North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 2/Code Revision

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The President of the State Bar Association appointed a Committee to outline a plan for the revision, compilation, or codification of the statutes. The last compilation was made in 1913, and the last codification in 1895. There have since been held five regular, and two special legislative sessions, resulting in additions to the statutes, of over two thousand pages. The enactments of the Session of 1925 will be included in the compilation.

The Committee consists of Sveinbjorn Johnson, Chairman, Chas. M. Pollock, Fargo, Aubrey Lawrence, Fargo, C. J. Fisk, Minot, Geo A. Bangs, Grand Forks, Ed. Pierce, Sheldon, and S. E. Ellsworth, Jamestown. The Committee met at Fargo on December 20th, and, after canvassing the situation, decided to recommend a compilation of the statutes under the general supervision of the Supreme Court, the Court to make the necessary arrangements for printing and publishing the volume. This plan was successfully carried out in Montana when the latest revision was made. It is understood that Mr. Nestos will include in his message to the Legislature a recommendation that appropriate action be taken for the compilation of the statutes.

Members of the Bar can materially assist the Committee by bringing the facts as to the necessity for the compilation to the attention of their representatives in both houses of the Legislature.

Hon. Sveinbjorn Johnson,
