Page:1644 Anabaptist Confession of Faith.djvu/20

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And every particular member of each Church, how excellent, great, or learned foever, ought to be fubject to this cenfure and judgement of Chrift; and the Church ought with great care and renderneffe, with due advice to proceed against her members.

Mat. 18.16, 17, 18. A&t. 11. 2,3. I Tim. 5.19, 20, 21,


And as Chrift for the keeping of this Church in holy and orderly Communion, placeth fome fpeciall men over the Church, who by their office are to governe, overfee, vifit, watch; fo likewife for the better keeping thereof in all places, by the members, he hath given bauthoritie, and laid dutie upon all, to watch over one another.

  1. Alts 20.17, 28. Heb.13.17.24 Mat. 24. 25. I Thef.5.14. b Mark. 13. 34.37. Gal. 6.1. 1 Thef. 5.1. Jude ver.3.20 Heb.10.34,35 & 11.15.


That alfo fuch to whom God hath given gifts, being tryed in the Church, may and ought by the appointment of the Congregation, to prophefie,according to the proportion of faith, and fo to teach publickly the Word of God, for the edification, exhortation, and comfort of the Church.

1.Cor.clia. Rom 12,6 1 Pet,410,tr 1 Cor. 12.7. • Thef. 5.17, 18, 19.


Thus being rightly gathered,eftablished,and ftill proceeding in Chriftian communion, and obedience of the Gofpel of Chrift, none ought to feparate for faults and corruptions, which may, and as long as the Church confifts of men fubject to failings, will fall out and arife amongst them, even in true conftituted Churches, untill they have in due order fought redreffe thereof.

Rev. 2. & 3. Chapters. A&ts 15.12 1 Cor.1. 1o. Ephef. 2.16. & 3.15.16. Heb. 10. 25 Jude verf. 15. Matth. 18.17.

  1. Cor.f