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Volume 136, Issue 69A
Page 132
Royal Gazette

27 May 2562

"Section285.If the offence under section 276, section 277, section 277bis, section 277ter, section 278, section 279, section 280, section 282, or section 283 is committed against his ascendant, his descendant, his full or half brother or sister, his consanguineous relative, a pupil under his care, a person kept under his control by virtue of an official duty, a person under his guardianship, custodianship, or curatorship, or a person otherwise subjected to his power, the offender shall be punished one-third more heavily than that prescribed in such section."

Section13.The following stipulations shall be inserted in the Penal Code as section 285/2:

"Section285/2.If the offence under section 276, section 277, section 277bis, section 277ter, section 278, or section 279 is committed against a person incapable of self-defence owing to infirmity, mental defect, mental disease, or mental disorder, an ailing person, a senile person, a pregnant woman, or a person in a state of inability to discern right from wrong, the offender shall be punished one-third more heavily than that provided in such section."

Section14.The stipulations of section 286 of the Penal Code, which have been amended by the Act Amending the Penal Code (No. 26), 2560 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations:

"Section286.Whoever commits the following by any means shall be punished with imprisonment not over twenty years and a fine not over four hundred thousand baht, or life imprisonment:

(1)assisting, facilitating, or protecting the prostitution of another person;

(2)deriving benefit of any form from the prostitution of another person or from a prostitute;

(3)forcing, threatening, deceiving, or exercising influence over another person or accepting another person into employment for prostitution;

(4)arranging for prostitution between a prostitute and a client;[1]

(5)concealing or misrepresenting the source of the income or property obtained through prostitution;

(6)being together with or associating with one or several prostitutes habitually and being unable to demonstrate the source of the income for his own living;[2]

(7)obstructing the operations of an agency in charge of preventing, controlling, assisting, or educating a prostitute, a person who is to engage in prostitution, or a person who is likely to be harmed by prostitution.[3]

  1. Literally, "a service user".
  2. Compare article 225-6 of the French Penal Code: "3° being unable to account for an income compatible with one's lifestyle while living with a person habitually engaged in prostitution or while entertaining a habitual relationship with one or more persons engaging in prostitution" (Spencer, 2005, p. 51).
  3. Compare article 225-6 of the French Penal Code: "4° obstructing operations of prevention, control, assistance or re-education undertaken by institutions qualified to deal with persons in danger of prostitution or engaging in prostitution" (Spencer, 2005, p. 51).