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Volume 139, Issue 66A
Page 48
Royal Gazette

25 October 2565

Section17.Apart from retirement by rotation, a member under section 14(4) retires from his position upon—



(3)discharge by the Council of Ministers on grounds of poor performance of or unfaithfulness to the duties, failure of good behaviour, or lack of ability;

(4)lack of a qualification or attack by a disqualification according to section 15.

Section18.In the event where a member under section 14(4) retires from his position before his term ends, a member shall be appointed to fill the vacant position within sixty days, save where the remaining term of the member is less than ninety days, in which case the appointment of a replacing member may be withheld. And the person who has been appointed to fill the vacant position shall be in such position for the remaining term of the members already appointed.

In the event where a member under section 14(4) retires from his position before his term ends, the Commission shall consist of all the existing members until a member is appointed in accordance with paragraph 1.

Section19.The Commission has the following duties and powers:

(1)to submit opinions to the Council of Ministers or state agencies for improvement of laws, regulations, rules, or other necessary measures under this Act;

(2)to designate policies, work plans, and measures for prevention and suppression of torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, and enforced disappearance;

(3)to designate inclusive policies and measures on the rehabilitation and remedy of the physical and mental conditions of the injured persons, with a view to restoring them to their original state as much as possible;

(4)to designate with the approval of the Ministry of Finance the criteria and procedure for the provision of financial and mental assistances and remedies to the injured persons and the provision of long-term medical rehabilitation to the injured persons;

(5)to designate measures for prevention of the commission of the offences and the concealment of the holding of persons in custody, as well as measures for protection of givers of information about the commission of the offences under this Act;