Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume XII/Gregory the Great/Register of Epistles/Book V/Chapter 18

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Epistle XXXIX.

To Anastasius, Bishop[1].

Gregory to Anastasius, Bishop of Antioch.

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will (Luke ii. 14), because that great river which once had left the rocks of Antioch dry has returned at length to its proper channel, and waters the subject valleys that are near, so as also to bring forth fruit, some thirty-fold, some sixty-fold, and some an hundred-fold.  For now there is no doubt that many flowers of souls are growing up in its valleys, and that they will come even to ripe fruit through the streams of your tongue.  Wherefore with voice of heart and mouth from our inmost soul we render due

praise to Almighty God, and rejoice in your Blessedness, not with you only, but with all who are subject to you.  I have received the letters of your Holiness, to me most sweet and pleasant, while we ourselves, if I may so speak, are sweating under the same toil with you.  And indeed I know how heavy must be to thee the burden of external cares after those heights of rest, wherein with the hand of the heart thou wert touching heavenly secrets.  But remember that thou rulest an Apostolic See, and assuagest sorrow the more readily from being made all things to all men.  In the Books of Kings, as your accomplished Holiness knows, a certain man is described who used either hand for the right hand (1 Chron. xii. 2).  And, with regard to this, I am not doubtful about the lord Anastasius, of old my most sweet and most holy patron, that, while he draws earthly works to heavenly profit, he turns the left hand to the right hand’s use; so that his heavenly intentness may accomplish its work, so to speak, with the right hand, and also, when he is led in his care of temporal things towards the interests of justice, the left hand may acquire the strength of the right.

And indeed these things cannot be without heavy labour and trouble.  But let us remember the labours of those who went before us; and what we endure will not be hard.  For We must through many tribulations enter into the kingdom of God (Acts xiv. 22).  And, We were pressed out of measure, yea and above strength, insomuch that we were weary even of life.  But we ourselves, too, had the answer of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves (2 Cor. i. 8, 9).  And yet The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the supervening glory which shall be revealed in us (Rom. viii. 18).  How then can we that are weak sheep pass without labour through the heat of this world wherein we know that even rams have suffered under heavy toil?

Further, what tribulations I suffer in this land from the swords of the Lombards, from the iniquities of judges, from the press of business, from the care of subjects, and also from bodily affliction, I am unable to express either by pen or tongue.  Concerning which things even though I might say something briefly, I hesitate, lest to your most holy Charity, while afflicted by your own tribulations, I should add mine also.  But may Almighty God both in the abundance of His loving-kindness fill the mind of your most holy Blessedness with all comfort, and grant at some time, on account of your intercession, to unworthy me to rest from these evils which I suffer.  Amen.  Grace.  These words, as you see, taken from what you had written, I insert in my epistles, that your Blessedness may perceive with regard to Saint Ignatius that he is not only yours, but also ours[2].  For, as we have his master, the Prince of the apostles in common, so also no one of us ought to have to himself alone the disciple of this same Prince[3].  Moreover, we have received your blessing[4], which is of sweet smell and of a good savour, with the feelings that were due to it.  And we give thanks to Almighty God that what you do, what you say, and what you give, is fragrant and savoury.  For your life therefore let us say together, let us say all, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men of good will.


  1. See I. 7, note 5.  Anastasius had now been recently restored to his patriarchal see.
  2. The expression is found in the spurious, but not in what are held to be the genuine, epistles of St. Ignatius.
  3. For Gregory’s view of Antioch having been St. Peter’s see previously to his presiding over that of Rome, and of the sees of Rome, Alexandria, and Antioch jointly representing the see of the Prince of the Apostle’s, see especially VII. 40.  Cf. also VI. 60; VIII. 2; X. 35.
  4. Benedictio, meaning a present.  See IV. 31, note 9.