Orlando Furioso

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Orlando Furioso (1516)
by Ludovico Ariosto, translated by William Stewart Rose

Orlando furioso (The Frenzy of Orlando, more literally Mad Orlando; in Italian furioso is seldom capitalized) is an Italian romantic epic by Ludovico Ariosto which has exerted a wide influence on later culture. The earliest version appeared in 1516, although the poem was not published in its complete form until 1532. The action takes place against the background of the war between Charlemagne and his Christian paladins, and the Saracen army which is attempting to invade Europe. However, Ariosto has little concern for historical or geographical accuracy, and the poem wanders at will from Japan to the Hebrides, as well as including many fantastical and magical elements, such as a trip to the moon and an array of fantastical creatures including a gigantic sea monster called the orc and the hippogriff. There have been several verse translations of Orlando Furioso into English. William Stewart Rose produced an eight volume translation beginning publication in 1823 and ending in 1831.

Ludovico Ariosto185879Orlando Furioso1516William Stewart Rose


  1. Canto I
  2. Canto II
  3. Canto III
  4. Canto IV
  5. Canto V
  6. Canto VI
  7. Canto VII
  8. Canto VIII
  9. Canto IX
  10. Canto X
  11. Canto XII
  12. Canto XII
  13. Canto XIII
  14. Canto XIV
  15. Canto XV
  16. Canto XVI
  17. Canto XVII
  18. Canto XVIII
  19. Canto XIX
  20. Canto XX
  21. Canto XXI
  22. Canto XXII
  23. Canto XXIII
  24. Canto XXIV
  25. Canto XXV
  26. Canto XXVI
  27. Canto XXVII
  28. Canto XXVIII
  29. Canto XXIX
  30. Canto XXX
  31. Canto XXXI
  32. Canto XXXII
  33. Canto XXXIII
  34. Canto XXXIV
  35. Canto XXXV
  36. Canto XXXVI
  37. Canto XXXVII
  38. Canto XXXVIII
  39. Canto XXXIX
  40. Canto XL
  41. Canto XLI
  42. Canto XLII
  43. Canto XLIII
  44. Canto XLIV
  45. Canto XLV
  46. Canto XLVI