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Volume 125, Number 30A
Page 21
Royal Gazette

7 February 2551

(1)⁠the child may be given admonition or warning and then released, and if the court finds it appropriate, it may summon the father, mother, guardian, or person with whom the child resides to appear and receive warning also;

(2)if the court finds that the father, mother, or guardian is still able to take care of the child, the court may issue an order entrusting the child to the father, mother, or guardian, laying down an ordinance requiring the father, mother, or guardian to prevent the child from causing an unfavourable incident throughout the time designated by the court, which must not be over three years, and designating an amount of money as may be found appropriate, but not over ten thousand baht, which the father, mother, or guardian will have to pay to the court every time the child causes the unfavourable incident;

if the child resides with another person than the father, mother, or guardian, and the court finds that it is not appropriate to summon the father, mother, or guardian to appear and attend the laying down of such an ordinance as said above, the court may summon the person with whom the child resides to appear, and ask him if he would accept an ordinance similar to one prescribed for the father, mother, or guardian as said above; if the person with whom the child resides accepts such ordinance, the court shall issue an order entrusting the child to such person and laying down the said ordinance;

(3)⁠in the event that the court entrusts the child to the father, mother, guardian, or person with whom the child resides according to (2), the court may also designate for the child the same conditions for supervision of behaviour as those prescribed in section 56; in such event, the court shall appoint a probation official or any other official to supervise the behaviour of the child;

(4)⁠if the child has no father, mother, or guardian, or has one whom the court, however, finds unable to take care of the child, or if the child resides with another person than the father, mother, or guardian, and the person does not accept such ordinance as said in (2), the court may issue an order entrusting the child to a person or organisation that the court finds appropriate for the purpose of providing care, instruction, and teaching for a period of time designated by the court, when the person or organisation consents thereto; in such event, the person or organisation shall have the power as a guardian only for the purpose of providing care, instruction, and teaching, as well as for designating the residence and arranging for the child to carry out work as appropriate; or the welfare protection under the law thereon may be implemented for the child; or

(5)⁠the child may be committed to a school, or place of training and instruction, or place set up for training and instructing children, throughout a period of time designated by the court but not longer than the day the child completes the eighteenth year of age."

Section7.The stipulations of section 75 and section 76 of the Penal Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations: