In Ladies' H J 32:9 Ag '15
Trader of Last Notch
In Blackw 175:40
Liv Age 240:465
McClure 27:466
Unknown factor
In McClure 30:662
Pall Mall M 41:595
Unto the third generation
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:145
Vasco's sweetheart
In Vrouw Grobelaar and her leading cases
Blackw 176:811
Liv Age 244:160
Weaver's son
In McClure 29:465
When America goes east
In Sat Eve Post 194:14 My 20 '22
When gentlefolk meet
In Cosmopol 70:37 F '21
In Scrib M 54:223
Gideon. Hastings, W.
Gideon's front tooth. Phillpotts, E.
Gift. Montague, M. P.
Gift. Sinclair, M.
Gift horse. Wister, O.
Gift of Abner Grice. Barr, R.
Gift of courage. Vorse, M. H.
Gift of guineas. Bland, E. N.
Gift of fulfilment; an allegory. Harraden, B.
Gift of oblivion. Fisher, D. C.
Gift of tact. Loomis, C. B.
Gift of the emperor. Hornung, E. W.
Gift of the magi. Henry, O.
Gift of the simple king. Parker, G.
Gift of Yoshida Aramidzu. Long, J. L.
Gifts. Brown, A.
Gifts of Feodor Himkoff. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Gifts of oblivion. Fisher, D. C.
Gifts of poverty. Grenfell, W. T.
Gifts of the child Christ. Macdonald, G.
Gifts of the philosopher. Kelly, M.
Gigolo. Ferber, E.
Gil Bias and Dr. Sangrado. Le Sage, A. R.
Gilbert, George, 1874-
In Maulman fever-ward
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories for 1918
Gilded idol and the king Conch-Shell. Stockton, F. R.
Giles the poacher. More, H.
Gilman, Charlotte Stetson, 1860-
Yellow wall paper
In Howells, W. D. ed. Great modern American stories
Gilpatric, Guy
Black art and Ambrose
In O. Henry memorial award prize stories for 1920
Gilray's flower pot. Barrie, J. M.
Gina of the Chinatown. Burke, T.
Gipsy. Tarkington, B.
Gipsy George. Bates, A.
Giridih coal-fields. Kipling, R.
Girl. Gibbon, P.
Girl. Henry, O.
Girl and the anarch. Parker, G.
Girl and the game. Williams, J. L.
Girl and the graft. Henry, O.
Girl and the habit. Henry, O.
Girl and the plate, Futrelle, J.
Girl and the stage. Davis, C. B.
Girl at Lake Lincoln. Merrick, L.
Girl at the ad counter. Nicholson, M.
Girl from Mercury. Vielé, H. K.
Girl from the machine. Williams, J. L.
Girl from the marsh-croft. Lagerlöf, S.
Girl-girl-girl. Tarkington, B.
Girl in a steamer chair. See Smith, F. H. With special reference, etc.
Girl in gray. Jordan, E. G.
Girl in red. White, S. E.
Girl in the Santee. Morris, G.
Girl next door. Davis, C. B.
Girl of the Latin quarter. Osbourne, L.
Girl of the period. Harrison, C. C.
Girl that Peter brought. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Girl who gave her eyes. Gale, Z.
Girl who got rattled. White, S. E.
Girl who loved Herbert. Jordan, E. G.
Girl who stepped along. Bacon, J. D.
Girl who tired of love. Merrick, L.
Girl who was. Jordan, E. G.
Girl who went right. Ferber, E.
Girl with the golden eyes. Balzac, H. de
Girl with the Greek face. Merrick, L.
Girl with the green toque. Davis, C. B.
Girl with the guitar. Bland, E. N.
Girl with the red feather. Nicholson, M.
Gissing, George Robert, 1857-1903
At high pressure
In Human odds and ends
Beggar's nurse
In Human odds and ends
In House of cobwebs
Charming family
In House of cobwebs
In House of cobwebs
Comrades in arms
In Human odds and ends
In Human odds and ends
Daughter of the lodge
In House of cobwebs
Day of silence
In Human odds and ends
Liv Age 199:802
National R [Lond] 22:558
Despot on tour
In Strand 15:25
In Idler 15:430
Fate and the apothecary
In House of cobwebs
Fate of Humphrey Snell
In Eng Illust 14:1
Fire brand
In Human odds and ends
Foolish virgin
In Yellow Book 8:11
Free woman
In Human odds and ends
In Eng Illust 11:895
House of cobwebs
In House of cobwebs
Argosy 71:394
In House of cobwebs
In honour bound
In Human odds and ends
Eng Illust 13:79
Liv Age 205:470
In no-man's land
In Human odds and ends
In Human odds and ends
Invincible curate
In Human odds and ends
Justice and the vagabond
In Human odds and ends
Letty Coe
In Liv Age 191:19
Temple Bar 92:533
Light on the tower
In Eng Illust 16:432
Little woman from Lancashire
In Human odds and ends
Lodger in Maze pond
In House of cobwebs
National R [Lond] 24:847
Lord Dunfield
In Human odds and ends
Medicine man
In Human odds and ends
Miss Rodney's leisure
In House of cobwebs
In Lippinc 65:795
Old maid's triumph
In Human odds and ends
One way to happiness
In Eng Illust 19:225
Our Mr. Jupp
In Human odds and ends
Eng Illus 19:225
Out of the fashion
In Human odds and ends
Parent's feelings
In Human odds and ends
Pig and whistle
In House of cobwebs
Poet's postmanteau
In Human odds and ends
Eng Illus 12: No. 5:3
Poor gentleman
In House of cobwebs
Pall Mall M 19:177
Prize lodger
In Human odds and ends
Profitable weakness
In Human odds and ends
Raw material
In Human odds and ends
In House of cobwebs
Ring ringer
In Cosmopolis 10:297
Salt of the earth
In House of cobwebs
Scrupulous father
In House of cobwebs
Cornhill 83:175
Simple Simon
In Idler 9:509
Son of the soil
In Human odds and ends
Song of sixpence
In Human odds and ends
Tophatn's chance
In House of cobwebs
Tout of Yarmouth bridge
In Human odds and ends
In Human odds and ends
Two collectors
In Human odds and ends
Well-meaning man
In Human odds and ends
Give matrimony a chance. Miller, A. D.
Givers. Freeman, M. E. W.
Given case. James, H.
Giving thanks of Cyrus and Huldah. Porter, E. H.
Glad tidings. Cutting, M. S.
Glamour of the snow. Blackwood, A.
Glance ahead. Bangs, J. K.
Glaspell, Susan, 1882-
According to his lights
In Am M 72:153
Agnes of Cape's End
In Am M 80:5 S '15
Anarchist: his dog
In Lifted masks
Am M 74:145
At twi-light
In Lifted masks
Harper 124:790
Awakening of the Lieutenant-Governor
In Munsey 31:660
Beloved husband
In Harper 136:675
Boarder of art
In Ladies' H J 29:10 O '12
Busy duck
In Harper 137:828
In Harper 140:29
For to-morrow; an Easter story
In Booklover's M 5:559
Freckles M'Grath
In Lifted masks
Munsey 31:481
From A to Z
In Lifted masks
Am M 68:543
Good luck
In Good H 67:44 S '18
Government goat
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1919
Pict R 20:18 Ap '19
Hearing ear
In Harper 134:234
Her heritage of ideals
In Canad M 48:63 N '16
His America
In Lifted masks
His smile
In Pict R 22:1.5 Ja '21
How the prince saw America
In Lifted masks
Am M 62:274
In the face of his constituents
In Harper 107:757
Intrusion of the personal
In Leslie's M 57:629
Jury of her peers
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1917
Last sixty minutes
In Lifted masks
Looking after Clara
In Ladies' H J 31:9 Ag '14
Love of the hills
In Lifted masks
Man of flesh and blood
In Lifted masks
Harper 108:957
Manager of Crystal Sulpher Springs
In Harper 131:176
Miss Jessie's trip abroad
In Woman's H C 43:9 N '16
Nervous pig
In Harper 140:309
"One of those impossible Americans"
In Lifted masks
"Out there"
In Lifted masks
Delin 80:15 Jl '12
In Lifted masks
In Harper 138:446
Preposterous motive
In Lifted masks
Rules of the institution
In Harper 128:198
In Harper 124:790
Unveiling Breuda
In Harper 133:14
Whom mince pie hath joined together
In Ladies' H J 30:10 N '13
Glass house. Dwight, H. G.
Glass door. Earle, M. T.
Glass-eyed Bill. Osbourne, L.
Glasses. James, H.
Gleaner. Mitford, M. R.
Glenmutchkin railway. Aytoun, W. E.
Glimmer of hunger. Teternikov, F. K.
Glimpse of the underworld. Matthews, J. B.
Glimpses of the insurrection. Daudet, A.
Glinski, Antoni Jozef
Bear in the forest hut.
In Polish fairy tales
In Polish fairy tales
Frog princess
In Polish fairy tales
Good ferryman and the water nymphs
In Polish fairy tales
Princess Miranda and Prince Hero
In Polish fairy tales
Princess and the Brazen Mountain
In Polish fairy tales
In Polish fairy tales
Glisich, M.
First furrow
In Popovic, P. ed. Jugo-Slav stories
Glistering beaches. Crockett, S. R.
Gloaming ghosts. McCutcheon, G. B.
Gloriana. Kipling, R.
La Gloriense. See Davis, M. E. M. At La Gloriense
Glorious fortune. Besant, W.
Glory. Donnell, A. H.
Glory. Long, J. L.
Glory and the other girl. Donnell, A. H.
Glory and the sacrifice. Porter, E. H.
Gloucester fisherman. Connolly, J. B.
Gloversville plunger. Davis, C. B.
Gnawing a file. See Habberton, J. Out at Twinnett's
Go-look-see. Gerould, K. F.
Goat man of Fautino. London, J.
Goat of Monsieur Seguin. Daudet, A.
Goblet. Tieck, L.
Goblin gold. Fisher, D. C.
Gobotu night. London, J.
Gobseck. Balzac, H. de
God from the machine. Kipling, R.
God in Israel. Duncan, N.
God-father. Drosinēs, G.
God in the machine. Singmaster, E.
God of battles. Chambers, R. W.
God of coincidence. Davis, Richard H.
God of his fathers. London, J.
God rest ye, merry gentlemen. Crane, S.
God sees the truth, but waits. Tolstoi, L. N.
Goddess of Excelsior. Harte, B.
Goddess of Happy Valley. Fox, J. jr.
Goddess of reason. Gale, Z.
Goddess of the turf. Futrelle, J.
Goddesses from the machine. Bacon, J. D.
Godmothers. Spofford, H. P.
God's and man's. See Tolstoi, L. N. Divine and the human
Gods arrive. White, W. A.
Gods babe. Crockett, S. R.
God's fool. Rinehart, M. R.
God's garrison. Parker, G.
God's in his heaven. Norris, K.
Gods in the school house. Hewlett, M. H.
God's material. Davis, C. B.
God's peace. Lagerlöf, S.
God's puppets. Davis, C. B.
Godson. Tolstoi, L. N.
Goeringer, Irma
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
Housekeeping book
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
When the flowers fade
In Brooks, W. Stories from four languages
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich, 1809-1852
In St. John's eve
Esenwein, J. B. Short story masterpieces, Russian v 1
Lippinc 92:242
Evening in May [May evening; May night]
In Evenings in little Russia
Mantle and other stories
Cosmopol 3:186
Fair at Sorotchinetz
In Evenings in little Russia
In Mantle and other stories
May evening. See Gogol, N. V. Evening in May
May night. See Gogol, N. V. Evening in May
Memoirs of a madman
In Mantle and other stories
Mid-summer evening
In Evenings in little Russia
Night of Christmas eve
In Cossack tales
In Mantle and other stories
Old-fashioned farmers [Old-fashioned gentry]
In St. John's eve
Warner library
In St. John's eve
Blackw 62:457
Liv Age 15:299
St. John's eve
In St. John's eve
Taras Bulba
Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Stories by foreign authors, Russian
Tale of how Ivan Ivanovitch quarrelled with Ivan Nikiforovitch
In St. John's eve
In Mantle and other stories
Going home. Curie, R.
Going home. Q. Henry's ghost
Going into society. Dickens, C.
Going of Biff Ellison. Lewis, A. H.
Going of the White Swan. Parker, G.
Going to Shrewsbury. Jewett, S. O.
Gold. Freeman, M. E. W.
Gold. See Balzac, H. de. Facino Cane
Gold. Freeman, M. E. W.
Gold pieces. Annunzio, G. d'
Gold-bug. Poe, E. A.
Gold slipper. Gather, W. S.
Gold that glittered. Henry, O.
Golden apples. Morris, W. [Edgar]
Golden arm. Clemens, S. L.
Golden ashes. Pemberton, M.
Golden baby. Brown, A.
Golden bars. Pemberton, M.
Golden bird (adapted). Scudder, H. E.
Golden braid. Maupassant, G. de
Golden calf; a novelette. Boyesen, H. H.
Golden castaways. Osbourne, L.
Golden chain. Overton, G.
Golden Christmas; a chronicle of St. John's. Simms, W. G.
Golden dinner. Donnell, A. N.
Golden dreams. See Irving, W. Wolfert Webber
Golden egg and the cock of gold (adapted). Scudder, H. E.
Golden fleece. Bangs, J. K.
Golden fleece. Hawthorne, J.
Golden fleece. Hawthorne, N.
Golden fleece. Hurst, F.
Golden flood. Lefèvre, E.
Golden fly. Blackwood, A.
Golden fortune. Austin, M. H.
Golden goose. Tracy, V.
Golden helmets in the Alleberg. Strindberg, J. A.
Golden ingot. O'Brien, F.
Golden javelin. Dwight, H. G.
Golden key. Macdonald, G.
Golden key: a problem in lovers for the crime doctor. Hornung, E. W.
Golden mirage, Tagore, R.
Golden morning. Crockett, S. R.
Golden mountain. Crockett, S. R.
Golden mountain. Singmaster, E.
Golden pipes. Parker, G.
Golden pool. Chambers, R. W.
Golden poppy. London, J.
Golden pot. Hoffmann, E. T. W.
Golden-rod; an idyl of Mount Desert. Harrison, C. C.
Golden rule Dollivers. Lewis, M. C.
Golden slipper. Green, A. K.
Golden touch. Hawthorne, N.
Golden touch. Train, A. C.
Golden venture. Jacobs, W. W.
Golden voice. Seawell, M. E.
Golden wedding. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Golden wedding. Gale, Z.
Golden wedding. Stuart, R. M.
Golden windmill. Aumonier, S.
Golden wings. Morris, W.
Goldschmidt, Meir, 1819-1887
Flying mail
In Flying mail
Stories by foreign authors, Scandinavian
Goldsmith's apprentice. Harraden, B.
Golf in Hades. Bangs, J. K.
Golgotha. Morris, G.
Goliath. Aldrich, T. B.
Golly and the Christian; or, The minx and the manxman. By H-ll C-ne. Harte, B.
La gommeuse. Davis, C. B.
Gone. Galsworthy, J.
Gone astray. Chekhov, A. P.
Goneril. Robinson, A. M. F.
Good action. Aumonier, S.
Good aunt. Edgeworth, M.
Good Brahmin. Voltaire, F. M. de A.
Good-by, Jack. London, J.
Good-bye the house boat. Connolly, J. B.
Good citizens. Chambers, R. W.
Good conscience. Kielland, A. L.
Good dinner. Cutting, M. S.
Good end. Gibbon, P.
Good fellow's wife. Garland, H.
Good ferryman and the water nymphs. Glinski, A. J.
Good fight and the faith kept. Fisher, D. C.
Good-for-nothing, Boyesen, H. H.
Good for the soul. Deland, M.
Good French governess. Edgeworth, M.
Good government. Auerbach, B.
Good gracious! and the forget-me-not. Neal, J.
Good hunting. Kipling, R.
Good intentions. Jacobs, W. W.
Good lesson well learnt. France, A.
Good luck. Glaspell, S.
Good luck. Jewett, S. O.
Good man's dilemma. Weyman, S. J.
Good match. Maupassant, G. de
Good news from a far country. Watson, J.
Good provider. Hurst, F.
Good reasons. See Maupassant, G. de. Moustaches
Good Samaritan. Andrews, M. R. S.
Good Samaritan. Crockett, S. R.
Good Samaritans. Burke, T.
Good shot. See Pushkin, A. S. Fine shot
Good uncles. Gibbon, P.
Good wolf. Burnett, F. H.
Goodness of Saint Rocque. Dunbar, A.
Goophered grapevine. Chesnutt, C. W.
Goodman, Henry
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1919
Goose-chase. Hopkins, M. S. B.
Goose fair. Lawrence, D. H.
Gooseberries. See Chekhov, A. P. Gooseberry-bush
Gooseberry-bush. Chekhov, A. P.
Gooseherd. Sudermann, H.
Gordon, Armistead Churchill, 1855-
Flandroe's mogul
In Stories of the railway (Stories from Scribner)
Scrib M 2:361
Silent infare
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1916
Scrib M 59:351
Gordon Baldwin. Lindau, R.
Gordon the Gipsey. Hogg, J.
Gorgon's head. Hawthorne, N.
Gorilla and the girl. Burke, T.
Górki, Maxim, pseud. (Alexei Maximovitch Pyeshkov) 1868-
Affair of the clasps
In Outcasts
In Cur Lit 39:348
Because of monotony
In Stories of the steppe
Cain and Arteme
In Individualists
Chelkash [Tchelkache]
In Chelkash and other stories
Twenty-six and one
Fortn 76:1083
Liv Age 232:202
Christmas phantoms
In Cur Lit 39:692
In Chelkash and other stories
Comrade! See Gorky, M. Comrades
Comrades (Comrade!)
In Chelkash and other stories
Orloff and his wife
Esenwein, J. B. Short-story masterpieces, Russian v 2
Craftsman 11:288
Lippinc 91:97
Confronting life
In Cosmopol 38:717
Creatures that were men
In Creatures that were men
In Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Nat'l M [Boston] 15:161
In Orloff and his wife
In Tales of two countries
Górki, MaximContinued
Green kitten
In Chelkash and other stories
Hard to please
In Tales of two countries
Heart of a beggar
In Cur Lit 47:220
In Heartache
Hearts and creeds
In Tales of two countries
Her lover
In Chelkash and other stories
Honour of the village
In Tales of two countries
In Tales of two countries
In the steppe
In Chelkash and other stories
In Individualists
Insolent man
In Orloff and his wife
Jews and their friends
In Tales of two countries
Khan and his son
In Orloff and his wife
In Orloff and his wife
In Tales of two countries
Love of lovers
In Tales of two countries
Makar Chudra
In Stories of the steppe
Making a superman
In Tales of two countries
In Twenty-six and one
Man and the Simplon
In Tales of two countries
Man who could not die
In Stories of the steppe
Man with a national face
In Tales of two countries
March of man
In Cosmopol 39:286
Men with pasts
In Orloff and his wife
Message from the sea
In Tales of two countries
Might of motherhood
In Tales of two countries
In Lippinc 42:14 N '06
Old woman Izerofel
In Heartache
On an autumn night. See Gorki, M. One autumn night
On the steamer
In Tales of two countries
One autumn night. (On an autumn night)
In Chelkash and other stories
Russian R (NY) 2:160
Orloff and his wife
In Orloff and his wife
In Outcasts
Passive resistence
In Tales of two countries
Philip Vasilyevich's story
In Ind 59:543
In Tales of two countries
In Tales of two countries
In Metropol 53:21 Ja '21
Road of shame
In Everybody's 12:467
Rolling stone
In Chelkash and other stories
In Tales of two countries
Strange companion
In Individualists
Story of the Falcon
In Everybody's 13:317
Sun and sea
In Tales of two countries
Tales of two countries
In Tales of two countries
Tchelkache. See Gorky, M. Chelkash
Traitor's mother
In Tales of two countries
Twenty-six and one
In Chelkash and other stories
Twenty-six and one
Twenty-six men and a girl
Twenty-six of us and one other. See Gorky, M. Twenty-six and one
Unwritten sonata
In Tales of two countries
Varenka Olesoff
In Orloff and his wife
Waiting for the ferry
In Outcasts
In Tales of two countries
Gospel. Bacon, J. D.
Gospel according to Joan. Freeman, M. E. W.
Goth. Page, T. N.
Gougar Brothers' Waterloo. Thanet, O.
Goussiev. Chekhov, A. P.
Governess of Greenbush. Hornung, E. W.
Government goat. Glaspell, S.
Government official. Watson, J.
Governor. Hibbard, G. A.
Governor general. Stockton, F. R.
Governor-general's trunk. Train, A. C.
Governor Manco and the patrol. Irving, W.
Governor of St. Kitts. Doyle, A. C.
Governor's day off. Nicholson, M.
Governor's dinner. Hale, E. E.
Governor's prerogative. Thanet, O.
Governor's prerogatives. Earle, M. T.
Gracie Goodnight. Burke, T.
Gradual fairy. Brown, A.
Graham, Robert B entitle Cuminghame, 1852-
Fourth Magus
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Great modern English stories
Grahame, Kenneth, 1859-
In Dream days
Dies irae
In Dream days
In Arcady
In New Review 12:225
Its walls were as of jasper
In Dream days
Scrib M 22:157
Magic ring
In Dream days
Scrib M 20:693
Mutabile semper
In Dream days
Reluctant dragon
In Dream days
Saga of the seas
In Dream days
Scrib M 24:194
Twenty-first of October
In Dream days
New Review 13:359
Grain ship. Robertson, M.
Grain that was like an egg. See Tolstoi, L. N. Seed as big as a hen's egg
Gramigna's mistress. Verga, G.
Grammatical ghost. Peattie, E. W.
Grand, Sarah, pseud. (Mrs. Haldane Macfall)
Ah man
In Our manifold nature
In Our manifold nature
In Our manifold nature
Janey, a humble administrator
In Our manifold nature
Kane, a soldier servant
In Our manifold nature
Momentar3 r indiscretion
In Cosmopol 20:169
When the door opened
In Idler 12:708
Yellow leaf
In Our manifold nature
Grand cross of the crescent. Davis, Richard H.
Grand Hotel du Paradis. See Janvier, T. A. At the Grand Hotel du Paradis
Grand jury in two panels and a frame. Galsworthy, J.
Grand prior of Minorca; a veritable ghost story. Irving, W.
Grande Breteche. Balzac, H. de
Grande demoiselle. King, G. E.
Grandfather Bixby, nurse. Rinehart, M. R.
Grandfather's chair. Hawthorne, N.
Grandfather's dream. Hawthorne, N.
Grandfathers of Bob. Andrews, M. R. S.
Grandison's quandary. See Stockton, F. R. Dusky philosophy
Gran'ma Mullin's woe. See French, A. W. Wolf at Susan's door
Grandmama. Hibbard, G. A.
Grandmama. King, G. E.
Grandma's story. Alcott, L. M.
Grandmother. Vorse, M. H.
Grandmother and her three lovers. Erckmann, E., and Chatrian, A.
Grandmother and the dolls. Harris, J. C.
Grandmother Stark. Wister, O.
Grandmother's grandmother. King, G. E.
Grandsire Triples. Bland, E. N.
Grant, Mrs. Ethel Watts Mumford. See Mumford, Ethel Watts
Grant, Robert, 1852-1914
Across the way
In Law-breakers
Against his judgment
In Law-breakers
Lippinc 44:831
Bachelor's Christmas
In Bachelor's Christmas
Between two fires
In Delin 64:943
By hook or crook
In Bachelor's Christmas
Harper 90:884
Exchange of courtesies
In Law-breakers
Sat Eve Post 171:1 N 26 '04
Eye for an eye
In Bachelor's Christmas
Scrib M 5:315
In fly-time
In Bachelor's Christmas
Harper 89:296
Knave of hearts
In Knave of hearts
In Law-breakers
Everybody's 12:732
Matrimonial tontine benefit association
In Bachelor's Christmas
Scrib M 16:679
Richard and Robin
In Bachelor's Christmas
Harper 90:139
Romance of a soul
In Law-breakers
Woman's H C 28:11 S '01
St. George and the dragon
In Law-breakers
In Law-breakers
Two ways of telling a story; a dramatic dialogue
In Lippinc 39:345
Grantham's limitations. Vorse, M. H.
Grass-green maid. Brown, A.
Grasse widow. Phillpotts, E.
Grasshopper. Chekhov, A. P.
Grasshopper and the ant. Deland, M.
Grasshopper's harvest. Pangborn, G.
Grateful foxes. Mitford, A. B.
Grateful Joe. Allen, G.
Grateful negro. Edgeworth, M.
Gratitude. Bourget, P.
Gratitude of the Samebito. Hearn, L.
Grave See Maupassant, G. de. Tomb
Grave by the handpost Hardy, T.
Grave responsibility. Aumonier, S.
Gravedigger scene. Jacks, L. P.
Graven image. Sharp, W.
Graves and goblins. Hawthorne, N.
Grave walkers. See Maupassant, G. de. Graveyard sirens
Graveyard sirens. Maupassant, G. de
Gray, David, 1870-
In Sat Eve Post 187:3 S 19 '14
Angel of chance
In Collier's 44:11 D 11 '09
Bishop's missionary meeting
In Gallops 2
Braybrooke baby's godmother
In Gallops
Cent 66:614
Braybrooke's double event steeple-chase
In Gallops
Cent 55:29
Carty Carteret's sister
In Gallops
Cent 56:247
Case of the Evanstons
In Mr. Carteret
Cent 74:521
Chalmer's gold piece
In Gallops
Crowninshield's brush
In Gallops 2
McClure 17:194 Je '01
Dalhousie's lady of the morning
In Sat Eve Post 187:5 Ag 3 '15
Diamond that shrank
In Sat Eve Post 192:8 Mr 20 '20
Echo hunt
In Gallops 2
Cent 65:127
In Sat Eve Post 189:9 F '17
First passion
In Ensign Russell
Hare, the tortoise and the earthquake
In Sat Eve Post 192:16 Ag 23 '19
Her first horse show
In Gallops 2
Cent 61:74
His first race
In Gallops
Honor of the escort
In Ensign Russell
Collier's 38:14 Mr 23 '07
How Ensign Russell predicted
In Ensign Russell
How Mr. Carteret proposed
In Mr. Carteret and others
Cent 76:584
How the fence-breaker's league was stumped
In Gallops
In Gallops 2
Cent 66:511
Matter of a mashie
In Mr. Carteret and others
Cent 58:18
Medal of honor story
In Mr. Carteret and others
Metropol 20:236
Mr. Carteret and his fellow Americans abroad
In Mr. Carteret and others
Mr. Careteret's adventure with a locket
In Mr. Carteret and others
Cent 78:536
Parish of St. Thomas Equinas
In Gallops
Cent 55:24
Paths of judgment
In Ensign Russell
Collier's 42:18 O 3 '08
Peach and the admiral
In Cent 75:337
Popularity of Tompkins
In Gallops
Prideaux murder
In Ensign Russell
Collier's 49:19 Mr 23 '12
Reggie Livingstone's country life
In Gallops 2
Cent 67:133
Ride of his life
In Gallops
Self-determination with the Lenoxes
In Sat Eve Post 193:5 My 14 '21
In Gallops 2
Cent 64:352
Transfigured pair
In Gallops
In Sat Eve Post 195:8 O 7 '22
Wax cylinder
In Everybody's 45:4 Jl '21
Way a man marries
In Pict R 18:6 Jl '17
White birds of Sandakkan
In Ensign Russell
Collier's 44:17 S 25 '09
Woman's auxiliary of the Oakdale hunt
In Harper 123:367
Gray champion. Hawthorne, N.
Gray chieftain. Eastman, C. A.
Gray collie. Pangborn, G. W.
Gray frock. Hawkins, A. H.
Gray ghost. Futrelle, J.
Gray jacket of "No. 4." Page, T. N.
Gray madam. Green, A. K.
Gray man. Jewett, S. O.
Gray mills of Farley. Jewett, S. O.
Gray mouse. Davis, C. B.
Gray pippin. Bazin, R.
Gray spot. Boito, C.
Gray wolf's ha'nt. Chestnutt, C. W.
Grayling. Simms, W. G.
Gray's event of raising Miss Week's high. Bacon, J. D.
Gray son's baby. Fox, J., jr.
Great and little Sherberton. Phillpotts, E.
Great auk. Cobb, I. S.
Great Bartrarru Tracy, V.
Great Boer war at Francis' store. Thanet, O.
Great Breteche. See Balzac, H. de. Grande Breteche
Great Brown-Pericprd motor. Doyle, A. C.
Great bubble syndicate. Osbourne, L.
Great Californian. Allen, G.
Great carbuncle. Hawthorne, N.
Great census. See Kipling, R. Smith administration
Great composer. Bangs, J. K.
Great condition. James, H.
Great day. Amicis, E. de
Great day. Singmaster, E.
Great day when Matilda voted. Bangs, J. K.
Great Deadwood mystery. Harte, B.
Great diamond is obtained and used. O'Brien, F. J.
Great expectancy. Montague, M. P.
Great expedition. Jewett, S. O.
Great Feversham. Silberrad, U. L.
Great five-cent case. Osbourne, L.
Great fire in Freethy's quay. See Quiller-Couch, A. T. Prince of Abyssinia's postbag
Great god. Vorse, M. H.
Great God Pan. Lewis, M. C.
Great good place. James, H.
Great-grandmother. See Page, T. N. Her great-grandmother's ghost
Great Gulf Stream syndicate. Hibbard, G. A.
Great interrogation. London, J.
Great Jew. Gibbon, P.
Great K. & A. train robbery. Ford, P. L.
Great Keinplatz experiment. Doyle, A. C.
Great love. Fisher, D. C.
Great man. Smith, G. A.
Great men's sons. Tarkington, B.
Great Minus. Parker, G.
Great Mogul. Barr, R.
Great monopoly. Mason, A. E. W.
Great oaks from little acorns. Kelly, M.
Great Pegram mystery. Barr, R.
Great pine. Freeman, M. E. W.
Great refusal. Fisher, D. C.
Great revolution in Pitcairn. Clemens, S. L.
Great right-of-way. Crockett, S. R.
Great ruby robbery. Allen, G.
Great scoop. Seawell, M. E.
Great secretary-of-state interview. Williams, J. L.
Great shadow. Doyle, A. C.
Great show in Kobolland. Stockton, F. R.
Great staircase at Landover Hall. Stockton, F. R.
Great state of Johnsing. Earle, M. T.
Great stone face. Hawthorne, N.
Great sword. Maupassant, G. de
Great Todescan's secret thrust. Castle, A., and Castle, E.
Great tradition. Beresford, J. D.
Great tradition. Gerould, K. F.
Great tree. Gale, Z.
Great triangular duel. Marryat, F.
Great tri-club tournament. Davis, Richard H.
Great understanding. Vorse, M. H.
Great unimpressionable, Aumonier, S.
Great war syndicate. Stockton, F. R.
Great White Chief. See Parker, G. Woodsman's story of the Great White Chief
Great white deeps. Castle, A., and Castle, E.
Great Winglebury duel. Dickens, C.
Great wish syndicate. Bangs, J. K.
Great Wolfville strike. Lewis, A. H.
Great wreck on the Père Marquette. Warman, C.
Greater Coney. Henry, O.
Greater courage, Thanet, O.
Greater exploration. Morris, G.
Greater love than this. Peattie, E. W.
Greater than greed. Ward, H. D.
Greater than love. Evans, C.
Greatest good of the greatest number. Atherton, G.
Greatest man in the country. Ward, H. D.
Greatest of these. Davis, C. B.
Greatest of these. Fuller, H. B.
Greatest painter in the world. Dunsany, E. P.
Greatest player in all the world. Duncan, N.
Greatness of Helena. Michelson, M.
Greaves' disappearance. Hawthorne, J.
Gree-Gree bush. Connolly, J. B.
Greed. Peattie, E. W.
Greek dancer. Schnitzler, A.
Greek interpreter. Doyle, A. C.
Green, Anna Katharine (Mrs. Charles Rohlfs) 1846-
Amethyst box
In Amethyst box
Leslie's M 55:14, 151, 317,425
Black cross
In Old stone house
Bronze hand
In Difficult problem
Difficult problem
In Difficult problem
Doctor, his wife, and the clock
In Doctor, his wife and the clock
Golden slipper
Dreaming lady
In Golden slipper
Golden slipper
In Golden slipper
Gray madam
In Difficult problem
Grotto spectre
In Golden slipper
McSpadden, J. W. ed. Famous detective stories
Cosmopol 55:86
Hermit of street
In Difficult problem
House in the mist
In House in the mist
House of clocks
In Golden slipper
Intangible clew
In Golden slipper
Major's wife
In Ladies' H J 22:3 Je; 7 Jl; 9 Ag; 11 Sept; 15 O; 16 N '05
Memorable night
In Old stone house
Patten, W. International short stories v 1
Midnight in Beauchamp row
In Difficult problem
Missing: page thirteen
In Golden slipper
Mysterious case
In Old stone house
Lippinc 47:352
Green, Anna KatharineContinued
Old stone house
In Old stone house
Ruby and the caldron
In House in the mist
Scarlet and black
In To the minute, Scarlet and black
Second bullet
In Golden slipper
7-12; a detective story
In 7-12; a detective story
Shall he wed her?
In Old stone house
Staircase at the Heart's Delight
In Difficult problem
Three thousand dollars
In Three thousand dollars
To the minute
In To the minute, Scarlet and black
Violet's own
In Golden slipper
Woman in the alcove
In Am M 60:97
X Y Z; a detective story
In X Y Z; a detective story
Green bough. Austin, M. H.
Green boy from "Harrah." Loomis, C. B.
Green branches. Sharp, W.
Green door. Freeman, M. E. W.
Green door. Henry, Q.
Green emerald. Loomis, C. B.
Green-eyed monster. Futrelle, J.
Green flag. Doyle, A. C.
"Green hill far away." Galsworthy, J.
Green island. Jewett, S. O.
Green isle. Wiggin, K. D.
Green kitten, Gorky, M.
"Green Man." Phillpotts.. E.
Green paint. Mason, A. E. W.
Green pastures. Grenfell, W. T.
Green-room rivals. Trumbull, A. E.
Green ruby. McCutcheon, G. B.
Green tunnels. Huxley, A.
Greene, Frederick Stuart
Black pool
In Greene, F. S. ed. Grim thirteen
Bunker mouse
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1917
Cent 93:695
Cat of the cane-brake
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1916
Cur Opinion 61:201
Greensmith's charade. Phillpotts, E.
Gregg, Frances (Mrs. Frances Gregg Wilkinson)
Whose dog—?
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1915
Forum 54:165
Gregorio. Heminway, P.
Gregory learned. Vorse, M. H.
Gregory learns. Vorse, M. H.
La grenadière. Balzac, H. de
Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason, 1865-
In St. N 39:99
Christmas voyage of the Handy Lass
In Tales of the Labrador
Copper stove
In Off the rocks
Doctor's big fee
In Labrador days
Gifts of poverty
In Tales of the Labrador
Green pastures
In Off the rocks
In Off the rocks
"Joy of their Lord"
In Off the rocks
In Labrador days
Kommak the Innuk
In Tales of the Labrador
Leading light
In Labrador days
Little Prince Pomnik
In Off the rocks
Luck of the Little Rover
In Tales of the Labrador
In Labrador days
Northern chief
In Tales of the Labrador
Off the rocks
In Off the rocks
Paingo, the lonely one
In Tales of the Labrador
Peter Wright; mail-carrier
In Off the rocks
Portland Bill
In Labrador days
In Off the rocks
Red Island shoals
In Labrador days
"Reported lost"
In Off the rocks
Saint Anne of Beaupre
In Tales of the Labrador
Sally's "turns"
In Labrador days
In Atlan 108:347
"That bit o' line"
In Off the rocks
That Christmas in Peace Haven
In Tales of the Labrador
Ladies' H J 29:11 D '12
There's trouble on the sea
In Labrador days
Three Eyes
In Tales of the Labrador
'Tis dogged as does it
In Putnams 6:538
Triple alliance
In Labrador days
Two cat's-paws
In Labrador days
Two Christmases
In Labrador days
Uncle 'Lige's story
In Tales of the Labrador
Uncle Rube's net
In Off the rocks
Uncle Silas: fisherman
In Off the rocks
When we let our pilot go
In Off the rocks
White Fox
In Tales of the Labrador
Grettir at Drangey. Norris, F.
Grettir at Thorhallstead. Norris, F.
Greville Fane. James, H.
Grey angel. Galsworthy, J.
Grey parrot. Jacobs, W. W.
Grey sleeve. Crane, S.
Grey wig. Zangwill, I.
Grey woman. Gaskell, E. C.
Gridiron. Lover, S.
Grief. Chekhov, A. P.
Grief deferred. Brown, A.
Griffin, Gerald, 1803-1840
Mr. Tibbit O'Leary the curious
In Johnson, R. Little classics v 5
Griffin and the minor canon. Stockton, F. R.
Griffin's story. See Smith. F. H. Club chestnuts warmed over
Griffiths the safe man. Kipling, R.
Grim irony of luck. Gibbon, P.
Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Karl, 1785-1863, and
Grimm, Wilhelm Karl, 1786-1859
Faithful John
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:199
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:210
Hansel and Grethel
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:188
Hare and the hedgehog
In Children's Hour 1:215
Little briar-rose
In Warner library
Little Snow-white
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:163
Six swans
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:181
Three spinners
In Warner library
In Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:175
Grinding of Dave Tutt. Lewis, A. H.
Grinding of the mills. Robertson, M.
Grindstone and the drum. See Parker, G. Price of the grindstone
Griselda. See Boccaccio, G. Patient Griselda
Grisette. Musset, A. de
Grisha. Chekhov, A. P.
Grisley suitor. Wedekind, F.
Grit of women. London, J.
Grizel Cockrane's ride. Peattie, E. W.
Grotto spectre. Green, A. K.
Ground ash. Mitford, M. R.
Groundsel-tree. Wright, M. O.
Growing old. See Maupassant, G. de. Farewell!
Growing up. Morris, G.
Grub-staker. Garland, H.
Guarded house. Stringer, A. J.
Guarded shrine. Brown, A.
Guardian angel. Alarcón, P. A. de
Guardian angel. Jacobs, W. W.
Guardian angel. Payn, J.
Guardian angel. Spofford, H. P.
Guardian of the accolade. Henry, O.
Guardian of the fire. Parker, G.
Guardian of the 'scutcheon. Henry, O.
Gudbrand on the hillside. Dasent, G. W.
Gudra's daughter. Stockton, F. R.
Guentham's curious bottles. Loomis, C. B.
Guerilla warfare. Watson, J.
Guerin, George Maurice de, 1810-1839
In Merrill, S. Pastels in prose
Guest in Sodom. Freeman, M. E. W.
Guest of honor. Norris, F.
Guest of honor. Vielé, H. K.
Guest of Quesnay. Tarkington, B.
Guest that tarried. Parker, G.
Guest the One-eyed. Gunnarsson, G.
Guests. Vorse, M. H.
Guest's confession. James, H.
Guests of Mrs. Timms. Jewett, S. O.
Guests of the wolfmaster. Castle, E.
Guide. Mason, A. E. W.
Guiding Miss Gowd. Ferber, E.
Guile. Long, J. L.
Guillotine club. Mitchell, S. W.
Guilty. Bland, E. N.
Guilty. Hurst, F.
Guilty party. Henry, O.
Guilty secret. Kock, Paul de
Guilty Sir Guy. Hibbard, G. A.
Guinea smuggler. Castle, E.
Gully of Bluemans-dyke. Doyle, A. C.
Gum swamp debate. Edwards, H. S.
Gun-play. Stringer, A.
Gunbearer. White, S. E.
Gunnarsson, Gunnar, 1889-
Danish lady at Hof
In Guest the One-eyed
Guest the One-eyed [Gaest den Enøjede]
In Guest the One-eyed
Ørmarr Ørlygsson
In Guest the One-eyed
Young eagle
In Guest the One-eyed
Gunner Criswell. Singmaster, E.
Gunner of Perce Rock. Parker, G.
Gunnlaug the worm-tongue. See Morris, W. Story of Gunnlaug, etc.
Gunpowder plot. Eggleston, E.
Gusenburger. Davis, C. B.
Gusev-Orenburgsky, S.
Difficult travel
In Russian R (NY) 1:85
Gusez. See Chekhov, A. P. Goussiev
'Gustus Frederick. Robins, E.
Guthrie, Thomas Anstey. See Anstey, F. pseud.
Guy Heavystone; or, "Entire," a muscular novel. By the author of "Sword and gun." Harte, B.
Guy's candidate. Benson, E. F.
Gypsy. Bacon, J. D.
Gypsy Christ, Sharp, W.
Gypsy dance near Granada. Smith, F. H.
Gypsy's prophecy. Alarcón, P. A. de