Letter to J. D. Corse

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Letter to J. D. Corse
by Jefferson Davis

Written November 11, 1867/

138791Letter to J. D. CorseJefferson Davis
11th Nov. 1867

J. D. Corse, Esq.

My dear Sir,

Notwithstanding the reports of our arrangement by which I should be relieved of the necessity of going to Richmond, the fact is that nothing has been done to assure us of a trial or to remove the obligation of attendance.

When I leave here it will be my object to pass without delay to the end of the journey, it will not therefore be probable that I shall see you again before going.

Will you send me a statement of the investment with which you allowed me to trouble you, such a description as will suffice for any use.

Present my affectionate remembrance to Mrs. Corse, to Miss Smith and the children.

I am as ever very truly

your friend
Jefferson Davis