month of the one thousand two hundred and seventeenth year of the Siamese Civil era.
John Bowring.
(Signatures and seals of the five Siamese Plenipotentiaries.)

General Regulations under which British Trade is to be conducted in Siam.
Regulation I.
The master of every English ship coming to Bangkok to trade, must, either before or after entering the river, as may be found convenient, report the arrival of his vessel at the custom-house at Paknam, together with the number of his crew and guns, and the port from whence he comes. Upon anchoring his vessel at Paknam, he will deliver into the custody of the custom-house officers all his guns and ammunitions, and a custom-house officer will then be appointed to the vessel, and will proceed in her to Bangkok.
Regulation II.
A vessel passing Paknam without discharging her guns and ammunitions as directed in the foregoing regulation, will be sent back to Paknam to comply with its provisions, and will be fined 800 ticals for having so disobeyed. After delivery of her guns and ammunitions she will be permitted to return to Bangkok to trade.
Regulation III.
When a British vessel shall have cast anchor at Bangkok, the master, unless a Sunday should intervene, will, within four and twenty hours after arrival, proceed to the British Consulate, and deposit there his ships's papers, bills of lading, &c., together with a true manifest of his import cargo; and upon the Consul's reporting these particulars to the