Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison/Harrison to Justice John Griffin, John Edgar and Peter Menard to hold court in Randolph county Ill.

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Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison
edited by Logan Esarey
Harrison to Justice John Griffin, John Edgar and Peter Menard to hold court in Randolph county Ill. (September 24, 1802) by William Henry Harrison
1236279Messages and Letters of William Henry Harrison — Harrison to Justice John Griffin, John Edgar and Peter Menard to hold court in Randolph county Ill. (September 24, 1802)William Henry Harrison

Commissions for Holding Court

September 24, 1802

Fergus Hist. Series 31, Early Illinois 31

Indiana Territory, ss. William Henry Harrison Esquire, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Indiana Territory, to John Edgar[1] and Peter Menard[2] of the County of Randolph Esquires, Greeting:

Whereas we assigned the Honble. John Griffin[3] Esqr. one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the Indiana Territory, our Justice to enquire by the Oaths of Honest and Lawful Men of the County of Randolph, by whom the truth of the Matter may be better known, of all Treasons, Insurrections and Rebellions, and of all Murders, Felonies, Manslaughters, Burglaries, Rapes of Women, unlawful uttering of Words, unlawful assemblies. Misprisions, Confederacies, false allegations, Trespasses, Riots, Routs, Contempts, falsities, Negligencies, Concealements, Maintainances, Injuries whatsoever, and by whomsoever and howsoever done, had or perpetrated and Committed, and by whom, to whom, where how and in what Manner the same have been done, perpetrated or committed and all and singular the premises and every of them for this time to hear and determine according to Law, and to cause to be brought before him all the prisoners who shall be in the Jail of the said county together with all and singular the Warrants, attachments, Mittimuses, and other documents, touching the said prisoners, and for this time to deliver the Jail of the said County of all the prisoners in the said Jail, for all and every of the said offences, according to Law. And we have associated you the said John Edgar and Peter Menard to act in the premises with the said John Griffin. Yet so, that if at certain days and places, which the same John Griffin shall appoint for this purpose, you shall happen to be present, then that he admit you a Companion, otherwise the said John Griffin (your presence not Being expected) may proceed to act in the premises, and therefore we commend you and each of you that you attend to act with the said John Griffin in form aforesaid in the premises. For we have Commanded the said John Griffin to admit you as a Companion for this purpose as aforesaid.

Witness: William Henry Harrison, Esquire, Governor and (Seal) Commander of the Indiana Territory at Vincennes this 24th September 1802 and of the Independence of the United States the Twenty Seventh.

By the Governor. Jno. Gibson, Secrety William Henry Harrison



ss. William Henry Harrison Esquire Governor of the Indiana Territory to the Honble. John

Griffin Esqr. one of the Judges in and over said Territory and John Edgar and Peter Menard Esquires of the County of Randolph, Greeting:

Whereas, we have assigned you the aforesaid John Griffin our Justice, to Inquire more fully by the Oaths of Honest and lawful men of the County of Randolph, by whom the Truth of the Matter may be Better known, of all treasons. Insurrections and Rebellions, and of all Murdei's, Felonies, Manslaughter, Burglaries, Rapes of Women, unlawful Uttering of Words, unlawful Assemblies, Mis-prisons, Confederacies, Maintainances, Oppressions, deceits and all other Misdeed and offences and Inuries, whatsoever and by whomsoever, and howsoever, done, had, perpetrated or committed and all and Singular the premises and eveiy or any of them for this time to hear and determine according to Law. And afterwards associated the said John Edgar and Peter Menard with you the aforesaid John Griffin in the premises. We command you, that if You all cannot conveniently attend to act in the premises, that you or any two of you, who shall happen to be present, of which we will that you the said John Griffin be one, proceed to act in the premises according to Law.

Witness William Henry Harrison, Esquire Governor of the Indiana Territory at Vincennes this Twenty Fourth day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and two and of the Independence of the United States the Twenty Seventh.

By the Governor, JNO. GIBSON, Secrety

  1. John Edgar, a native of Ireland, at the beginning of the American Revolution gave up command of a British ship on the Great Lakes and joined the Americans, 1776. In 1787 he located at Kaskaskia as a merchant remaining there till his death in 1832. He was wealthy, owning a large flour mill and shipping to New' Orleans. He also operated a salt mill. He served in many official capacities.

    Reynolds Pioneer Illinois, 116

  2. For sketches of Menard and Griffin, see index.
  3. For sketches of Menard and Griffin, see index.