Index to Short Stories/Index to Short Stories/H

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1383217Index to Short Stories — Index to Short Stories, [H, He)1923Ina Ten Eyck Firkins
H. R. H., the prince of Hester street. Kelly, M.
H. S. H. Blackwood, A.
Habakkuk. Gerould, K. F.
Habitation enforced. Kipling, R.
Hacienda. Seawell, M. E.
Haddad-Ben-Ahab. Gait, J.
Hagar of the farm. Castle, A., and Castle, E.
Haggard, Henry Rider, 1856-
Allan the hunter, a tale of three lions
In Allan the hunter
Barbara who came back
In Smith and the pharaohs and other tales
Pall Mall M 51:289,468
Black heart and white heart; a Zulu idyll
In Elissa; the doom of Zimbabwe
Blue curtains
In Smith and the pharaohs and other tales
Elissa; the doom of Zimbabwe
In Elissa; the doom of Zimbabwe
Little flower
In Smith and the pharaohs and other tales
Long odds
In Stories by English authors, Africa
Magepa the buck
In Smith and the pharaohs and other tales
Mahatma and the hare; a dream story
In Mahatma and the hare
Maiwa's revenge
In Maiwa's revenge
Harper 77:180, 345
Missionary and the witch-doctor
In Missionary and the witch-doctor
Only a dream
In Smith and the pharaohs and other tales
Prince; another lion. See Haggard, H. R. Allan the hunter
Smith and the pharaohs
In Smith and the pharaohs and other tales
Tale of three lions. See Haggard, H. R. Allan the hunter
Haiglar; a story of the Catawba. Simms, W. G.
Hair of Melicent. Cabell, J. B.
Hair of the dog. Stuart, R. M.
Hair-pin. Maupassant, G. de
Hairy devil. Robertson, M.
Haiti the shepherd. Bierce, A.
Hajji as a quack. Morier, J. J.
Hal o' the draft Kipling, R.
Halberdier of the little Rheinschloss. Henry, O.
Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909
Alice's Christmas tree
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Alif Laila
In Crusoe in New York
Aunt Caroline's present
In Aunt Caroline's present
Susan's escort
Harper 70:360
Back to back
In Back to back
Harper 55:873
Both their houses
In Susan's escort
Harper 82:413
Bread on the waters
In Works v 4
Brick moon
Susan's escort
Brick moon
In Works v 4
Brick moon
His level best
Atlan 24:451, 603, 679; 25:215
Children of the public
In Works v 1
If, yes, and perhaps
Man without a country
Johnson, R. Little classics v 11
Christmas and Rome
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Christmas waits in Boston
In Works v 2
Christmas eve and Christmas day
If, yes, and perhaps
Civil servant
In Crusoe in New York
Old and New 9:58
Colonel Clipsham's calendar
In Susan's escort
Outlook 86:424
Colonel Ingham's journey
In Christmas in Narragansett
Susan's escort
Harper 68:143
In His level best
Old and New 6:669
Cottage on the Viminal
In Christmas in Narragansett
Cromwell's statute
In Works v 2
Christmas in Narragansett
Crusoe in New York
In Works v 4
Brick moon
Crusoe in New York
Daily bread; a story of a snow blockade.
In Works v 2
Christmas eve and Christmas day
Dick's Christmas
In Christmas in Narragansett
Harper 66:275
Did he take the prince to ride?
In Works v 1
Man without a country
Atlan 21:603
East and west
In Christmas in Narragansett
First grain market
In Susan's escort
Four and five
In Four and five
From generation to generation
In Susan's escort
New Eng M n s 13:534
From making to baking
In Susan's escort
General Glover's true story
In Susan's escort
Governor's dinner
In Christmas in Narragansett
Hands off
In Works v 2
Happy island
In Works v 1
Christmas in Narragansett
Man without a country
Harper 59:209
Hepzibah's turkeys
In Works v 3
Ten times one is ten
His level best
In Works v 1
His level best
Man without a country
In Works v 4
Brick moon
In His name. A story of the Waldenses seven hundred years ago
In Works v 2
In His name
John Rich and Lucy Poor
In Susan's escort
King Charles's shilling
In Susan's escort
Law and gospel
In Christmas in Narragansett
Harper 63:267
Lost palace
In Works v 4
Brick moon
Crusoe in New York
Old and New 10:405
Love is the whole
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Lucy Poor. See Hale, E. E. John Rich and Lucy Poor
Man without a country
In Works v 1
If, yes, and perhaps
Man without a country
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 8
Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 10:450
Ridpath library of universal literature v 1
Trent, W. P., and Henneman, T. B. Best American stories
Warner library
Atlan 12:665
Outlook 45:77
Outlook 92:515
Sharpe 45:77
Max Keesler's horse-car
In Crusoe in New York
Minister's black veil
In Susan's escort
Mrs. De Laix's indecision
In Susan's escort
Modern Psyche
In Works v 1
Crusoe in New York
Man without a country
Harper 51:885
Modern Sindbad
In His level best
Mouse and lion
In His level best
My double and how he undid me
In Works v 1
If, yes, and perhaps
Man without a country
My double and how he undid me
Howells, W. D. ed. Great modern American stories
Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous short stories
Atlan 4:356
My friend the boss
In My friend the boss
Lend a Hand 1:24
Neither scrip nor money
In Works v 3
Ten times one is ten
New Arabian night
In Susan's escort
Harper 78:619
Next his hand
In Christmas in Narragansett
Nicolette and Aucassin
In Crusoe in New York
Old and New 10:223
99 Linwood street
In Works v 4
Brick moon
One cent
In Christmas in Narragansett
One good turn
In One good turn
Susan's escort
Only a fly
In Susan's escort
Chaut 18:293
Our new crusade
In Works v 3
Ten times one is ten
Pharaoh's harvest
In Susan's escort
In Christmas in Narragansett
Queen of California
In His level best
Rag-man and the rag-woman
In Works v 1
Man without a country
Red and white
In Red and white
Return message
In Christmas in Narragansett
Round the world in a hack
In Works v 1
Man without a country
Safe deposit
In Safe deposit
Same Christmas in old England and new
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Skeleton in the closet
In Works v 1
If, yes, and perhaps
Man without a country
Hale, Edward EverettContinued
Stand and wait
In Works v 3
Christmas eve and Christmas day
Ten times one is ten
Story of Oello
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Survivor's story
In Works v 4
Brick moon
Christmas eve and Christmas day
Christmas in Narragansett
Susan's escort
In Susan's escort
Harper 80:908
Tale of a salamander
In His level best
"Tell it again." See Hale, E. E. Aunt
Caroline's present
Ten times one is ten
In Works v 3
Ten times one is ten
Old and New 1:3
Thanksgiving at the polls
In Works v 4
Brick moon
They saw a great light
In Works v 2
Christmas eve and Christmas day
Old and New 7:6
Three anniversaries
In Christmas in Narragansett
Two princes
In Christmas eve and Christmas day
Old and New 1:21
Water talk
In His level best
Western Ginevra
In Crusoe in New York
Harper 57:747
Hale, Lucretia Peabody, 1820-1900
Spider's eye
In Stories by American authors v 3
Hale-Weston. Seawell, M. E.
Haleem. See Duncan, N. For the hand of Haleem
Halévy, Ludovic, 1834-1908
Abbé Constantin
In Abbé Constantin
Autumn manoeuvres. See Halévy, L. Madame de Chateaubrun's series of three
In Continental classics v 5
Parisian points of view
Catherine Duval
In Catherine Duval
Chinese ambassador
In Abbé Constantin
Parisian points of view
Continental classics v 5
Circus charger
In Parisian points of view
Continental classics v 5
In Parisian points of view
Continental classics v 5
Deputy of Gamache
In Abbé Constantin
Duchess and Madame Margot
In Catherine Duval
Fin-de-siecle match
In Autumn manoeuvres
French marriage
In Cosmopol 4:53
In the express
In Parisian points of view
Continental classics v 5
In Parsian points of view
Continental classics v 5
Esenwein, J. B. Short-story masterpieces v 2
Lippinc 88:914
Irene de Leoty
In Catherine Duval
Latter-day wooing
In Autumn manoeuvres
Little Max
In Abbé Constantin
Love marriage. See Halévy, L. Marriage for love
Madame de Chateaubrun's series of three [Autumn manoeuvres]
In Abbé Constantin
Autumn manoeuvres
In Autumn manoeuvres
Marriage for love
In Abbé Constantin
Marriage for love
Most beautiful woman in Paris
In Parisian points of view
Continental classics v 5
Warner library
My nephew
In Patten, W. International short stories v 3
Only a waltz
In Continental classics v 5
Parisian points of view
Story of a ball dress
In Continental classics v 5
Parisian points of view
Tom and Bob
In Autumn manoeuvres
Two cyclones
In Liv Age 212:758
Half a curse. Thanet, O.
Half-a-dozen housekeepers. Wiggin, K. D.
Half a life-time ago. Gaskell, E. C.
Half a sheet of paper. Strindberg, J. A.
Half a sheet of foolscap. See Strindberg, J. A. Half a sheet of paper
Half-breeds. Warman, C.
Half-brothers. Gaskell, E. C.
Half-brothers. Hewlett, M. H.
Half-brothers. Phillpotts, E.
Half-mast Phillpotts, E.
Half-past ten. Tildesley, A. L.
Half-penny (adapted). Scudder, H. E.
Half-seas over. Bangs, J. K.
Half-way house. Vorse, M. H.
Halfyard's mutiny. Duncan, N.
Halima and the scorpions. Hichens, R. S.
Hall, James, 1793-1868
French village
In Baldwin, C. S. ed. American short stories
Hall and he. Keats, G.
Hall-mark. Trask, K. N.
Hall of fantasy. Hawthorne, N.
Hall of the missing footsteps. Huneker, J. G.
Halland tale. Lagerlöf, S.
Les Halles. Wedekind, F.
Hallet, Richard Mallet, 1887-
Making port
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1916
Rainbow Pete
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1917
Pkt R 19:31 O '17
Razor of Pedro Dutel
In Greene, F. S. ed. Grim thirteen
To the bitter end
In O'Brien, E. J. ed. Best short stories of 1919
Sat Eve Post 191:8 My 31 'iQ
Hallowe'en mystery. See Howells, W. D. Rotational tenants; a Hallowe'en mystery
Halt. Ouida
Hallström, Per [August Leonard], 1866-
In Selected short stories
In Selected short stories
Don Juan's rubies
In Selected short stories
Gardener's wife
In Selected short stories
Hidden fires
In Selected short stories
Humble tragedy
In Selected short stories
In Selected short stories
Secret idyll
In Selected short stories
In Selected short stories
In Selected short stories
Hamlet. Kuprin, A. I.
Hamlet of Shshtchigry county. Turgenev, I. S.
Hamlet, prince of Denmark. Lamb, C.
Hammerton type-writer. White, E. O.
Hampshire hills. Field, E.
Hand. Dreiser, T.
Hand. Maupassant, G. de
Hand and heart. Gaskell, E. C.
Hand of Holofernes. Train, A. C.
Hand of Jim Fane. Gerould, K. F.
Hand on the sill. Rice, A. H.
Hand-organ. Coppee, F.
Hand that riles the world. Henry, O.
Handbook of Hades. Bangs, J. K.
Handbook of Hymen. Henry, O.
Handful of carnations. Crawford, F. M.
Handful of clay. Van Dyke, H.
Handicap of beauty. Tracy, V.
Hands of Esau. Deland, M.
Hands of justice. See Kipling, R. Smith administration
Hands of the faithful. Brown, A.
Hands of the pitiful woman. Gibbon, P.
Hands off. Hale, E. E.
Hands quicker than the eye. Train, A. C.
Handsome Harry. Jacobs, W. W.
Handsome is as handsome does. By Ch-s R-de. Harte, B.
Hanging of Talton HalL Fox, J., jr, Hangman. Kuprin, A.
Hangman. Singmaster, E.
Hania. Sienkiewicz, H.
Hank s woman. Wister, O.
Hanrahan and Cathleen the daughter of Hoolihan. Yeats, W. B.
Hanrahan's vision. Yeats, W. B.
Hans in luck (adapted). Scudder, H. E.
Hans Pfaall. See Poe, E. A. Unparalleled adventure of Hans Pfaall
Hans Pumpernickel's vigil. Bangs, J. K.
Hans Schmelz. Lefèvre, E.
Hans, the dreamer. Lindau, R.
Hansel and Gretel. Grimm, W., and Grimm, J.
Hanshew, Thomas W., 1857-1914
Mystery of the steel room
In McSpadden, J. W. ed. Famous detective stories
Hapless girl. Turgenev, I. S.
Happiest day of his life. Osbourne, L.
Happiest man in loway. Hughes, R.
Happiest time. Cutting, M. S.
Happiness. Andrews, M. R. S.
Happiness. Chekhov, A. P.
Happiness (1). Maupassant, G. de
Happiness (2). Maupassant, G. de
Happiness of Stephen the smith. See Hawkins, A. H. Heart of the Princess Osra
Happy birthday. Alcott, L. M.
Happy boy. Björnson, B.
Happy boy. Donnell, A. H.
Happy day. Freeman, M. E. W.
Happy ending. Chekhov, A. P.
Happy island. Hale, E. E.
Happy life. Maupassant, G. de
Happy man. Chekhov, A. P.
Happy prince. Wilde, O.
Happy-teeth. Wister, O.
Happy valley. Tracy, V.
Happy woman. Vorse, M. H.
Harben, William Nathaniel, 1858-
And there was light
In Ridpath library of universal literature
Circus Dan
In Delin 75:210
Convict's return
In Northern Georgia sketches
Cur Lit 30:102
Lippinc 63:549
Courage of Ericson
In Northern Georgia sketches
Fair exchange
In Lippinc 69:115
Filial impulse
In Northern Georgia sketches
Cent 59:363
Harben, William NathanielContinued
Filial pretense
In Harper 107:252
From clue to climax
In Lippinc 57:737
Heresy of Abner Caliban
In Northern Georgia sketches
Humble abolitionist
In Northern Georgia sketches
Jim Trundle's crisis
In Northern Georgia sketches
Lippinc 61:412
Lesson in humility
In Delin 58:942
Mountain match-maker
In Cent 64:413
Mute confessor
In Mute confessor
North walk mystery
In North walk mystery
Over the mountain
In Era 12:341
Question of valor
In Cent 66:442
Rural visitor
In Northern Georgia sketches
Book News 16:523
Sale of the Mammoth Western
In Cent 75:74
Sale of Uncle Rustus
In Northern Georgia sketches
Lippinc 54:403
Sprightly heroine
In Harp W 49:1806
Tender link
In Northern Georgia sketches
Timely intervention
In Munsey 69:469
Two birds with one stone
In Cent 70:61
Whipping of Uncle Henry
In Northern Georgia sketches
Lippinc 58:828
Harbinger. Henry, O.
Harbour of refuge. Jacobs, W. W.
Hard-headed woman. Harris, J. C.
Hard labour. Jacobs, W. W.
Hard road to Andy Coggin's. Fernald, C. B.
Hard to please. Gorky, M.
Hard trigger. Edwards, H. S.
Hardesty's cowardice. Comer, C. A. P.
Hardships of the campaign. Fox, J., jr.
Hardy, Arthur Sherburne, 1847-
In Diane and her friends
Harper 123:529
In Diane and her friends
Harper 119:383
Celimene's diamonds
In Diane and her friends
Harper 122:370
Confession of Countess Anne
In Diane and her friends
Scrib M 44:739
Defense of Diane
In Diane and her friends
Harper 117:895
Experiences of Le Vieux
In Harper 120:19
How Dorante crossed the Rubicon
In Diane and her friends
Harper 125:239
Incident in the prefecture of police
In Harper 133:195
In Harper 125:588
Mystery of Celestine
In Harper 140:442
Real birthday of Dorante
In Diane and her friends
Harper 123:138
Silver pencil
In Diane and her friends
Harper 125:16
Three experiences of Le Vieux
In Diane and her friends
Harper 120:19
Twelve green Russian garnets
In Diane and her friends
Harper 121:443
Way of Diane
In Diane and her friends
Harper 121:732
Hardy, Thomas, 1840-
Absent-mindedness in a parish choir
In Life's little ironies
Harper 82:890
Alicia's diary
In Changed man
Andrey Satchel and the parson and clerk
In Life's little ironies
Harper 82:700
Anna, Lady Baxby
In Group of noble dames
Graphic. Christmas no. 1890
Barbara, of the house of Grebe
In Group of noble dames
Graphic. Christmas no. 1890
Changed man
In Changed man
Cosmopol 29:35
Committee-man of "the terror"
In Changed man
Distracted preacher
In Wessex tales
Liv Age 141:501
New Quarterly M n s 1:324
Distracted young preacher. See Hardy, T. Distracted preacher
Duchess of Hamptonshire
In Group of noble dames
Duke's reappearance
In Changed man
Enter a dragoon
In Changed man
Harper 102:25
In Wessex tales
New Quarterly M Jan-Ap 1880
Few crusted characters: [Wessex folk]
Tony Kytes, the arch-deceiver; History of the Hardcombes; Superstitious man's story; Andrey Satchel and the parson and clerk; Old Andrey's experience as a musician;
Absent-mindedness in a parish choir; Winters and the Palmleys; Incident in the life of Mr. George Crookhill; Netty Sargent's copyhold
In Life's little ironies
Harper 82:587, 698, 890; 83:121
Fiddler of the reels
In Life's little ironies
Scrib M 13:597
First countess of Wessex
In Group of noble dames
Harper 80:20
For conscience' sake
In Life's little ironies
Eclectic M 116:610
Fortn 55:370
Grave by the handpost
In Changed man
History of the Hardcpmbes
In Life's little ironies
Harper 82:593
Honorable Laura
In Group of noble dames
Imaginative woman
In Wessex tales
Pall Mall M Ap 1894
Incident in the life of Mr. George Crookhill
In Life's little ironies
Harper 82:121
Indiscretion in the life of an heiress
In Liv Age 139:11, 76
New Quarterly R 1878
Interlopers at the Knap
In Wessex tales
Eng Illust My 1884
Lady Caroline, afterwards Marchioness of Stonchenge
In Group of noble dames
Graphic. Christmas no. 1890
Lady Icenway
In Group of noble dames
Graphic. Christmas no. 1890
Lady Mottisfont
In Group of noble dames
Graphic. Christmas no. 1890
Lady Penelope
In Group of noble dames
Eclectic M 114:217
Longman's 15:217
Marchioness of Stonehenge. See Hardy, T. Lady Caroline
Master John Horsleigh, knight
In Changed man
McClure 1:136
Melancholy hussar of the German legion
In Life's little ironies
Mere interlude
In Changed man
Netty Sargent's copyhold
In Life's little ironies
Harper 81:123
Old Andrey's experience as a musician
In Life's little ironies
Harper 80:705
On the western circuit
In Life's little ironies
Eng Illust 9:275
Romantic adventures of a milkmaid
In Changed man
Romantic adventures of a milkmaid
Graphic. Summer no. 1883
Son's veto
In Life's little ironies
Illust Lond News. Christmas no. 1891
Squire Patrick's lady
In Group of noble dames
Graphic. Christmas no. 1890
Superstitious man's story
In Life's little ironies
Harper 80:698
Three strangers
In Wessex tales
Nutter, C. R. Specimens of prose composition
Stories by English authors, England
Liv Age 157:104
Longman's 1:569
Manhattan 1:266
To please his wife
In Life's little ironies
Black and White Je 2 1891
Tony Kytes, the arch-deceiver
In Life's little ironies
Harper 82:589
Tradition of 1804
In Life's little ironies
Tragedy of two ambitions
In Life's little ironies
Universal R 2:537
Tryst at an ancient earthwork
In Changed man
Waiting supper
In Changed man
Liv Age 176:669, 719
Murray 3:42, 199
Wessex folk. See Hardy, T. Few crusted characters
What the shepherd saw
In Changed man
Winters and the Palmleys
In Life's little ironies
Withered arm
In Wessex tales
Blackw 143:30
Eclectic M 110:339
Hare and the hedgehog. Grimm, W., and Grimm, J.
Hare and the tortoise. Alcott, L. M.
Hare and the tortoise. Jewett, S. O.
Hare, the tortoise and the earthquake. Gray, D.
Harkness's fancy. Hewlett, M. H.
Harland, Henry, 1861-1905
At the court of the Corsican
In Sat Eve Post 173:2 O 20 '00
Bag of gold
In Leslie's M 56:13 My '03
Big peach
In Leslie's M 56:328
Bohemian girl
In Gray roses
Yellow book 4:112
Broken looking-glass
In Gray roses
Yellow book 1:142
Castles near Spain
In Gray roses
In Comedies and errors
Harland, HenryContinued
Cousin Rosalys
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 9:35
De profundis
In Two voices
Dies irae
In Two voices
Flower o' the clove
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 12:65
Flower o' the quince
In Gray roses
Friend of man
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 11:51
Funeral march of a marionette
In Mademoiselle Miss
House of Eulalie
In Comedies and errors
Invisible prince
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 10:59
Land of love. See Harland, Henry. Latin-quarter courtship
Latin quarter courtship [Land of love]
In Latin-quarter courtship
Lippinc 40:169
Light sovereign
In Mademoiselle Miss
In Latin-quarter courtship
Mademoiselle Miss
In Mademoiselle Miss
In Gray roses
Yellow book 1:135
Merely players
In Comedies and errors
Mr. Sonnenschein's inheritance
In Latin-quarter courtship
Mrs, Ormizon's dinner party
In Latin-quarter courtship
Prodigal father
In Mademoiselle Miss
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 8:65
Queen of pleasure
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 7:29
In Gray roses
In Gray roses
Yellow book 2:103
Reward of virtue
In Gray roses
In Comedies and errors
Rosemary for remembrance
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 5:77
Sleeveless errand
In Mademoiselle Miss
In Comedies and errors
Yellow book 6:65
When I am king
In Gray roses
Yellow book 3:77
Harlem tragedy. Henry, O.
Harlequin and Columbine. Tarkington, B.
"Harnt" that walks Chilhowec. Craddock, C. E.
Haroun the caliph. Mitchell, S. W.
Harp unstrung. Harrison, C. C.
Harper in the wood. Rice, A. H.
Harping of Cravetheen. Sharp, W.
Harraden, Beatrice, 1864-
About the umbrella-mender; a study
In In varying moods
Umbrella mender
Blackw 146:122
Eclectic M 113:270
At the green dragon; an episode
In In varying moods
Blackw 154:159
Liv Age 198:781
Bach double concerto in D minor
In Thirteen all told
Scrib M S3:580
In Thirteen all told
Clarionet player
In Thirteen all told
Bird of passage. See Harraden, B. Bird on its journey
Bird on its journey
In In varying moods
Stories by English authors, Germany
Blackw 155:469
Eclectic M 122:688
Liv Age 201:306
Bravest of the vikings
In Untold tales of the past
Clockmaker and his wife
In In varying moods
Distant scene
In Thirteen all told
Enchanted house
In Thirteen all told
Eve of Caesar's triumph
In Untold tales of the past
First wife's picture
In Thirteen all told
Garland of wild olive
In Untold tales of the past
Gift of fulfillment; an allegory
In Blackw 165:283
Goldsmith's apprentice
In Untold tales of the past
In Thirteen all told
How Livia won the brooch
In Untold tales of the past
How Master Caxton showed temper
In Untold tales of the past
How Phidias helped the image-maker
In Untold tales of the past
Idyl of London
In In varying moods
Stories by English authors, London
Eng Illust 11:289
In a Bavarian fiddle village
In Thirteen all told
Jewel ghost
In Thirteen all told
Joan of Arc and little Pierre
In Untold tales of the past
"Little grey home in the west"
In Thirteen all told
Little Rosebud
In Little Rosebud
McGrath's home coming
In Thirteen all told
In Thirteen all told
Passing on
In Pall Mall M 35:159
Painter and his picture
In In varying moods
Sorrow and joy
In In varying moods
Sunbeam of the tower
In Untold tales of the past
True Spartan heart
In Untold tales of the past
Umbrella-mender. See Harraden, B. About the umbrella-mender
Vestal virgins
In Untold tales of the past
What was his motive?
In Belgravia 70:177
William of Wykeham's workman
In Untold tales of the past
Woman pavement artist
In Thirteen all told
Harriet Frean. See Sinclair, M. Life and death of Harriett Frean.
Harris, Joel Chandler (Uncle Remus, pseud.) 1848-1908
According to how the drop falls
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Adventures of Simon and Susanna
In Daddy Jake
African Jack
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:611
After the war
In Plantation pageants
In Tales of the home folks
In Balaam and his master
Harper 76:699
As a murderer
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
As a weather prophet
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
As to education
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
At Teague Poteet's: a sketch of the Hog mountain range
In Mingo
Cent 26:137, 185
Aunt Fountain's prisoner
In Free Joe
Stories of the South (Stories from Scribner)
Scrib M 1:280
Aunt Tempy's story
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Awful fate of Mr. Wolf
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
In Free Joe
Cent 34:541, 712, 881
Baby in the siege
In Tales of the home folks
Scrib M 19:490
Baby's Christmas
In Tales of the home folks
Cent 47:284
Baby's fortune
In Tales of the home folks
Scrib M 20:613
Balaam and his master
In Balaam and his master
Cent 41:557
Bascom place. See Harris, J. C. Old Bascorn place
Belle of St. Valerien
In Tales of the home folks
Atlan 69:338
Bewitched huntsman
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger, ch 15
Billy Boring and his drum
In Sat Eve Post 178:5 O 7 '05
Bishop and the boogerman
In Bishop and the boogerman
Blue Dave
In Mingo
Blue hen's chicken
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Bold deserter
In Tales of the home folks
Eng Illust 15:243
Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox and the Tar Baby
In Howells. W. D. ed. Great modern American stories
Brer Rabbit causes Brer Fox to lose his hide
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
Brer Rabbit has trouble with the moon
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
Brother Bear and the honey orchard
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Billy Goat eats his dinner
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Deer an' King Sun's daughter
In Told by Uncle Remus
Collier's 32:15 Ja 9 '04
Brother Fox and the white muscadines
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Fox, Brother Rabbit, and King
Deer's daughter
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Fox catches Mr. Horse
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Fox covets the quills
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Fox follows the fashion
In Told by Uncle Remus
Collier's 33:13 Ag 13 '04
Brother Fox makes a narrow escape
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Fox says grace
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:615
Brother Fox "smells smoke"
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Harris, Joel ChandlerContinued
Brother Fox still in trouble
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Fox's fish-trap
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Lion has a spell of sickness
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Brother Mud Turtle's trickery
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Possum gets in trouble
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:775
Brother Rabbit and Brother Bull-frog
In Told by Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit and his famous foot
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:619
Brother Rabbit and Miss Nancy
In Told by Uncle Remus
Collier's 34:15 F 15 '05
Brother Rabbit and Mr. Wildcat
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit and the chickens
In Told by Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit and the ginger-cake
In Daddy Jake
Brother Rabbit and the gizzard eater
In Told by Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit and the little girl
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit and the mosquitoes
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit breaks up a party
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit conquers Brother Lion
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Rabbit frightens Brother Tiger
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Rabbit gets Brother Fox's dinner
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit gets the provisions
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit has fun at the ferry
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Rabbit lays in his beef supply
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit outdoes Mr. Man
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit pretends to be poisoned
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit rescues Brother Terrapin
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Bother Rabbit secures a mansion
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit submits to a test
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:780
Brother Rabbit takes a walk
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit takes some exercise
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:342
Brother Rabbit ties Mr. Lion
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit's astonishing prank
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit's bear hunt
In Uncle Remus returns
Brother Rabbit's courtship
In Daddy Jake
Brother Rabbit's cradle
In Told by Uncle Remus
Collier's 34:21 N 12 '04
Brother Rabbit's laughing-place
In Told by Uncle Remus
Brother Rabbit's love-charm
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:778
Brother Rabbit's money mint
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Brother Rabbit's riddle
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Terrapin deceives Brother Buzzard
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Terrapin's fiddle-string
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 8
Brother Wolf and the horned cattle
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Wolf falls a victim
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Wolf gets in a warm place
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Wolf still in trouble
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Brother Wolf's two big dinners
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Buster John alarms Mr. Rabbit
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Buster John sees Hodo
In Plantation pageants
Butting-cow and the hitting stick
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Called to account by the preacher
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Case of Mary Ellen
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
Case of measles
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Case of the grippe
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Cause of the difHculty
In Tales of the home folks
Cawkey the crow
In Plantation pageants
Child of Christmas
In Making of a statesman
Colonel's "nigger dog"
In Scrib M 18:722
Comedy of the war
In Tales of the home folks
McClure 1:69
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Conscript's Christmas
In Balaam and his master
Cent 41:284
Cousin Anne Crafton
In Ainslie's Ap '03
Cow with the golden horns
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Creature with no claws
In Daddy Jake
Cunning snake
In Nights with Uncle Remus
"Cutta Cord-la"
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Daddy Jake, the runaway
In Daddy Jake
Death and the negro man
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Deceitful jug
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Diamond mine
In Plantation pageants
Dream and a story
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Critic 1:347
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
End of Mr, Bear
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Evening with the Ku-Klux
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
Experience of William Henry as a farmer
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Fate of the diddy pawn
In Mr. Rabbit at home
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Flingin' Jim and his fool-killer
In Making of a statesman
Cosmopol 30:356
Flit the flying squirrel
In Plantation pageants
Florida watermelon
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Fool for luck
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Foolish woman
In Daddy Jake
Fourth of July
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Free Joe
In Free Joe
Cent 29:117
Georgia watermelon
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Ghost story
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:618
Grandmother and the dolls
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 1
Hard-headed woman
In Told by Uncle Remus
"Heyo, House!"
In Uncle Remus and his friends
His practical view of things
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Hodo gets his blood up
In Plantation pageants
How a king was found
In Mr. Rabbit at home
How a witch was caught
In Daddy Jake
How Aunt Minervy Ann ran away and back again
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
How Black Snake caught the wolf
In Daddy Jake
How B'rer Rabbit raised the dust
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
How B'rer Rabbit saved Brer Bear's life
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
How Brother Bear's hair was combed
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 11
How Brother Fox failed to get his grapes
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Tappan, E. M. Children's Hour 1:480
Critic 1:45
How Brother Fox was too smart
In Nights with Uncle Remus
How Brother Lion lost his wool
In Mr. Rabbit at home
How Brother Rabbit brought family trouble on Brother Fox
In Uncle Remus returns
How Brother Rabbit frightened his neighbors
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:345
How Brother Rabbit got the meat
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:348
How Mr. Rabbit lost his fine bushy tail
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
How Mr. Rabbit saved his meat
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
How Mr. Rabbit succeeded in raising a dust
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
How Mr. Rabbit was too sharp for Mr. Fox
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
How Mr. Rooster lost his dinner
In Nights with Uncle Remus
How old Craney-Crow lost his head
In Told by Uncle Remus
Collier's 33:19 My 28 '04
How she and Major Perdue frailed out the Gossett boys
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
How she joined the Georgia legislature
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
How she went into business
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
How the bear nursed the little alligator
In Nights with Uncle Remus
How the birds talk
In Daddy Jake
How the king recruited his army
In Uncle Remus and his friends
How the terrapin was taught to fly
In Daddy Jake
How Wattle Weasel was caught
In Nights with Uncle Remus
How Whalebone caused a wedding
In Tales of the home folks
Scrib M 16:606
How Wiley Wolf rode in the bag
In Told by Uncle Remus
Impty-Umpty and the blacksmith
In Uncle Remus returns
Harris, Joel ChandlerContinued
In some lady's garden
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:772
In the order of Providence
In On the wings of occasion
Collier's 172:788 Mr 3 '00
In the role of a tartar
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Intimidation of a colored voter
In Uncle Remus and his friends
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Jeems Rober'son's last illness
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Jumping-off place
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Keen-point, Cob-handle, and Butch
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 17, 18
Kidnapping of President Lincoln
In On the wings of occasion
Sat Eve Post 172:1122, 1155, 1178, 1208
King of the clinkers
In Mr. Rabbit at home
King that talked biggity
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Ladder of lions
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 7
Late Mr. Watkins of Georgia
In Tales of the home folks
Lippinc 53-422
Little boy and his dogs
In Daddy Jake
Little boy of the lantern
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Little Compton
In Free Joe
Cent 33:839
Little Miss Johns
In Sat Eve Post 173:1 D 8; 10 D 15 '00
Little Mr. Cricket and the other creatures
In Told by Uncle Remus
Little Union scout
In Little Union scout
Lucky conjurer
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Magic ring
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Sat Eve Post 174:3 Ja 25; 12 F 1 '02
Major Per due's bargain
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
Patten, W. International short stories v 1
Making of a statesman
In Making of a statesman
Man and his boots
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Man and the wild cattle
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Mingo; a sketch of life in Middle Georgia
In Mingo
Miss Cow falls a victim to Mr. Rabbit
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Miss Irene
In Scrib M 27:216
Miss Puss's Christmas
In Making of a statesman
Miss Sally and the tree man
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Mr. Bear catches old Mr. Bull-Frog
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Benjamin Ram and his wonderful fiddle
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Mr. Benjamin Ram defends himself
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Mr. Bobbs and his bubble
In Plantation pageants
Mr. Fox and Miss Goose
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Mr. Fox and the deceitful frogs
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Fox figures as an incendiary
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Critic 1:104
Mr. Fox gets into serious business
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Fox goes a-hunting, but Mr. Rabbit bags the game
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Fox is again victimized
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Fox is "out done" by Mr. Buzzard
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Hawk and Brother Buzzard
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Mr. Hawk and Brother Rabbit
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Mr. Lion hunts Mr. Man
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Mr. Lion's sad predicament
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Mr. Man has some meat
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:346
Mr. Rabbit and Mr. Bear
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Rabbit as a rain-maker
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger. ch 10
Mr. Rabbit finds his match at last
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Rabbit grossly deceives Mr. Fox
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Rabbit meets his match again
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Rabbit nibbles up the butter
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Terrapin appears upon the scene
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Terrapin shows his strength
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Thimblefinger's friends
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger
Mr. Wolf makes a failure
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mr. Wolf tackles old man Tarrypin
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Mrs. Partridge has a fit
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Mom Bi
In Balaam and his master
Moon in the mill-pond
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:340
More trouble for Brother Wolf
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Most beautiful bird in the world
In Uncle Remus returns
Mountain of gold
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Old Bascom place
In Balaam and his master
Cent 38:607, 909
Old Brother Terrapin gets some fish
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Old-fashioned fuss
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Old Grinny-Granny Wolf
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Old man's troubles
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Old Mr. Rabbit, he's a good fisherman
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Old Scar-Face, the red fox, does some bragging
In Plantation pageants
Origin of the ocean
In Nights with Uncle Remus
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Piece of land
In Mingo
Plantation printer; the adventures of a Georgia boy during the war
In Plantation printer
Plantation witch
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Preaching that is preaching, and Uncle
Remus's comments on it
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Progress of the performing bear
In Sat Eve Post 177:3 Mr n '05
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 4
Queer experience with the phonograph
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Rabbit and the moon
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Race improvement
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Rainy day with Uncle Remus
In Scrib M 22:241
Rattlesnake and the polecat
In Daddy Jake
Reason why
In Told by Uncle Remus
In Cent 62:916
Run of luck
In Tales of the home folks
Scrib M 22:682
Sad fate of Mr. Fox
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Shadow between his shoulder-blades
In Shadow between his shoulder-blades
Sat Eve Post 180:14 N 2; 14 N 9; 13 N 16 '07
Shoemaker who made but one shoe
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Simon and Susanna. See Harris, J. C. Adventures of Simon and Susanna
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger, ch 12
Snow-white goat and the coal-black sheep
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Some advice to a colored brother
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Spirits seen and unseen
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Story about the little rabbits
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Story of a blind horse
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Story of Aaron
In Story of Aaron
Story of Brer Fox and little Mr. Cricket
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
Story of Mr. Coon
In Plantation pageants
Story of Teench-Tiny Duck
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
Story of the deluge, and how it came about
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Story of the Doodang
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
Story of the pigs
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:474
Story of the river
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 19
Strange wagoner
In Plantation pageants
Strawberry girl
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 13
Strongest who? or which?
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 3
Sweetest Susan's strange adventure
In Plantation pageants
In Uncle Remus returns
Talk about fox hunting
In Plantation pageants
Talking saddle
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 5
Talking-saddle and the thief
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 6
Tar-baby. See Harris, J. C. Wonderful tar-baby story
Harris, Joel ChandlerContinued
Teague Poteet's. See Harris, J. C. At Teague Poteet's
Temperance reformer
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Terrible horse
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Three ivory bobbins
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 16
Trouble on Lost Mountain
In Free Joe
Cent 31:425
Troubles of Martin Coy
In On the wings of occasion
Sat Eve Post 172:884
Turnip salad as a text
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Uncle Rain and Brother Drought
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Uncle Remus and the comet
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus and the Savannah darkey
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Uncle Remus at the telephone
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus imitates the little boy
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Uncle Remus in limbo
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus on an electric car
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus preaches to a convert
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Uncle Remus receives a letter
In Uncle Remus and the little boy
Uncle Remus receives a valentine
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus thinks he finds a snake
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus with the toothache
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Uncle Remus's church experience
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Uncle Remus's experience with "ha'nts"
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus's grandson gets into serious trouble
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus's ideas of conjuring
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Uncle Remus's wonder story
In Daddy Jake
Views on the African exodus
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Visit from Aunt Minervy
In Plantation pageants
Visit to Billy Biscuit
In Plantation pageants
When Brother Rabbit was king
In Told by Uncle Remus
When Jess went a fiddlin'
In Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
Where the harrycane comes from
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Where the thunder lives
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Where's Duncan
In Balaam and his master
Whims of Captain McCarthy
In On the wings of occasion
Sat Eve Post 173:4 Ag 11; 15 Ag 18 '00
Why Brother Bear has no tail
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 1:487
Cent 26:343
Why Brother Bull growls and grumbles
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Why Brother Fox's legs are black
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Why Brother Wolf didn't eat the little rabbits
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Why Mr. Billy-Goat's tail is short
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 4
Why Mr. Cricket has elbows on his legs
In Told by Uncle Remus
Why Mr. Dog is tame
In Told by Uncle Remus
Collier's 32:17 N 28 '03
Why Mr. Dog runs Brother Rabbit
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Why Mr. Possum has no hair on his tail
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Why Mr. Possum loves peace
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Why the alligator's back is rough
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:614
Why the bear is a wrestler
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Why the Confederacy failed
In On the wings of occasion
Why the guinea fowls are speckled
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Cent 26:777
Why the guineas stay awake
In Daddy Jake
Why the hawk catches chickens
In Uncle Remus and his friends
"Why the moon's face is smutty
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Why the negro is black
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Why the turkey-buzzard is bald-headed
In Told by Uncle Remus
William Henry at school
In Uncle Remus and his friends
Wise bird and the foolish bird
In Nights with Uncle Remus
Witch of the well
In Little Mr. Thimblefinger ch 14
Wonderful tar-baby story
In Uncle Remus, his songs and his sayings
Woog and the weeze
In Mr. Rabbit at home
Young minstrels
In Collier's 54:10 S 19 '14
Harris, Miriam (Coles) (Mrs. S. S. Harris) 1834-
In the interests of Christopher
In Howells, W. D., and Alden, H. M. Quaint courtships
Harrison, Constance (Cary) (Mrs. Burton Harrison) 1846-
At a winter house-party
In Merry maid of Arcady
Author's reading and its consequences
In Carcellini emerald
Harper 97:729
Carcellini emerald
In Carcellini emerald
In Edelweiss of the Sierras
Crow's nest
In Belhaven tales
Cent 30:725
Daughter of the South
In Daughter of the South
Cosmopol 12:161
Edelweiss of the Sierras
In Edelweiss of the Sierras
Harper 65:116
Girl of the period
In Carcellini emerald
Golden-rod: an idyl of Mount Desert
In Edelweiss of the Sierras
Harp unstrung
In Daughter of the South
His lordship
In Merry maid of Arcady
House built upon sand
In Edelweiss of the Sierras
Harper 70:542
Jenny, the debutante
In Daughter of the South
Leander of Betsy's pride
In Carcellini emerald
Leaves from the diary of Ruth Marchmont, spinster
In Merry maid of Arcady
Merry maid of Arcady
In Merry maid of Arcady
Harper 90:378
Mr. Clendenning Piper
In Daughter of the South
Monsieur Alcibiade
In Cent 43:601
Mount Desert. See Harrison, C. C. Golden-rod
On a hill-top
In Edelweiss of the Sierras
On Frenchman's Bay
In Virginia cousin
Cosmopol 18:189
Out of season
In Virginia cousin
Peggy's possum hunt
In St N 39:244
Secret of Don Juan
In Merry maid of Arcady
Shattered violin
In Edelweiss of the Sierras
Sierras. See Harrison, C. C. Edelweiss of the Sierras
Stolen Stradivarius
In Carcellini emerald
Stranger within thy gate
In Merry maid of Arcady
Suit decided
In Daughter of the South
Thirteen at table
In Merry maid of Arcady
Thorn in his cushion
In Daughter of the South
Three Misses Benedict at Yale
In Carcellini emerald
Una and King David
In Belhaven tales
Under the convent wall
In Edelweiss of the Sierras
Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch
In Unwelcome Mrs. Hatch
Virginia cousin
In Virginia cousin
Wanted: a chaperon
In Carcellini emerald
Wife's love
In Daughter of the South
Winwood's luck
In Lippinc 68:336
In Merry maid of Arcady
Harry. Jordan, E. G.
Harry and Lucy. Edge-worth, M.
Harry and Maude and I—also James. Bangs, J. K.
Harry Lossing. Thanet, O.
Harry of England. Magruder, J.
Harry's inheritance. Allen, G.
Harsh word. Connolly, J. B.
Harshaw bride. Foote, M. H.
Hart, Frances Noyes
In O'Henry memorial award prize stories of 1920
Harte, [Francis] Bret, 1839-1902
Adventure of Padre Vicentio
In Writings v 1
Adventures of John Longbowe, yoeman
In Writings v 18
Condensed novels
Cosmopol 32:153
Ali Baba of the Sierras
In Writings v 17
Openings in the old trail
Sat Eve Post 174:4 Ja 4 '02
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Tales of trail and town
Apostle of the Tules
In Writings v 4
By shore and sedge
Longman's 6:67
Argonauts of North Liberty
In Writings v 11
At the mission of San Carmel
In Writings v 3
Frontier stories
On the frontier
Harte, BretContinued
Baby Sylvester
In Writings v 2
Tales of the Argonauts
Barker's luck
In Writings v 10
Barker's luck
Belle of Cañada city
In Writings v 18
From sand hill to pine
Bell-ringer of Angels
In Writings v 8
Bell-ringer of Angels
Blue grass Penelope
In Writings v 4
Frontier stories
On the frontier
Longman's 4:265, 522
Boom in the "Calaveras Clarion"
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
In Writings v 14
Luck of Roaring Camp
Brown of Calaveras
In Writings v 1
Overland 4:284
Buckeye Hollow inheritance
In Writings v 18
Openings in the old trail
Strand M 21:603
Bulger's reputation
In Writings v 10
Barker's luck
Strand M 14:25
Captain Jim's friend
In Writings v 5
Heritage of Dedlow Marsh
Chatelaine of Burnt Ridge
In Writings v 7
Sappho of Green Springs
Christmas gift that came to Rupert
In Writings v 1
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
Chu Chu
In Writings v 10
Bell-ringer of Angels
In Writings v 9
Colonel Starbottle for the plaintiff
In Writings v 17
Openings in the old trail
Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous stories
Harper 102:564
Colonel Starbottle's client
In Writings v 7
Colonel Starbottle's client
Conspiracy of Mrs. Bunker
In Writings v 8
Sally Dows
Idler 1:93, 206, 314
Convalescence of Jack Hamlin
In Writings v 19
Trent's trust
Convert of the mission
In Writings v 10
Barker's luck
In Writings v 7
Macmillan 58:292, 401; 59:1, 81
Dan'l Borem. By F. N-s W-t-t
In Writings v 18
Condensed novels
Sat Eve Post 174:8 D 7 '01
Desborough connections
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Stories in light and shadow
Devil and the broker
In Writings v 1
Devil's ford
In Writings v 4
Devotion of Enriquez
In Writings v 10
Barker's luck
Cent 51:37
Dick Boyle's business card
In Writings v 19
Trent's trust
Dick Spindler's family Christmas
In Writings v 15
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
Drift from Redwood camp
In Writings v 5
Scrib M 2:651
Dweller of the threshold. By Sir Ed-d
L-tt-n B-lw-r
In Writings v 1
Episode of Fiddletown
In Writings v 2
Tales of the Argonauts
Scrib o s 6:433, 576, 696
Episode of West Woodlands
In Writings v 10
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's
Esmeralda of Rocky Canon
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
Harper 98:14
Fantine. After the French of Victor Hugo
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
"La femme." After the French of M. Michelet
In Writings v 1
First family of Tasajara
In Writings v 8
Macmillian's M 64:241, 461; 65:1, 81
Five o'clock in the morning
In Drift from two shores
Flip; a California romance
In Writings v 3
Frontier stories
Fool of Five Forks
In Writings v 2
Luck of Roaring Camp
Tales of the Argonauts
For simla reasons. See Harte, B. Stories three
Found at Blazing Star
In Writings v 3
Frontier stories
Belgravia 47:46, 172
Four guardians of Lagrange
In Writings v 17
Ghost of the Sierras
In Writings v 2
Drift from two shores
Ghosts of Stukeley castle
In Writings v 11
Colonel Starbottle's client
Goddess of Excelsior
In Writings v 18
Openings in the old trail
Strand M 20:123
Golly and the Christian; or, The minx and the Manxman. By H-ll C-ne
In Writings v 18
Condensed novels
Cosmopol 31:644
Great Deadwood mystery
In Writings v 3
Twins of Table Mountain
Scrib o s 17:177
Guy Heavystone; or, "Entire," a muscular novel. By the author of "Sword and gun"
In Writings v 1
Handsome is as handsome does. By Ch-s R-de
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
Haunted man. By Ch-r-s D-ck-ns
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
Heir of the McHulishes
In Writings v 11
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's
Cent 46:763, 921
Heiress of Red Dog
In Writings v 2
Twins of Table Mountain
Belgravia 37:321
Heritage of Dedlow Marsh
In Writings v 5
Heritage of Dedlow Marsh
High-water mark
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring camp
Home-coming of Jim Wilkes
In Writings v 10
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's
Hoodlum band; or, The boy chief, the infant politician, and the pirate prodigy
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
Drift from two shores
Godey 96:33
Temple Bar 52:87
How I went to the mines
In Writings v 18
How old man Plunkett went home [Monte Flat pastoral]
In Writings v 2
Tales of the Argonauts
Scrib o s 7:343
Cent 85:828
How Reuben Allen "saw life" in San Francisco
In Writings v 18
Under the Redwoods
Leslie's M 50:71 My '00
How Santa Claus came to Simpson's bar
In Writings v 2
Luck of Roaring camp
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
Atlan 29:349
Idyl of Red Gulch
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring camp
Overland 3:569
Iliad of Sandy Bar
In Writings v 2
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
Overland 5:479
In a hollow of the hills
In Writings v 10
In a pioneer restaurant
In Writings v 7
Colonel Starbottle's client
In the Carquinez wood
In Writings v 4
Frontier stories
Longman's 2:315, 535
In the Tules
In Writings v 10
Barker's luck
Indiscretion of Elsbeth
In Writings v 11
Barker's luck
Ingenue of the Sierras
In Writings v 9
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's
Idler 3:361
McClure 3:150
Jack and Jill of the Sierras
In Writings v 18
From sand hill to pine
McClure 15:219
Jeff Brigg's love story
In Writings v 3
Jersey centenarian
In Writings v 11
Tales of the Argonauts
Jimmy's big brother from California
In Writings v 17
Under the Redwoods
Strand M 19:260
In Writings v 2
Drift from two shores
John Jenkins; or, The smoker reformed By T. S. A-th-r
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
John Parmenter's protegee
In New Eng M n s 5:792
In Writings v 14
Bell-ringer of Angels
Idler 5:563
Johnson's old woman
In Writings v 7
Colonel Starbottle's client
Judgment of Bolinas
In Writings v 15
Tales of trail and town
Jungle folk, See Harte, B. Stories three
Knight-errant of the foot-hills
In Writings v 5
Heritage of Dedlow Marsh
Harte, BretContinued
Landlord of the Big Flume hotel
In Writings v 17
Openings in the old trail
Lanty Foster's mistake
In Writings v 17
Openings in the old trail
New Eng M n s 25:413
Overland n s 38:399
Left out on Lonestar mountain
In Writings v 4
Frontier stories
On the frontier
Longman's 3:259
Legend of Devil's Point
In Writings v 1
Legend of Monte del Diablo
In Writings v 1
Legend of Sammtstadt
In Writings v 11
Twins of Table Mountain
Liberty Jones's discovery
In Writings v 15
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
Lonely ride
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
Lothaw; or, The adventures of a young gentleman in search of a religion. By Mr. Benjamins
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
Luck of Roaring Camp
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
New Eclectic 4:322
Overland 1:183
Overland n s 40:254
Overland n s 66:198
Overland n s 76:53
Maecenas of the Pacific slope
In Writings v 7
Sappho of Green Springs
Man and the mountain
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Stories in light and shadow
Man at the semaphore
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
Man from Solano
In Writings v 2
Drift from two shores
Man of no account
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
Man on the beach
In Writings v 2
Drift from two shores
Man whose yoke was not easy
In Writings v 11
Drift from two shores
In Writings v 5
Mary McGillup; a southern novel. After Belle Boyd
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
In Writings v 14
Mercury of the foot-hills
In Writings v 17
Openings in the old trail
Cosmopol 31:271
Mermaid of Lighthouse Point
In Writings v 17
Under the Redwoods
Sat Eve Post 173:3 S 22 '00
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
Every Sat 10:562
Overland 2:570
Overland n s 76:65
Millionaire from Rough-and-Ready
In Writings v 5
Miss Mix. By Ch-l-tte Br-nte
In Writings v 1
Miss Peggy's proteges
In Writings v 18
Openings in the old trail
Mr. Bilspn's housekeeper
In Writings v 17
From sand hill to pine
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
In Writings v 15
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
Mr. MacGlowrie's widow
In Writings v 19
Trent's trust
Cosmopol 32:445
Mr. Midshipman Breezy. By Captain M-rry-t, R. N.
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
Mr. Thompson's prodigal
In Writings v 2
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
Overland o s 5:91
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
In Writings v 2
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
M'liss: an idyl of Red Mountain
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
Monte Flat pastoral. See Harte, B. How old man Plunkelt went home
Mother of five
In Writings v 14
Barker's luck
Muck-a-muck; a modern Indian novel. After Cooper
In Writings v 1
My first book
In Writings v 10
Bell-ringer of Angels
My friend the tramp
In Writings v 11
Drift from two shores
Mystery of the hacienda
In Writings v 10
Bell-ringer of Angels
N. N.; being a novel in the French paragraphic style
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
New assistant at Pine Clearing school
In Writings v 8
Colonel Starbottle's client
Niece of Snapshot Harry's
In Writings v 17
From sand hill to pine
Night at Hays
In Writings v 8
Colonel Starbottle's client
Night at Wingdam
In Writings v 1
Night on the Divide
In Writings v 15
Tales of trail and town
Ninety-nine guardsmen. By Al-x-d-r D-m-s
In Writings v 1
No title. By W-lk-e C-ll-ns
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
Notes by flood and field
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
Office seeker
In Writings v 1
Drift from two shores
Ogress of silver land
In Writings v 1
Out of a pioneer's trunk
In Writings v 6
Colonel Starbottle's client
Outcasts of Poker Flat
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp"
Baldwin, C. S. American short stories
Howells, W. D. ed. Great modern American stories
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction, v 3
Nettleton, G. E. Specimens of the short story
Every Sat 11:349
Ind 89:546
New Eclectic 4:572
Overland 2:41
Overland n s 40:209
Passage in the life of Mr. John Oakhurst
In Writings v 2
Tales of the Argonauts
Passing of Enriquez
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Stories in light and shadow
Cent 56:230
Peter Schroeder
In Writings v 11
Phyllis of the Sierras
In Writings v 6
Poet of Sierra flat
In Writings v 2
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
Postmistress of Laurel Run
In Writings v 8
Colonel Starbottle's client
Princess _ Bob and her friends
In Writings v 2
Luck of Roaring Camp
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
Atlan 28:759
Private honor. See Harte, B. Stories three
Prosper's old mother
In Writings v 19
Trent's trust
Harper 104:733
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's
In Writings v 10
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's
Pupil of Chestnut Ridge
In Writings v 19
Trent's trust
Queen of the pirate isle
In Writings v 14
Reformation of James Reddy
In Writings v 1O
Protégée of Jack Hamlin's
Scrib M 13:562
Reincarnation of Smith
In Writings v 17
Openings in the old trail
New Eng M n s 25:17
Right eye of the commander
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
Roger Catron's friend
In Writings v 2
Drift from two shores
Romance of Madrono Hollow
In Writings v 2
Luck of Roaring Camp
Mrs. Skagg's husbands
Atlan 28:371
Romance of the line
In Writings v 18
Under the Redwoods
Rose of Glenbogie
In Writings v 11
Bell-ringer of Angels
Rose of Tuolumme
In Writings v 2
Tales of the Argonauts
Rupert the resembler. By A-th-y H-pe
In Writings v 18
Condensed novels
Sally Dows
In Writings v 8
Sally Dows
Eng Illust 10:18
Salomy Jane's kiss
In Writings v 15
Stories in light and shadow
Sappho of Green Springs
In Writings v 6
Sappho of Green Springs
Lippinc 45:627
Sarah Walker
In Writings v 14
By shore and sedge
Secret of Sobriente's well
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
Secret of Telegraph Hill
In Writings v 4
Heritage of Dedlow Marsh
See Yup
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Stories in light and shadow
Harte, BretContinued
Selina Sedilla. By Hiss M. E. B-dd-n and Mrs. H-m-y W-d
In Writings v 1
Sheriff of Siskyou
In Writings v 8
Bell-ringer of Angels
McClure 2:578
Ship of '49
In Writings v 4
By shore and sedge
Frontier stories
Eng Illust 2:421, 451, 536
Sleeping-car experience
In Writings v 11
Drift from two shores
Snow-bound at Eagles
In Writings v 5
Stolen cigar case. By A. Co-n D-le
In Writings v 18
Condensed novels
Stories three. By R-dy-d K-pl-g: For Simla reasons; A private's honor; Jungle folk
In Writings v 18
Condensed novels
Sat Eve Post 172:1219; 173:2 Jl 7; 14 Jl 14 '01
Story of a mine
In Writings v 3
Strange experience of Alkali Dick
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Tales of trail and town
Surprising adventures of Master Charles
In Writings v 14
Susy: a story of the plains
In Writings v 9
Tale of three truants
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Tales of trail and town
Tennessee's partner
In Writings v 1
Luck of Roaring Camp
Every Saturday 10:35
Overland 3:360
Overland n s 40:246
Terence Denville. By Ch-l-s L-v-r
In Writings v 1
Condensed novels
Thankful Blossom
In Writings v 11
Their uncle from California
In Writings v 11
Sally Bows
Three partners
In Writings v 15
Three vagabonds of Trinidad
In Writings v 17
Under the Redwoods
Through the Santa Gara wheat
In Writings v 6
Sappho of Green Springs
Tourist from Injianny
In Writings v 2
Belgravia 36:424
Transformation of Buckeye camp
In Writings v 8
Sally Dows
Treasure of the galleon
In Writings v 8
Colonel Starbottle's client
Treasure of the redwoods
In Writings v 18
From sand hill to pine
Trent's trust
In Writings v 19
Trent's trust
Cent 62:769, 892; 63:124
Twins of Table Mountain
In Writings v 3
Twins of Table Mountain
Two Americans
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Tales of trail and town
Two saints of the foot-hills
In Writings v 2
Drift from two shores
Uncle Jim and uncle Billy
In Writings v 15
Stories in light and shadow
Patten, W. International short stories v 1
Under the eaves
In Writings v 18
Under the redwoods
"Unser Karl"
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Stories in light and shadow
Venerable imposter
In Writings v 14
Vision of the fountain
In Writings v 18
Under the redwoods
Vulgar little boy
In Writings v 14
Waif of the plains
In Writings v 9
Waiting for the ship; a Fort Point idyl
In Writings v 1
Wan Lee, the pagan
In Writings v 2
Tales of the Argonauts
Scrib o s 8:552
Ward of Colonel Starbottle
In Writings v 19
Trent's trust
Harper 104:66
Ward of the Golden Gate
In Writings v 7
What happened at the Fonda
In Writings v 17
From sand hill to pine
When the waters were up at "Jules"
In Writings v 16
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Mr. Jack Hamlin's mediation
Who was my quiet friend?
In Writings v 2
Drift from two shores
Widow of the Santa Ana valley
In Writings v 17
Under the redwoods
Sat Eve Post 172:1196
Strand M 19:536
With the entrées
In Writings v 11
Drift from two shores
Yellow dog
In Writings v 10
Barker's luck
McClure 5:235
Young Robin Gray
In Writings v 11
Bell-ringer of Angels
Good Words 35:130
McClure 3:448
Youngest Miss Piper
In Writings v 17
Ancestors of Peter Atherly
Under the redwoods
Leslie's M 49:362
Youngest prospector in Calaveras
In Writings v 16
Tales of trail and town
Zut-ski. By M-r-e C-r-lli
In Writings v 18
Condensed novels
Cosmopol 32:616
Hartland. Phillpotts, E.
Hart's nephew's hold-up. Janvier, T. A.
Harvest. Williams, J. L.
Hartman, Lee Foster, 1879-
Judgment of Vulcan
In O. Henry memorial award prize stories of 1920
Harvey, W. F.
Beast with five fingers
In Scarborough, D. Famous modern ghost stories
Harvest of fear. Deland, M.
Hashish man. Dunsany, E.
Haslam. Marshall, A.
Hastings, W.
In Jessup, A. ed. Best American humorous short stories
Hated son. Balzac, H. de
Hathor: a memory. Galsworthy, J.
Hatred is sweet, but God is strong. See Tolstoi, L. N. Texts for woodcuts
Hats. Fisher, D. C.
Hatteras. Mason, A. E. W.
Hatto the hermit. Lagerlöf, S.
Hauff, Wilhelm, 1802-1827
Beggar girl of the Pont des Arts
In Three tales
Cold heart
In Three tales
From the memoirs of Satan
In Rudwin, M. J. ed. Devil stories
Emperor's picture
In Three tales
Severed hand
In Stories by foreign authors, German v 2
Story of the Caliph stork
In Warner library
Haughty princess. Kennedy, P.
Haunted bell. Futrelle, J.
Haunted coat. Pangborn, G.
Haunted crust. Saunders, K.
Haunted dragoon. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Haunted gondola. Pemberton, M.
Haunted harpischord. Huneker, J. G.
Haunted house. Bland, E. N.
Haunted house. Dickens, C.
"Haunted house" in Royal street. Cable, G. W.
Haunted inheritance. Bland, E. N.
Haunted island. Blackwood, A.
Haunted inn. Moulton, L. C.
Haunted man. Dickens, C.
Haunted Man. By Ch-r-sD-ck-ns. Harje, B.
Haunted mill. Jerome, J. K.
Haunted mind. Hawthorne, N.
Haunted orchard. Le Gallienne, R.
Haunted photograph. Stuart, R. M.
Haunted ships. Cunningham, A.
Haunted subalterns. Kipling, R.
Haunted valley. Bierce, A.
Haunted yacht. Quiller-Couch, A. T.
Haunters and the haunted; or, The house and the brain. Lytton, E. B.
Hauntings. Paget, V.
Hautot senior and Hautot junior. Maupassant, G. de
Hawaiian folk tales. Field, E.
Hawkins, Anthony Hope (Anthony Hope, pseud.), 1863-
All's well that ends well
In Frivolous Cupid
Ancient history
In Dolly dialogues
Change of heart
In Frivolous Cupid
Cordial relations
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Courtesy of Christian the highwayman
In Heart of the Princess Osra
McClure 5:313
Crime of Count Nikolas of Festenburg. See Hawkins, A. H. Sin of the Bishop of Modenstein
Curate of the Poltons
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Comedies of courtship
Dolly dialogues
Eng Illust 11:1031
Curate's bump
In Dolly dialogues
Cut and a kiss
In Eng Illust 12 no 3:35
Decree of Duke Deodonato
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Comedies of courtship
Dolly dialogues
Eng Illust 12 no 6:49
Device of Giraldo the painter
In Heart of the Princess Osra
Duke's allotment
In Works [Author's ed] Dofly dialogues
Love's logic
Delin 68:1000
Hawkins, Anthony HopeContinued
Expensive privilege
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Fatal obstacle
In Dolly dialogues
Father Stafford
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Half a hero
Fine day
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
In Love's logic
Metropol 20:290
In Metropol 39:23
From the collection of the Duke
In Sat Eve Post 186:3 Jl 26 '13
Gray frock
In Love's logic
Happiness of Stephen the smith. See Hawkins, A. H. Heart of the Princess Osra
Heart of the Princess Osra. [The happiness of Stephen the smith]
In Heart of the Princess Osra
McClure 5:219
House opposite
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Indifference of the miller of Hofbau
In Heart of the Princess Osra
Patten, W. International short stories v 2
McClure 5:533
Indiscretion of the duchess
In Works [Author's ed] Indiscretion of the duchess
Lady of the flagon
In Love's logic
Lady of the pool
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Comedies of courtship
Longman's 25:181, 264
Lesson in the art
In Idler 6:115
Liberal education
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Life subscription
In Dolly dialogues
Little wretch
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Love of the Prince of Glottenberg
In Heart of the Princess Osra
McClure 6:23
Love's conundrum
In Cut and a kiss
Love's logic
In Love's logic
In Idler 6:275
Madness of Lord Harry Culverhouse in Heart of the Princess Osra
Man and his model
In Cut and a kiss
Eng Illust 12 no 4:51
Man of mark
In Works [Author's ed] Change of air and Man of mark
Change of air
Marriage by compulsion
In Frivolous Cupid
Matter of duty
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Miss Audrey Liston, authoress
In Cut and a kiss
Miss Gladwin's chance
In Love's logic
Cent 70:643
Mr. Witt's widow
In Works [Author's ed] Indiscretion of the duchess
Indiscretion of the duchess
Mrs. Thistleton's princess
In Love's logic
Metropol 19:641
"La mort a la mode"
In Love's logic
My last chance
In Dolly dialogues
Mystery of Old Gray's inn
In Macmillan's M 63:401
Necessary resources
In Love's logic
Cosmopolis 5:309
Not practical
In Idler 6:659
One way in
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Opened door
In Love's logic
Other lady
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Perverseness of it
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Philosopher in the apple orchard
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Comedies of courtship
Stories by English authors, England
Eng Illust 11:413
Prince consort
In Love's logic
Prudence and the bishop
In Love's logic
Quick change
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
In Frivolous Cupid
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Repentant sinner
In Frivolous Cupid
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Riddle of Countess Runa
In Love's logic
McClure 22:476
River and ring
In Collier's 41:22 S 19 '08
Royal edict
In Cut and a kiss
In Idler 7:3
Sin of the Bishop of Modenstein [Crime of Count Nicholas of Festenberg]
In Heart of the Princess Osra
McClure 5:401
Slight mistake
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Slim-fingered Jim
In Love's logic
Collier's 32:14 F 13 '04
Sport royal
In Sport royal
Stage on the road
In Cut and a kiss
Eng Illust 11:253
Strange, but true
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Terrible night
In Eclectic M 108:651
Liv Age 173:107
Murray 1:331
Three-volume novel
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Comedies of courtship
Dolly dialogues
Eng Illust 12:65
Trix's wooing
In Cut and a kiss
'Twixt will and will not
In Frivolous Cupid
Uncle John and the rubies
In McClure 9:812
Uncounted hour
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Very dull affair
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Very latest thing
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
Victory of the Grand Duke of Mittenheim
In Heart of the Princess Osra
McClure 6:280
Wager of the Marquis de Merosailles
In Heart of the Princess Osra
McClure 6:198
What might have been
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues
Dolly dialogues
What was expected of Miss Constantine
In Love's logic
Cent 72:38
Wheel of love
In Works [Author's ed] Dolly dialogues and Comedies of courtship
Comedies of courtship
Dolly dialogues
Scrib M 18:149, 374
Which shall it be?
In Frivolous Cupid
Why men don't marry
In Frivolous Cupid
Hawthorne, Hildegarde
In Howells. W. D., and Alden, H. M. Shapes that haunt the dusk
Harper 94:557
Hawthorne, Julian, 1846-
In Lippinc 88:701
Autobiographical romance
In Manhattan 3:311
Billop mystery
In Eng Illust 14:97
In Fraser 102:383
Colonel Spaight's prejudices
In Cent 32:543
Countess Felicita's discovery
In Belgravia 44:424; 45:64
David Poindexter's disappearance
In David Poindexter's disappearance
Harper 68:429
Delusion of Ralph Penwyn
In Cosmopol 45:264
Dr. Carajo's patient
In Belgravia 49:81
Dr. Griffith Gramery
In Cosmopol 5:25
Eight years in a rock
In Cosmopol 31:33
Golden fleece
In Lippinc 49:515
Greave's disappearance
In Mr. Dunton's invention
Six cent Sam's
Hearne's romance
In Cosmopol 34:191
Hollow ruby
In Eng Illust 12:3
John North mystery
In Mr. Dunton's invention
Six cent Sam's
Ken's mystery
In David Poindexter's disappearance
Harper 67:925
Lovers in heaven
In Cent 71:232
Men of the dark
In Metropol 24:533
Millicent and Rosalind
In Lippinc 45:3
Miss Cadogna
In Belgravia 55:37
Miss PeekskuTs spirometer
In Eng Illust 16:344
Mr. Dunton's invention
In Mr. Dunton's invention
Six cent Sam's
Model murder
In Mr. Dunton's invention
Six cent Sam's
My friend Paton
In David Poindexter's disappearance
Belgravia 51:294
Old and new music
In Cosmopol 25:303
Raxworthy's treasure
In Mr. Dunton's Invention
Six cent Sam's
Rose of death; a fantasy
In Cornhill 34:35$
Hawthorne, JulianContinued
In Eraser 102:437
Secret of the north
In Metropol 20:358
"Set not thy foot on graves'
In David Poindexter's disappearance
Manhattan 1:359
In Lippinc 39:1
Singing of a bird
In Harper 101:125
Spirit of the dance
In Cosmopol 42:611
Strange friend
In Belgravia 53:326, 481
In Mr. Dunton's invention
Six cent Sam's
Third of March
In Cent 37:208
"When half-gods go, the gods arrive
In David Poindexter's disappearance
Harper 71:566
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864
Acadian exiles
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Grandfather's chair
Wonder book
Adam and Eve. See Hawthorne, N. New Adam and Eve
Alice Doane's appeal
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 16
Ambitious guest
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne
New Eng M 8:425
Ancestral footstep
In Complete works (Riverside) v 11 [Septimus Felton]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 14
Antique ring
In Complete works (Riverside) v 11 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 16
Apple-dealer, See Hawthorne, N. Old Apple-dealer
Artist of the beautiful
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Democratic R 14:605
At home
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Bell's biography
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Benjamin Franklin. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories
Benjamin West, See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories Biographical stories: Benjamin West, Sir Isaac Newton, Samuel Johnson, Oliver Cromwell, Benjamin Franklin, Queen Christina
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 17
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Jessup, A., and Canby, H. S. Best short stories
Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne
Bosom serpent. See Hawthorne, N. Egotism
Boston massacre
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Browne's folly
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 17
Canal boat
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Canterbury pilgrims
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Celestial railroad; parody on Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Democratic R 12:515
Liv Age 66:740
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2:202
Chippings with a chisel
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Christmas banquet
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Democratic R 14:78
Circe's palace
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Colonial stories [In Colonial days]
In Colonial stories
Daffydowndilly. See Hawthorne, N. Little Daffydowndilly
David Swan
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Devil in manuscript
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Dr. Bullivant
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 17
Dr. Grimshaw's secret
In Complete works (Riverside) v 13
Complete writings (Autograph) v 15
Cent 25:433
Dr. Heideger's experiment
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Perry, B. Little masterpieces, Hawthorne
Dolliver romance
In Complete works (Riverside) v 11 [Dolliver romance]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 14
Dragon's teeth
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2:128
Drowne's wooden image
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne
Earth's holocaust
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Edward Fane's rosebud
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Edward Randolph's portrait
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Colonial stories
In colonial days
Legends of the Province house
Egotism, or the bosom serpent
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Democratic R 12:255
Elixir of life. See Hawthorne, N. Septimius Felton
Endicott and the red cross
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Legends of New England
Esther Dudley. See Hawthorne, N. Old Esther Dudley
Ethan Brand
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Canby, H. S. Study of the short story
Johnson, R. Little classics v 1
Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne
Fancy's show-box
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
In Complete works (Riverside) v 11 [Dolliver romance]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 16
Fantasy. See Hawthorne, N. Hall of fantasy
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Internat M 5:182, 333
Fellow traveller
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Flight in the fog [Passages from an relinquished work]
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Footprints on the seashore
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Fragments from the journal of a solitary man
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 17
Gentle boy
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Ghost of Dr. Harris
In Eclectic M 134:437
Liv Age 224:345
19th Cent 47:88
Golden fleece
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan. E. M. Children's hour 2:60
Golden touch
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 3:92
Gorgon's head
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2:29
Grandfather's chair
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Grandfather's dream
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Graves and goblins
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 17
Hawthorne, NathanielContinued
Gray champion
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Legends of New England
Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne
New Eng M o s 8:20
Great carbuncle
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Great stone face
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Cody, S. Selection from the world's greatest short stories
Mabie, H. W., and Strachey, L. Little masterpieces of fiction v 4
Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne
Nettleton, G. E. Specimens of the short story
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 10:271
Hall of fantasy
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Haunted mind
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Hollow of the three hills
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Howe's masquerade
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Colonial stories
In colonial days
Legends of the Province house
Hesperian 1:234
Hutchinson's mob
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
In colonial days [Colonial stories]
In In colonial days
Indian Bible
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Intelligence office
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Democratic R 14:269
John Inglefield's Thanksgiving
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Lady Arabella
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Lady Eleanore's mantle
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Colonial stories
In colonial days
Legends of the Province house
Lily's quest
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Little Annie's ramble
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Little Daffydowndilly
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Main street
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Man of adamant
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Maypole of Merry Mount
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Legends of New England
Minister's black veil
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Hawthorne, J. Library mystery and detective stories, American
Mabie, H. W. and Strachey, L.
Little masterpieces of fiction v 5
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2:166
Miraculous pitcher
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 3:67
Mr. Higinbotham's catastrophe
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Molyneux. See Hawthorne, N. My kinsman, Major Molyneux
Mrs. Bullfrog
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Monsieur du Miroir
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
My home return
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 17
My kinsman, Major Molyneux
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
New Adam and Eve
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Notch of the White Mountains
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Old apple-dealer
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Old Esther Dudley
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Colonial stories
In colonial days
Legends of the Province house
Old-fashioned school
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Old manse
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Warner library
Old woman's tale
In Complete works (Riverside) v 12 [Tales and sketches]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 16
Oliver Cromwell. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories
Paradise of children
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2:107
Passages from a relinquished work
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Peter Goldthwaite's treasure
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writngs (Autograph) v 2
Pine-tree shillings
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Pomegranate seeds
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 3:114
Procession of life
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Democratic R 12:36
Prophetic pictures
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Patten, W. International short stories v 1
Provincial muster
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
P's correspondence
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Tappan, E. M. Children's hour 2:3
Queen Christina. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories
Randolph's portrait. See Hawthorne, N. Edward Randolph's portrait
Rappaccini's daughter
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Trent, W. P., and Henneman. J. B. Best American stories
Red cross
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Rejected blessing
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Rill from the town pump
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Roger Malvin's burial
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Legends of New England
Rosebud. See Hawthorne, N. Edward Fane's rosebud
Samuel Johnson. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories
Select party
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 4
Septirnius Felton; or, The elixir of life
In Complete works (Riverside) v 11 [Dolliver romance]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 14
Atlan 29:5, 645; 30:1, 129
St. Paul's M 10:1, 569
Seven vagabonds
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Shadow brook
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Shaker bridal
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Show-box. See Hawthorne, N. Fancy's show-box
Sir Isaac Newton. See Hawthorne, N. Biographical stories
Hawthorne, NathanielContinued
Sister years
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Snow image
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Internat M 1:537
Sunken treasure
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Sylph Etheridge
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 3
Tanglewood tales
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Three golden apples
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 13
Threefold destiny
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Toll-gatherer's day
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Tory's farewell
In Complete works (Riverside) v 4 [Wonder book]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 12
Village uncle
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Virtuoso's collection
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 5
Vision of the fountain
In Works (Riverside) v 1 Twice told tales
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
Perry, B. Little masterpieces. Hawthorne
Wedding knell
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 1
White old maid
In Complete works (Riverside) v 1 [Twice told tales]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
Baldwin, C. S. American short stories
Wives of the dead
In Complete works (Riverside) v 3 [House of seven gables]
Complete writings (Autograph) r 3
Young Goodman Brown
In Complete works (Riverside) v 2 [Mosses from an old manse]
Complete writings (Autograph) v 2
New Eng M 8:250
Hayes, Augustus Allen, 1837-1892
Denver express
In Stories by American authors v 6
Hazard of the North. Parker, G.
Hazing of Valliant. Williams, J. L.
Hazy night. Janvier, T. A.