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Volume 125, Number 30A
Page 22
Royal Gazette

7 February 2551

"Section75.Whoever aged above fifteen years but under eighteen years commits an act which the law prescribes to be an offence may be dealt with in accordance with section 74, if the court finds it inappropriate to adjudge him to punishment after considering his sense of right and wrong and all other things relating to him in order to rule as to whether he should be adjudged to punishment, or may have the scale of punishment designated for his offence deceased by one half, if the court finds it appropriate to adjudge him to punishment.

Section76.Whoever aged above eighteen years or but still not over twenty years commits an act which the law prescribes to be an offence may have the scale of punishment designated for his offence decreased by one third or one half, if the court finds it appropriate."

Section8.The stipulations of section 94 of the Penal Code shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations:

"Section94.Negligent offences, petty offences, and offences committed by offenders whilst aged under eighteen years, whether committed on previous occasions or on subsequent occasions, are not deemed to be offences for which the punishment can be increased in accordance with the stipulations of this chapter."

General Surayud Chulanont
Prime Minister