Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison/Commission of Nicholas Bono in militia

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Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison
edited by Logan Esarey
Commission of Nicholas Bono in militia (September 12, 1801) by William Henry Harrison
1150728Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison — Commission of Nicholas Bono in militia (September 12, 1801)Logan EsareyWilliam Henry Harrison

Harrison to Bono Commission

September 12, 1801

Mss. Vincennes D. A. R.

William Henry Harrison, Esquire Governor & Commander-in-chief of the Indiana Territory
To Nicholas Bono Gentleman, Greeting:

Reposing special trust and confidence in your patriotism courage and good conduct I have appointed you Ensign in the Battallion of the Regiment of the Militia of the county of Knox and you are hereby appointed accordingly. You are therefore carefully and diligently to discharge the duty of Ensign in leading ordering and exercising said company in arms, both inferior officers and soldiers, and to keep them in good order and discipline; and they are hereby commanded to obey you as their Ensign, and you are yourself to observe and follow such orders and instructions as you shall from time to time receive from me, your superior officers, or the Governor of the territory for the time being.

In testimony whereof, I have caused the seal of the Territory to be affixed the twelfth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and one and of the independence of the United States of America the twenty sixth.

William Henry Harrison

By the Governor's command

John Gibson, Secy.