not sufficiently clear, should be fully explained. To this end they have agreed to, and concluded, the following twelve Articles:—
Article 1.
On the Old Treaty Concluded in 1826.
The Articles of the old Treaty not abrogated by the new Treaty are 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 13, and 14, and the undermentioned clauses of Articles 6 and 10.
In Article 6, the Siamese desire to retain the following clause: "If a Siamese or English merchant buy or sell, without inquiring and ascertaining whether the seller or buyer be of a good or bad character; and if he meet with a bad man who takes the property and absconds, the Rulers and Officers on either side must make search and endeavor to produce the property of the absconder, and investigate the matter with sincerity. If the party possess money or property, he can be made to pay; but if he does not possess any, or if he cannot be apprehended, it will be the merchant⟨'⟩s own fault, and the Authorities cannot be held responsible."
Of Article 10, Mr Parkes desires to retain that clause relating to the Overland Trade, which states: "Asiatic Merchants of the English Countries not being Burmese, Peguans, or descendants of Europeans, desiring to enter into and to trade with the Siamese Dominions from the countries of Mergui, Tavoy, Tenasserim and Ye which are now subject to the English, will be allowed to do so freely overland and by water, upon the English furnishing them with proper certificates."
Mr Parkes, however, desires that all British subjects without exception shall be allowed to participate in this Overland trade. The said Royal Commissioners therefore agree, on the part of the Siamese, that all Traders under British Rule, may cross from the British territories of Mergui, Tavoy, Ye, Tenasserim, Pegu, or other places by land or by water, to the Siamese territories, and may trade there with facility, on the condition that they shall be provided by the British Authorities with proper certificates, which must be renewed for each journey.