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be their duties to establish,which we for the prefent could not fee,nor our confciences could fubmit unto; yet are we bound to yeeld our perfons to their pleaſures.


And if God fhould provide fuch a mercie for us, as to incline the Magiftrates hearts fo for to tender our con- fciences, as that we might bee protected by them from wrong, injury,oppreffion and moleftation, which long we formerly have groaned under by the tyranny and oppref- fion of the Prelaticall Hierarchy, which God through mercy hath made this prefent King and Parliament won- derfull honourable, as an inftrument in his hand,to throw downe; and we thereby have had fome breathing time, we fhall, we hope, look at it as a mercy beyond our expe- &tation, and conceive our felves further engaged for ever to bleffe God for it.

Tim. 2.2,3,4. Pfal. 126. 1. A&$9.31.


But if God with-hold the Magiftrates allowance and furtherance herein; yet we muft notwithstanding pro- ceed together in Chriftian communion, not daring to give place to fufpend our practife,but to walk in obedience to Chrift in the profeffion and holding forth this faith be- fore mentioned,even in the midſt of all trialls and affli- &tions, not accounting our goods, lands, wives, children, fathers,mothers, brethren, fifters, yea, and our own lives dear unto us, fo we may finish our courfe with joy: re- membring alwayes we ought to obey God rather then men,and grounding upon the commandement, commiffi- on and promife of our Lord and mafter Jefus Chrift,who

Ads 2.40,41. & 4.19.& 5.38. 29,41.& 10.33. 1 Theff. 3.3. Phil.1.27,28,29. Dan.3.16, 17. & 6,7,10,13, 23. b Matth,28.18, 19, 20. 1 Tim.6.13, 14, 15. Rom.12. 1,8. Cor. 14, 37. Tim. 4.7,8. Rev. 3. 10. Gal, 2.45