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Volume 139, Number 66A
Page 47
Royal Gazette

25 October 2565

(a)persons of recognised knowledge, expertise, and experience in the field of human rights, who are two in number, and those in the fields of law and forensic science, one from each field;

(b)a forensic physician, who is one in number, and a psychiatric physician, who is one in number.

The Director General of the Department of Rights and Liberties Protection shall serve as its member and secretary, and the Director General of the Department of Rights and Liberties Protection shall appoint public servants at the Department of Rights and Liberties Protection, numbering not more than two, as his assistant secretaries.

Section15.A member under section 14(4) must possess the following qualifications and must not be attacked by the following disqualifications:

(1)being of the Thai nationality;

(2)not being a bankrupt or having been a bankrupt on grounds of dishonesty;

(3)not being an incompetent or quasi-incompetent person;

(4)not being a holder of a political position, a local councillor, a local executive, or a member of the board of or a holder of an executive position in a political party;

(5)not being suspended from the public service or temporarily removed from the public service;

(6)not having once been expelled, dismissed, or discharged from the public service, from a state agency, or from a state enterprise on grounds of breach of discipline;

(7)not having once been sentenced to a penalty of imprisonment by a final judgment of imprisonment or[1] a final judgment of imprisonment with suspension of the infliction of the penalty or suspension of the designation of the penalty, save where the penalty was for an offence committed through negligence, petty offence, or offence of defamation;

(8)not having once been subjected to a judicial judgment or order for seizure of property to the State on grounds of unusual wealth or unusual increase of property.

Section16.A member under section 14(4) holds his position for a term of four years.

Upon completion of the term under paragraph 1, if no new member is yet appointed, the member who has retired from the position by rotation shall remain in the position in order to continue the duties until a newly appointed member assumes the duties.

A member who has retired from his position by rotation may be reappointed, but he shall not hold the position for more than two consecutive terms.

  1. Originally, "including".