Opium may be imported free of duty, but can only be sold to the opium farmer or his agents. In the event of no arrangement being effected with them, for the sale of the opium, it shall be re-exported, and no import or duty shall be levied thereon. Any infringement of this regulation shall subject the opium to seizure and confiscation.
Articles of export from the time of production to the date of shipment, shall pay one impost only, whether this be levied under the name of inland tax, transit duty, or duty on exportation. The tax or duty to be paid on each article of Siamese produce, previous to, or upon exportation, is specified in the Tariff attached to this Treaty; and it is distinctly agreed, that goods or produce which pay any description of tax in the interipr, shall be exempted from any further payment of duty on exportation.
English merchants are to be allowed to purchase directly from the producer, the articles in which they trade, and in like manner to sell their goods directly to the parties wishing to purchase the same without the interference in either case of any other person.
The rates of duty laid down in the Tariff, attached to this Treaty, are those that are now paid, upon goods or produce, shipped in Siamese or Chinese vessels or junks, and it is agrees that British shipping shall enjoy all the privileges now exercised by, or which hereafter may be granted to Siamese or Chinese vessels or junks.
British subjects will be allowed to build ships in Siam, on obtaining permission to do so from the Siamese authorities.
Whenever a scarcity may be apprehended of Salt, Rice and Fish, the Siamese Government reserve to themselves the right of prohibiting, by public proclamation, the exportation of these articles.
Bullion or personal effects, may be imported or exported free of charge.
Article IX.
The Code of Regulations apprehended to this Treaty, shall be enforced by the Consul, with the co-operation of the Siamese authorities; and they, the said authorities and Consul, shall be enabled to introduce any further regulations, which may be found necessary, in order to give effect to the objects of this Treaty.