Page:กม ร ๗ - ๒๔๗๔.pdf/160

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a literary or artistic work with the knowledge that the literary or artistic work has been produced through infringement of copyright.

Section22.If copyright is infringed, His Majesty declares that the owner shall be entitled to remedy by applying for injunction, liquidation, or others according to the laws regarding infringement of rights.

In a copyright infringement case, His Majesty requires that the literary or artistic work in question be presumed to be copyrighted and the instituting party be presumed to be the copyright owner, save where the defending party puts in issue the ownership over the copyright or the rights of the instituting party. If such an issue exists, His Majesty declares as follows:

(a)if a name claimed to be the name of the owner is printed or displayed in a usual manner and it cannot be proved otherwise, His Majesty requires that the person whose name is thus printed or displayed be presumed to be the author of the artistic object or photograph in question; an affixed unique symbol of the author shall have the have effect as a name;

(b)if no name is printed or displayed, or if the name printed or displayed is not a name belonging or generally known to