John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers/End matter

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John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers (1893)
by Lewis Sergeant
End matter

Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, in New York.

3972759John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers — End matter1893Lewis Sergeant

Heroes of the Nations.


EVELYN ABBOTT M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.

A Series of biographical studies of the lives and work of a number of representative historical characters about whom have gathered the great traditions of the Nations to which they belonged, and who have been accepted, in many instances, as types of the several National ideals. With the life of each typical character will be presented a picture of the National conditions surrounding him during his career.

The narratives are the work of writers who are recognized authorities on their several subjects, and, while thoroughly trustworthy as history, will present picturesque and dramatic "stories" of the Men and of the events connected with them.

To the Life of each "Hero" will be given one duo decimo volume, handsomely printed in large type, provided with maps and adequately illustrated according to the special requirements of the several subjects. The volumes will be sold separately as follows:

Cloth extra $1 50
Half morocco, uncut edges, gilt top 1 75
Large paper, limited to 250 numbered copies for subscribers to the series. These may be obtained in sheets folded, or in cloth, uncut edges 3 50

The first group of the Series will comprise twelve volumes, as follows:

Nelson, and the Naval Supremacy of England. By W. Clark Russell, author of "The Wreck of the Grosvenor," etc.

Gustavus Adolphus, and the Struggle of Protestantism for Existence. By C. R. L. Fletcher, M. A., late Fellow of All Souls College,Oxford.

Pericles, and the Golden Age of Athens. By Evelyn Abbott, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.

Theodoric the Goth, the Barbarian Champion of Civilization. By Thomas Hodgkin, author of "Italy and Her Invaders," etc.

Sir Philip Sidney, and the Chivalry of England. By H. R. Fox Bourne, author of "The Life of John Locke," etc.

Julius Cæsar, and the Organization of the Roman Empire. By W. Warde Fowler, M.A., Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford.

Alexander the Great, and the Extension of Greek Rule and of Greek Ideas. By Prof. Benjamin I. Wheeler, Cornell University.

Charlemagne, the Reorganizer of Europe. By Prof. George L. Burr,Cornell University.

Cicero, and the Fall of the Roman Republic. By J. L. Strachan Davidson, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.

Louis XIV., and the Zenith of the French Monarchy. By Arthur Hassall, M.A., Senior Student of Chust Church College, Oxford.

Sir Walter Raleigh, and the Adventurers of England. By A. L. Smith, M.A., Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford.

Bismarck. The New German Empire: How It Arose; What It Replaced; and What It Stands For. By James Sime, author of "A Life of Lessing," etc.

To be followed by:

Henry of Navarre, and the Huguenots in France. By P. F. Willert, M.A., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford.

William of Orange, the Founder of the Dutch Republic. By Ruth Putnam.

Hannibal, and the Struggle between Carthage and Rome. By E. A. Freeman, D.C.L., LL.D., Regius Prof, of History in the University of Oxford.

Alfred the Great, and the First Kingdom in England. By F. York Powell, M.A., Senior Student of Christ Church College, Oxford.

Charles the Bold, and the Attempt to Found a Middle Kingdom. By R. Lodge, M.A., Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford.

John Calvin, the Hero of the French Protestants. By Owen M. Edwards, Fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford.

Oliver Cromwell, and the Rule of the Puritans in England. By Charles Firth, Balliol College, Oxford.

Marlborough, and England as a Military Power. By C. W. C. Oman, A.M., Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford.


New York
27 and 29 West Twenty-third Street
27 King William Street, Strand

The Story of the Nations.

Messers. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS take pleasure in announcing that they have in course of publication, in co-operation with Mr. T. Fisher Unwin, of London, a series of historical studies, intended to present in a graphic manner the stories of the different nations that have attained prominence in history.

In the story form the current of each national life is distinctly indicated, and its picturesque and noteworthy periods and episodes are presented for the reader in their philosophical relation to each other as well as to universal history.

It is the plan of the writers of the different volumes to enter into the real life of the peoples, and to bring them before the reader as they actually lived, labored, and struggled—as they studied and wrote, and as they amused themselves. In carrying out this plan, the myths, with which the history of all lands begins, will not be overlooked, though these will be carefully distinguished from the actual history, so far as the labors of the accepted historical authorities have resulted in definite conclusions.

The subjects of the different volumes have been planned to cover connecting and, as far as possible, consecutive epochs or periods, so that the set when completed will present in a comprehensive narrative the chief events in the great Story of the Nations; but it is, of course not always practicable to issue the several volumes in their chronological order.

The "Stories" are printed in good readable type, and in handsome 12mo form. They are adequately illustrated and furnished with maps and indexes. Price, per vol., cloth, $1.50. Half morocco, gilt top, $1.75.

The following volumes are now ready (November, 1891):

THE STORY OF GREECE. Prof. Jas. A. Harrison.
" " " ROME. Arthur Gilman.
" " " THE JEWS. Prof. James K. Hosmer.
" " " CHALDEA. Z. A. Ragozin.
" " " GERMANY. S. Baring-Gould.
" " " NORWAY. Hjalmar H. Boyesen.
" " " SPAIN. Rev. E. E. and Susan Hale.
" " " HUNGARY. Prof. A. Vambery.
" " " CARTHAGE. Prof. Alfred J. Church.
" " " THE SARACENS. Arthur Gilman.
" " " THE MOORS IN SPAIN. Stanley Lane-Poole.
" " " THE NORMANS. Sarah Orne Jewett.
" " " PERSIA. S. G. W. Benjamin.
" " " ANCIENT EGYPT. Prof. Geo. Rawlinson.
" " " ALEXANDER'S EMPIRE. Prof. J. P. Mahaffy.
" " " ASSYRIA. Z. A. Ragozin.
" " " THE GOTHS. Henry Bradley.
" " " IRELAND. Hon. Emily Lawless.
" " " TURKEY. Stanley Lane-Poole.
" " " MEDIA, BABYLON, AND PERSIA. Z. A. Ragozin.
" " " MEDIAEVAL FRANCE. Prof. Gustav Masson.
" " " HOLLAND. Prof. J. Thorold Rogers.
" " " MEXICO. Susan Hale.
" " " PHOENICIA. Prof. Geo. Rawlinson.
" " " THE HANSA TOWNS. Helen Zimmern.
" " " EARLY BRITAIN. Prof. Alfred J. Church.
" " " THE BARBARY CORSAIRS. Stanley Lane-Poole.
" " " RUSSIA. W. R. Morfill.
" " " THE JEWS UNDER ROME. W. D. Morrison.
" " " SCOTLAND. John Mackintosh.
" " " SWITZERLAND. R. Stead and Mrs. Arnold Hug.
" " " PORTUGAL. H. Morse-Stephens.

Now in press for immediate issue:

" " " VEDIC INDIA. Z. A. Ragozin.
" " " "THE THIRTEEN COLONIES. Helen A. Smith.
" " " WALES AND CORNWALL. Owen M. Edwards.
" " " CANADA. A. R. Macfarlane.
New York