Page:ประกาศ คปค.djvu/56

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Schedule 8
Application for decorations for military public servants

No Ranks Decorations applied for Conditions and time limits for promotion of classes Notes
Minimum class Maximum class
1 Lance corporal, petty officer third class, leading aircraftman Order of the Crown of Thailand, silver medal Applications can only be made in special cases.
  1. Must have been in service for a consecutive period of not less than five full years, counted from the day of commencement of the service up to at least the 60th day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
  2. As for graduates from a military school, the period of service shall be counted from the day of being registered as members of the regular force during education at the school.
  3. The criteria governing holders of ranks shall also apply to holders of acting ranks.
  4. As for No 6 for whom a period of five years is required for promotion of classes, this means the rank concerned must have been held for a total period of not less than five full years up to at least the 60th day before His Majesty’s birthday in the year of the application.
2 Army corporal, petty officer second class, air force corporal Order of the White Elephant, silver medal
3 Army sergeant, petty officer first class, air force sergeant Order of the Crown of Thailand, gold medal
  • Sergeant major third class, chief petty officer third class, fight sergeant third class
  • Sergeant major second class, chief petty officer second class, fight sergeant second class
  • Sergeant major first class, chief petty officer first class, fight sergeant first class
Order of the White Elephant, gold medal Order of the Crown of Thailand, fifth class
  1. Applications shall start at the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
5 Sergeant major first class, chief petty officer first class, or fight sergeant first class with salary at the rate of special major first class, special chief petty officer first class, or special fight sergeant first class Order of the White Elephant, gold medal Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class
  1. Applications shall start at the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant.
  2. Upon having been conferred with the gold medal of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant[1] for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  4. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
6 Second lieutenant, sub-lieutenant, pilot officer Order of the Crown of Thailand, fifth class Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class
  1. Applications shall start at the fifth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
  2. Upon having held the rank of second lieutenant, sublieuteant, or pilot officer for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the firth class of the Order of the White Elephant.
  3. Upon having been conferred with the fifth class of the Order of the White Elephant for not less than five full years, eligible to apply for the fourth class of the Order of the Crown of Thailand.
7 Army lieutenant, lieutenant junior grade, flying officer Order of the Crown of Thailand, fourth class
8 Army captain, naval lieutenant, flight lieutenant Order of the White Elephant, fourth class
9 Major, lieutenant commander, squadron leader Order of the Crown of Thailand, third class
10 Lieutenant colonel, commander, wing commander Order of the White Elephant, third class
11 Colonel, naval captain, group captain Order of the Crown of Thailand, second class
12 Colonel, naval captain, or group captain with salary at the rate of special colonel, special naval captain, or special group captain Order of the White Elephant, second class
  1. See Errata. (Wikisource contributor note)