Mexico's Struggle Towards Democracy/Bibliography

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Bancroft, Hubert H., History of Mexico, 6 vols., San Fran., Bancroft Co., 1883–8.

Beals, Carieton, Mexico; an Interpretation, N. Y., Huebsch, 1923,

—— Whose Property Is Kellogg Protecting? New Republic, February 23, 1927, p. 8–11.

Bell, Edward I., The Political Shame of Mexico, N. Y., McBride, 1914.

Buchanan, President James, Annual Messages to Congress, Appendices Congressional Globe, 1858–1859.

Bulnes, Francisco, Whole Truth About Mexico, N. Y., Bulnes Book Co., 1916.

Chapter on the Agrarian question states the extreme conservative point of view.

Burke, U. R., Life of Benito Juarez, London, Remington, 1894.

Cabrera, Luis, Mexican Situation from the Mexican Point of View, N. Y., 1913.

—— Religious Question in Mexico, N. Y., 1913.

Carson, W. E., Mexico, New York, Macmillan, 1914.

Creelman, James, Diaz, Master of Mexico, N. Y., Appleton, 1911.

—— President Diaz, Hero of the Americas, Pearson's Magazine, March, 1908.

Drum, John Sylvester, Mexico's Business Conditions, 1810–1910.

A chart, giving annual statistics on foreign trade, income and expenditures of government, exploitation of natural resources, etc.

Dunn, Robert W., American Foreign Investments, Huebsch, New York, 1926.

Elias, Arturo M., The Mexican People and the Church, Mexican Consulate, New York, 1926.

Farnham, T. J., Mexico; Its Geography, People, and Institutions, N. Y., Long, 1846.

Garcia Calderon, F., Latin America: Its Rise and Progress, N. Y., Scribners, 1913.

Garcia Cubas, Antonio, Republic of Mexico, Mexico, 1876.

Translated by C. E. Henderson, London. Contains valuable statistics and descriptions of conditions by a noted Mexican scientist.

Gonzales Roa, F., Mexican People and Their Detarctors, N. Y., Latin American News Association, 1916.

Contains description of agrarian situation from radical point of view.

Greene, Amy Blanche, The Present Crisis in Our Relations with Mexico, N. Y., Doran, 1927.

Gruening, Ernest, Emerging Mexico, Serial article in New York Nation, June 10–July 1, 1925.

Gutierrez de Lara, L., Mexican People. Their Struggle for Freedom, N. Y., Doubleday, 1914.

Hackett, C. W., The Mexican Revolution and the United States, 1910–1926 (pamphlet, No. 5), World Peace Foundation, Boston, 1926.

Contains an analysis of the diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Mexican Governments.

Iglesias, Santiago, The Case of Mexico, American Federationist, March, 1926, p. 307.

Inman, G. S., Intervention in Mexico, Associated Press, New York, 1919.

Latane, J. H., The United States and Latin America, N. Y., Doubleday, 1920.

Latin American Year Book, N. Y., Criterion Newspaper Syndicate, 1919 and 1920.

McBride, George M., Land Systems of Mexico, N. Y., American Geographic Society, 1923.

A thorough and conservative study of the Mexican agrarian situation.

Marsh, Margaret Alexander, Investments in Mexico, 1926.

An unpublished manuscript, prepared for the Conference on Economic Factors in International Relations.

Mexican Year Books, 1920–21 and 1922–24, Los Angeles, Mexican Year Book Co., 1921.

Contains late statistical information and articles by Priestley and other authorities on Mexico.

Nearing, Scott, and Freeman, Joseph, Dollar Diplomacy, N, Y., Huebsch, 1925,

Noll, A. H., From Empire to Republic, Chicago, McClurg, 1903.

Phipps, Helen, Agrarian Phase of the Mexican Revolution of 1910–1920, Political Science Quarterly, March, 1924.

—— Some Aspects of the Mexican Agrarian Situation, University of Texas, 1925.

Prescott, W. H., Conquest of Mexico, 2 vols., Harpers, 1843.

Priestley, Herbert, Mexican Nation: a History, N. Y., Macmillan, 1923.

Best short history, including all periods.

—— Modern Mexican History, Syllabus No. 6, N. Y., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1920; Supplement 1925.

Reed, John, Insurgent Mexico, N. Y., Appleton, 1914.

Rippy, James Fred, United States and Mexico, N. Y., Knopf, 1926.

—— Mexican Problem, Bulletin Louisiana State University, March, 1927, pp. 19–22.

Ross, E. A., Social Revolution in Mexico, N. Y., Century, 1923.

Schnitzler, Hermann, Republic of Mexico, Its Commerce, Agriculture and Industries, London, Hutchinson, 1924.

Saenz, Moises, and Priestley, H. I., Some Mexican Problems, University of Chicago Press, 1926.

Secretaria de Hacienda, Mexican Year Books, 1908, 1911 and 1914, Mexico City, New York, and London,

Published during Diaz and Huerta administrations,

Seminar on Relations with Mexico, Stenographic Report, Herbert Herring, Boston, 1927.

Stuart, Graham, Latin America and the United States, N. Y., Century, 1922.

Survey, Graphic, May, 1924.

Contains articles by Felipe Carrillo, Jose Vasconcelos, Roberto Haberman, Frank Tannenbaum and other authorities upon Mexico.

Tannenbaum, Frank, Present Conditions in Mexico, The Standard (American Ethical Union), February, 1927, pp. 161–6.

Taylor, Alva W., Report of Interviews Obtained in the City of Mexico, 1926, Indianapolis, 1926.

Trowbridge, E. D., Mexico To-day and To-morrow, N, Y., Macmillan, 1919.

United States Congress, 37th, 2nd Session, House Document No. 100.

—— 38th, 2nd Session, Senate Executive Document No. 11.

—— 66th, 2nd Session, Senate Document, Investigation of Mexican Affairs. Report of Fall Committee.

—— 69th, 1st Session, Senate Document No. 26, Correspondence between United States and Mexican Governments, October, 1925, to March, 1926.

United States Daily, May 10–20, 1926.

Contains reprint of diplomatic correspondence between the United States and Mexico, May, 1921, to March, 1923, and proposed treaty of commerce and amity.

United States Department of State, Proceedings of United States and Mexican Commission, May 14 to August 15, 1923, and texts of Claims Conventions.

—— Correspondence between United States and Mexican Governments, July to November, 1926.

United States Foreign Relations, 1910 to 1914, Washington, Government Printing Office.

Vasconcelos, Jose, and Gamio, Manuel, Aspects of Mexican Civilization, University of Chicago Press, 1926.

Walling, W. E., Mexican Present Struggle for Land Reform, Current History, April, 1925.

Ward, H. G., Mexico, London, Colburn, 1829.