Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers: Series II/Volume XII/Gregory the Great/Register of Epistles/Book V/Chapter 9

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Epistle XIX.

To Sabinianus, Deacon[1].

Gregory to Sabinianus, &c.

In the cause of our brother the most reverend John, bishop of Constantinople, I have been unwilling to write two letters.  But one I have drawn up briefly, which may seem to combine both requisites; that is to say, both honesty and kindness.

Let therefore thy Love take care to give him this letter which I have now addressed to him in compliance with the wish of the Emperor.  For in the sequel another will be sent him such as his pride will not rejoice in.  For he has come even to this; that, taking occasion of the case of John the presbyter, he transmitted hither the acts, wherein almost in every line he called himself οἰκουμενικὸν (œcumenical) patriarch.  But I hope in Almighty God that the Supernal Majesty will confound his hypocrisy.  But I wonder how he could so deceive thy Love as that thou shouldest allow the lord Emperor to be persuaded to write to me himself concerning this matter, admonishing me to have peace with him.  For, if the lord Emperor wishes to observe justice, he ought to have admonished him to refrain from the proud title, and then at once there would be peace between us.  I suspect, however, that thou hast not all considered with what cunningness this has been done by our aforesaid brother John.  For it is for this purpose that he has done it; that the lord Emperor might be obeyed, and so he himself might seem to be confirmed in his vanity, or that I might not obey him, and so his mind might be irritated against me.  But we will keep to the right way, fearing nothing in this cause except the Almighty Lord.  Wherefore let thy Love be in nothing afraid.  All things that you see to be lofty in this world against the truth in behalf of the truth despise; trust in the grace of Almighty God, and the help of the blessed Apostle Peter.  Remember the voice of the Truth, which says, Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John iv. 4); and in this cause whatever has to be done, do it with the utmost authority.  For now that we can in no wise be protected from the swords of our enemies, now that for love of the republic we have lost silver, gold, slaves and clothing, it is too ignominious that through those men we should lose even the faith.  For to assent to that atrocious title is nothing else than to lose the faith.  Wherefore, as I have written to thee already in former letters, never do thou presume to proceed with him[2].


  1. Sabinianus was at this time the pope’s apocrisiarius, or responsalis, at Constantinople.
  2. Cum eo procedere, i.e. in effect, to communicate with him.  Procedere means to approach the altar for celebration.  Cf. III. 57, “ingredientibus diaconibus ut mox procedatur.”