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Volume 139, Number 66A
Page 49
Royal Gazette

25 October 2565

(6)to examine information and facts as to acts of torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, or enforced disappearance in accordance with this Act, and to receive, follow up, and examine complaints;

(7)to consider reports on the situations of the torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment, and enforced disappearance, and annual reports on performance outcomes, and submit them to the Council of Ministers to further be submitted to the House of Representatives and the Senate and disseminated to the public for general knowledge;

(8)to appoint advisors or subcommissions for the performance of works as assigned by the Commission;

(9)to lay down rules or announcements relating to the costs incurred in the performance of duties and other costs, with the approval of the Ministry of Finance;

(10)to lay down other rules for the execution of this Act.

Section20.At a meeting of the Commission, the members in attendance must not be less than one half of the total number of the members in order that a quorum be met.

At a meeting of the Commission, if the president is absent or unable to carry out his duties, the vice president shall preside over the meeting. If the vice president is absent or is unable to carry out his duties, the meeting shall select one of the members to preside over the meeting.

A decision or verdict of a meeting shall be based on a majority of votes. In casting of votes, one member shall have one vote. If there is a parity of votes, the president of the meeting shall give one additional vote as a casting vote.

Section21.The Department of Rights and Liberties Protection shall be responsible for the administrative works of the Commission, and shall have the following duties and powers:

(1)to coordinate and cooperate with relevant public bodies, state agencies, and private entities in searching for, tracking down, and rescuing victims,

(2)to encourage the participation of relevant public bodies, state agencies, and private entities in the prevention and suppression of torture, cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, and enforced disappearance;