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Number 7, Volume 65
Royal Gazette

3 February 2491

(Interim) dated 9 November 2490 Buddhist Era as subsections (8), (9), (10), and (11), respectively:

"(8)the making of an amendment to the Constitution, according to the stipulations of section 93;

(9)the election of Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, according to the stipulations of section 95bis;

(10)the establishment of regulations on the procedure for applying for candidacies and the procedure for electing Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly, according to the stipulations of section 94quater;

(11)the discussion of a draft constitution, according to the stipulations of section 95sexies".

Section4.The stipulations of section 87 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand (Interim) dated 9 November 2490 Buddhist Era shall be repealed and replaced by the following stipulations: