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Volume 125, Special Issue 144D
Page 4
Royal Gazette

2 September 2551

Issued Under Section 9 of the Emergency Decree on
Public Administration in State of Emergency,
2548 BE

Now that a state of emergency has been announced in the area of Bangkok;

In order to enable the resolution of the state of emergency so that it be put to an end expeditiously, the Prime Minister hereby issues the following ordinance by virtue of the power under section 9 of the Emergency Decree on Public Administration in State of Emergency, 2548 BE—a law containing certain provisions relating to the restriction of personal rights and freedoms, which section 29 together with section 32, section 33, section 34, section 36, section 38, section 41, section 43, section 45, and section 63 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand, permits to be done through the power under a legal provision:

1.The assembly or gathering of five or more persons in any place within the area of Bangkok, or the commission of any act which instigates unrest, shall be prohibited.

2.The presentation of news or the distribution or circulation of newspapers, printed material, or any other media containing information which may bring about fear to the public or which is intentionally distorted for causing misunderstanding as to the state of emergency to the degree that affects the security of the State or the order or good morals of the public, shall be prohibited throughout the Kingdom.

3.The use of communication routes or the use of vehicles shall be prohibited, or the use of communication routes or the use of vehicles shall be subject to conditions. This shall be as designated by the chief officer responsible for the resolution of the state of emergency.

4.The use of buildings, or the entry to or stay in any places, or the entry to any zones shall be prohibited. This shall be as designated by the chief officer responsible for the resolution of the state of emergency.

5.The public shall be evacuated from designated zones for the sake of public safety or the entry thereto by anyone shall be prohibited. This shall be as designated by the chief officer responsible for the resolution of the state of emergency.