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drawing, engraving, or photograph of an architectural work of art;

(3)joint publication of excerpts or translations of reasonable length from literary or artistic works for the purposes of education, science, or compilation of literary works, or reproduction of artistic pictures and photographs when such reproduction is for explanation of textual descriptions, provided that this must be accompanied by a statement of the sources of the copyrighted works;

(4)publication in a journal of the following, namely, reports, lectures or other addresses, or sermons delivered to the public, or arguments made in legal proceedings, provided that the authors have the exclusive right to public them by other means.

Section21.Whoever does the following shall, His Majesty declares, be deemed to commit infringement of copyright, namely—

(a)selling, or letting, or commercially displaying, offering for sale, or offering for hire, or

(b)distributing for commercial purposes, or

(c)commercially displaying to the public, or

(d)ordering to be brought into the Kingdom for sale or hire—