John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers/Index

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John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers (1893)
by Lewis Sergeant

Published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, in New York.

3972758John Wycliff, last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers — Index1893Lewis Sergeant



Abelard, 49, 63, 68
Anne of Bohemia, 300
Antichrist, 224, 332
Aristotle, 61, 64, 73, 216, 355
Arnold, T., 213, 256
Arundel, Abp., 9, 223, 346 ff
Aston, John, 212, 230, 308 ff.
Augustinians, 45, 246, 247, 254, 301
Avignon, 38, 57, 73, 93, 101, 122, 125, 144, 156, 220


Bacon, Robert and Roger, 50, 64
Bale, Bp., 9, 15, 17, 50, 213
Ball, John, 259, 284ff. ; his fly-leaves, 292 ff.; his death, 297, 300
Balliol College, Wyclif's connection with, 6, 86, 94-6, 200
Bebenburg, 73
Bedenham, L., 230, 308 ff.
Benedict XI., Pope, 38
Benedict XII., Pope, 102
Benedictines, 41, 110, 118, 147, 148, 247, 302
Berton, W., Chancellor, 84, 125, 127, 132, 230, 243 ff., 254, 310
Bible, English translation of, 99, 193 ff.
Black Death, 102, 110, 143-5, 276
Black Hall, 182
Bohemia, 14, 63, 68, 338 ff.
Boniface VIII., 32-8
Boniface IX., 347
Bradwardine, Abp., 63, 68, 141 ff.
Bruges, conferences at, 121 ff., 151, 158


Calvinists, 69
Cambridge, 45, 48, 63, 186, 301, 307
Canon Law, 66
Canterbury Hall, 148, 239
Canterbury, Wyclif condemned at, 310
Caxton, 350

Chaucer, 42, 64, 69, 106, 138, 199, 266, 326
Chicheley, Abp., 353 ff.
Chronicon Angliæ, 84, 154, 162 ff. 187
Church of England, 23, 104, 108 ff., 121, 141 ff., 149. 158, 185, 250, 299, 342, 356, 357
Civil law, 66, 67
Clement VI., Pope, 93, 102, 142 ff.
Clement VII., 220, 327
Clifford, Lewis, 187
Coleridge, S. T., on Wyclif, 246, note
Commission on alien benefices, 126
Council of Constance, 220, 223, 349
Courtenay, Abp., 74, 84, 132, 140, 149 ff., 157 ff., 176, 180 ff., 220, 250, 257, 271 ; succeeds Sudbury, 299 ; third prosecution of Wyclif, 301ff.; his character, 313


De la Mare, Peter, 134-7, 166
De la Mare, Thomas, 136
Despenser, Bp., leads the Papal crusade, 327 ff.
Dominic, St., 46, 338
Duns Scotus, 68, 70


Edward III., 27, 99, 103, 108, 115, 118 ff, 168, 281
Edward IV., 357
Edward, Prince of Wales, 103, 115, 118ff., 133-7, 242
Eucharist, interpretation of the sacrament, 8, 222, 227, 243 ff., 257
Europe in the fourteenth century, 22
Evangelical poverty, 56-8, 70, 88, 93, 98, 111-3, 155, 181


Fasciculi Zizaniorum, 15; see "Netter" and "Shirley"
Feudalism, 62, 273 ff.
Fitzralph, 63, 93, 233, 241
Flagellants, 144-6
Flemmyng, Bp., 13, 230, 334, 350
Friars, various, 9, 45, 50, 93, 110, 148, 150, 158, 162, 194, 202, 233, 301, 328, 352 ; Dominican, 41, 242, 247 ; Franciscan, 52, 57, 68 247


Gilbert, Bp., 125 ff., 132, 151, 301, 319
Gloucester, Duke of, 164
Gloucester Parliament, 169 ff.
Gregory VII., Pope, 28
Gregory IX., 47
Gregory XI., 38, 125, 153, 169 ff., 190, 220, 222, 337, 342
Grosteste, Bp., 92


Henry IV., 351
Henry V., 354.355
Henry VIII., 357
Hereford, Nicholas, 94, 196, 212, 230, 305, 308 ff.

Hugate, H., 85, 96
Hugate, J., 94, 96
Huss, John, 220, 337, 349


Innocent III., Pope, 28, 47, 55, 101, 338
Islip, Abp., 142-7, 285


Jamys, W., 220
Jerome of Prague, 68, 220
John, King of England, 28, 111-4
John of Gaunt, 99, 101, 104 ff., 115 ff.; his character, 120 ff., 133 ff.; story of his birth, 138, 151 ff., 158 ff., 184, 241, 244 ff., 279, 301, 308, 352
John of Northampton, 184, 309
John XXII., Pope, 27, 57, 70, 102
John XXIII., 349


Knox and Wyclif , a comparison and a contrast, 1-5
Knyghton, 254, 319
Kynyngham, 51, 114, 301, 307


Lambeth inquiry, 185 ff.
Langham, Abp., 147, 232, 239
Langland, 42, 145, 269
Lechler, Prof., 71, 79
Leland on Wyclifs birthplace, 77
Lewis, Rev. John, 15, 213
Lollards, 50-2, 58, 194, 212, 269, 289, 309, 344 ff., 352
Lutterworth, 13, 132, 195, 222, 254, 257, 268, 321


Marsiglio, 58, 61. 63, 68, 71 ff., 241, 337
Martin V., Pope, 13, 350
Matthew, F. D., 77, 214
Mediæval schools and universities, 62, 89, 100, 150
Milton, 69
Monks and monachism, 40, 75, 247, 310, 343. See "Benedictines."


Netter of Walden, 9, 14, 17, 186, 223, 243, 248, 250, 254, 335
Nicholas II., Pope, 253
Nicholas III., Pope, 57, 58
Ockham, William of, 56, 61, 63, 68-75, 240, 337
Oldcastle, Sir J., 345, 352
Oxford, before Wyclif, 48, 62, 67, 232 ; in Wyclifs time, 3, 6, 58, 68, 74, 85 ff, 93-8, 149, 176, 180 ff., 222, 229, 243 ff., 268, 302 ff., 318 ff., 337 ff.; after Wyclif, 347 ff.


Papal, bulls, 35, 158, 159, 168, 173, 175 ff. crusade, 4, 171, 327 ff. ; curia, 14, 33, 112, 192; decretals, 58, 64, 66, 142 ; encroachments, 28 ff., 101, 109-15, 121, 123, 130, 242; politics, 28, 62, 124, 190, 341

Parliament, 100, 105 ff. ; exclusion of clergy from office, 116, 125, 164, 173, 274, 299, 352 ; the good, 133-7, 251
Pastor, Prof., 337
Peasants' Revolt, 258ff., 280 ff.; its suppression, 295 ff., 327
Perrers, Alice, 105, 135, 137, 154
Perugia, assembly of Franciscans at, 57, 58
Philipot, John, 165, 274
Philippa, Queen, 128, 138, 167
Poll tax, 278ff.
Poole, R. L., on the influence of Marsiglio, 71 ff., 77, 262ff.
Poor Priests, 56, 99, 193, 259ff., 298, 301, 324
Portraits of Wyclif, 16
Prague, 63, 68, 220, 338
Princess (Joan) of Wales, 99, 149, 166, 184, 187 ff.
Purvey, John, 196, 212, 218, 230


Reformation, the earlier, 31, 41, 58, 106, 115, 144, 272 ; the later, 68, 106, 226, 337, 343
Repyngdon, P., 230, 305 ff.
Richard II., 137, 168 ff., 190, 278, 283, 295 ff., 346
Rogers, Prof. J. E. Thorold, 75 note, 277
Rygg e Robert, Chancellor of Oxford, 230, 246, 248, 302 ff. ; submits to Courtenay, 308
Salisbury, Earl of, 345 ff.
Schism of 1378, 39, 219 ff., 231, 341, 349
Schoolmen, 8, 31, 48, 58, 59 ff., 141, 198, 237
Shirley, Dr., 11, 77, 118, 147, 213, 227, 243
Spiritual Franciscans (Observants), 57, 70, 241
St. Frideswide's, conference at, 318
Stokys, Peter, 271, 303 ff., 311
St. Paul's inquiry, 12, 160-4
Sudbury, Abp., 74, 149, 176, 180 ff., 251, 279 ff., 285 ; his death, 292
Synod of Blackfriars, 301 ; the charges, 304 ; earthquake, 302; conclusions, 311 ff.
Tyler, Wat, 284
Tyssington, John, 247, 250, 254


Universities, 62. See " Mediaeval universities."
Urban V., Pope, 125, 130
Urban VI., 191, 220, 231, 327 ff.


Vaughan, Dr., 213


Walsingham's History, 76, 155, 169, 278, 286 ff., 315

Walworth, 165, 274, 283
Whitcliffe or Wyclif, John, of Mayfield, 83, 147
Wilkie's picture of Knox, 1
Wyclif, John (1320 ?-84), his character, 3-14, 60, 233-7, 240, 265, 314 ; his biographers, 8-16 ; his portraits, 16 ; his training, 8, 92 ; his works, 10, 98, 109, in, 115, 118, 170, 191 ; his English Bible and tracts, 196 ff., 238, 251, 257, 261, 270, 307, 320, 323, 325 ff. ; his Milieu, 22, 30, 59, 101 ff.; his descent from the Schoolmen, 59 ff., 71 ff., 92, 240 ; his early days, birth, and parentage, 76 ff., 92 ; his name, 83 ; genealogy, 85 ff.; goes up to Oxford, 89 ; Master of Balliol, 94 ; Rector of Fillingham, 95 ; of Ludgarshall, 96 ; participation in politics, 100 ff.; King's chaplain, 104 ; argues against tribute, in ff.; against a Benedictine, 118 ; mission to Bruges, 123 ff.; his expenses, 127 ; Rector of Lutterworth, 132 ; declines prebend of Aust, 132, 147 ; in conflict with Courtenay, 152 ; hostility of the friars, 50, 158 ; cited to St. Paul's, 160 ; consulted as to Peter's pence, 170 ; advises payment, 172 ; the nineteen charges in Pope Gregory's bulls, 177 ; Wyclif's answers, 180 ; cited again to St. Paul's, 184 ; change of venue to Lambeth, 185 ; his thirty-three conclusions, 192 ; his errors according to Netter, 223 ; progress of his ideas on the Eucharist, 227 ff.; his illness in 1379, 234 ; renewed attacks on the friars, 238 ; cited by Chancellor de Berton, 244 ; his views on Transubstantiation, ib.; condemned and inhibited, 247 ; he appeals to the Crown, 249 ; his Confession, 252 ; his influence on the peasants, 259 ff.; effects of the revolt on Wyclif and his friends, 298 ; condemned at the Earthquake Synod, 301-13 ; his Petition, 315 ; his alleged submissions, 254, 319 ; fresh illness, 320 ; retires from Oxford, 321 ; literary activity at Lutterworth, 324 ; cited to Rome, 329 ; his death, 333 ff.; permanent results of his life and work, 336 ff.; his teaching condemned at Constance, 349 ; his bones burned, 350 ; his place in history, 358
Wycliffe Rectory, the patronage of, 85 ff., 96
Wycliffe, W., 85, 95, 96
Wykeham, William of, Bp., 116, 133-9, 154-6, l66, 250, 301, 318