Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume III/Rufinus/Commentary on the Apostles' Creed/Sectino 27

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27. Next it is written that “He gave up the ghost.”[1] This also had been foretold, by the Prophet, who says, addressing the Father in the Person of the Son, “Into Thy hands I commend My Spirit.”[2] He is related also to have been buried, and a great stone laid at the door of the sepulchre. Hear what the word of prophecy foretold by Jeremiah concerning this also, “They have cut off my life in the pit, and have laid a stone upon Me.”[3] These words of the Prophet point most plainly to His burial. Here are yet others, “The righteous hath been taken away from beholding iniquity, and his place is in peace.”[4] And in another place, “I will give the malignant for his burial;”[5] and yet once more, “He hath lain down and slept as a lion, and as a lion’s whelp; who shall rouse Him up?”[6]


  1. Mark xv. 37
  2. Ps. xxxi. 5
  3. Lam. iii. 53
  4. Isa. lvii. 1, 2
  5. Isa. liii. 9, LXX.
  6. Gen. xlix. 9