
Littell's Living Age/Volume 173/Issue 2232/Two Days

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Originally published in Chambers' Journal.

210805Littell's Living AgeVolume 173, Issue 2232 : Two DaysD. J. Robertson

Somewhere in that strange land we call the Past,
     Where each of us has laid his treasures by,
My heart has set one day whose light shall last
     When all youth’s golden years forgotten lie.
Ever across my life it shines afar,
As through a storm-tossed sky one glorious star.

One day struck sudden ‘midst the whirling years
     Into the perfect calm of Paradise;
One day when life, set free from doubts and fears,
     Lay love-lit under shining summer skies,
When I my heart’s mad hoping dared confess,
And found a heaven in my lady’s yes.

The clouds roll back; the gentle wind that sighs
     Low through the branches has her voice’s tone;
Her eyes look in sweet answer to my eyes;
     Once more I feel her hand within my own.
Let Fortune spoil my treasures as she will,
That one bright memory is with me still.

Somewhere within that unknown shadowy land
     We call the Future, waiteth me a day
When I shall hold again my lady’s hand,
     And listen low to hear what she will say.
Ah, Love! that day must dawn for us at last,
When all our weary waiting shall be past.