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other calamities due to finne in this world and for ever, being confidered in the ftate of nature, without relation to Chrift.


All mankind being thus fallen,and become altogether dead in finnes and trefpaffes, and fubject to the eternall wrath of the great God by tranfgreffion; yet the elect, which God hath loved with an everlafting love, are redeemed, quickned, and faved, not by themfelves, neither by their own workes, left any man fhould boaft himfelfe, but wholly and onely by God of his free grace and mercie through Jefus Chrift, who of God is made unto us wifdome, righteoufneffe, fan&tification and redemption, that as it is written, Hee that rejoyceth, let him rejoyce in the Lord.

a Jer.31.3. b Gen.3.15. Eph.1.3.7. &2,4,9. 1 Theff.5.9. A&ts 13.38. CI Cor.1. 30. 31. a Cor.5.11. Jer.9.33, 24.


This therefore is life eternall, to know the onely true God, and whom he hath fent Jefus Chrift. And on the contrary, the Lord will render vengeance in flaming fire to them that know not God, and obey not the Gofpel of our Lord Iefus Chrift.

a Joh.17.3. Heb. 5.9. Jer.33.5,6. b2 Theff.8. Joh. 3.36.


The Rule of this Knowledge, Faith, and Obedience, concerning the worship and fervice of God, and all other Chriftian duties, is not mans inventions, opinions, devices, lawes, conftitutions, or traditions unwritten whatfoever, but onely the word of God contained in the Canonicall Scriptures.

Joh.5.39. 2 Tim.3.15. 16,17. Col.21.18,23 Matth.15.9.


In this written Word God hath plainly revealed whatfoever he hath thought needfull for us to know, beleeve, and acknowledge, touching the Nature and Office of Chrift, in whom all the promifes, are Yea and Amen to the praife of God.

Acts 323,33. Heb.1.1.3. a Tim.3. 15, 16,17. 1 Cor.1.10.