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1-14]] a third Psalm is here added, belonging to the time of the persecution by Absolom. In this Psalm, also, the drawing towards the sanctuary of God cannot be lost sight of; and in addition thereto we have the intercession of the anointed one, when personally imperilled, on behalf of the people who are equally in need of help, - an intercession which can only be rightly estimated in connection with the circumstances of that time. Like Psa 27:1-14 this, its neighbour, also divides into two parts; these parts, however, though their lines are of a different order, nevertheless bear a similar poetic impress. Both are composed of verses consisting of two and three lines. There are many points of contact between this Psalm and Psa 27:1-14; e.g., in the epithet applied to God, מעוז; but compare also Psa 28:3 with Psa 26:9; Psa 28:2 with Psa 31:23; Psa 28:9 with Psa 29:11. The echoes of this Psalm in Isaiah are very many, and also in Jeremiah.