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Page:สัญญากรุงเทพฯ กับกรุงอังกฤษเป็นทางไมตรีค้าขายกัน (๒๓๓๙).pdf/25

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Tical. Salung. Fuang. Per picul.
39. Elephant's hides 0 1 0 "
40. Tiger skins per skin 0 1 0 "
41. Armadillo skins 4 0 0 "
42. Sticklac 1 1 0 "
43. Hemp 1 2 0 "
44. Dried fish, Plaheng 1 2 0 "
45. Ditto, Plasalit 1 0 0 "
Tical. Salung. Fuang. Per picul.
46. Sapan wood 0 2 1 "
47. Salt meat 2 0 0 "
48. Mangrove bark 0 1 0 "
49. Rosewood 0 2 0 "
50. Ebony 1 1 0 "
51. Rice per koyan 4 0 0 "

Section II.

The undermentioned Articles being subject to the Inland or Transit Duties herein named, and which shall not be increased, shall be exempt from Export Duty:

52. Sugar, white 0 2 0 "
53. Ditto, red 0 1 0 "
54. Cotton, clean and uncleaned 10 per cent
55. Pepper 1 0 0 "
56. Salt-fish, Platu 1 tic. per 10,000
57. Beans and Peas One-twelfth.
58. Dried Prawns One-twelfth.
59. Tilseed One-twelfth.
60. Silk, raw One-twelfth.
61. Bees'-wax One-fifteenth.
62. Tallow 1 0 0 "
63. Salt, per koyan 6 0 0
64. Tobacco, 100 bundles 1 2 0

Section III.

All goods or produce unenumerated in this Tariff shall be free of Export Duty, and shall only be subject to one Inland Tax or Transit Duty, not exceeding the rate now paid.

John Bowring.
(Signatures and seals of the five Siamese Plenipotentiaries.)

N.B. The true value of the Siamese Tical or Bart is 2s. 6d. Sterling or nearly 57 cents. It usually costs by way of Exchange about 60 cents.