North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 2/Bar Board Referendum

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The referendum ballotting for recommendations to the Supreme Court for the appointment of a successor to Hon. C. J. Fisk on the State Bar Board was closed on the 20th of December. At that time 277 ballots had been cast. The total number of names listed on the ballots was 154. A large number of these received only one or two votes each.

The vote was canvassed by the Secretary and certified, under oath, to the Committee appointed by President Cupler. The Committee then reported to the President and the President to the Supreme Court.

Those receiving ten or more votes each were as follows: Tracy R. Bangs, 15; George Bangs, 12; H. A. Bronson, 10; Horace Bagley, 10; A. W. Cupler, 11; A. G. Divet, 18; S. E. Ellsworth, 13; C. J. Fisk, 194; John Knauf, 22; Aubrey Lawrence, 33; W. A. McIntyre, 10; B. F. Spalding, 14; C. L. Young, 12; Alfred Zuger, 12.

Subsequent to the closing of the ballot 13 additional ballots were received, which did not change the result, and showed the following distribution among those listed above: George Bangs, 1; A. W. Cupler, 1; A. G. Divet, 2; C. J. Fisk 9; John Knauf, 2; W. A. McIntyre, 1.

The members of the Bar Board holding over are S. D. Adams and C. L. Young. Later the appointment of Judge Fisk has been announced.