Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison/Harrison to Jefferson Map by Evans

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1774020Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison — Harrison to Jefferson Map by Evans (November 26, 1803)William Henry Harrison

Harrison to Jefferson

Vincennes 26th Novr 1803

Jefferson Papers, 2d series, vol. 42, no. 76

The Governor of the Indiana Territory presents his respectful compliments to the President of the United States and requests his acceptance of the enclosed map which is a copy of the manuscript map of Mr Evans[1] who ascended the Missouri River by order of the Spanish Government much further than any other person. [Indorsed:] Harrison Govr. Vincennes Nov. 26.03.recd Dec.20

  1. This seems to refer to Lewis Evans, a colonial geographer who died in 1756. His maps were published in 1776 and used by the British armies.